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Jim Beamreach

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Posts posted by Jim Beamreach

  1. I see there is a splittet Nation.


    The one who are stay on the side of the Lord Protector of all Nations Vicious.

    Then there is a part that dont want to stay with them.


    For me it is fine to get some PVP at Cabo with some of RAE(Spain).


    But i must say we must take a border between Cabo and Pirats, when there are Spanish Ships try to Gank our Ships.

    Then we must take a Border at Key west to saddle down there a few Ships to make a second Border agains Spanish Ships.

    This is the only Reason in my opinion, to go down there and as long Spanish, woud say we can met us there for some PvP.

    Than it coud be fine for Both sides.


    I can not speak for a Nation or all the Players, but i think we can get an agrement for this Situation.

    And for the Westcoast of Florida i can not talk. For me is there at the moment no reason to Saddle down there.

    Then i like it how all in US try to Work together. When we get a bigger Area to protect then we get Overruned because Everybody want to Play in his Little World.

    And the togetherness will not work anymore.


    I hope, we have a few good PvP Battles and dont get over to a dirty War.

  2. 90% of usa ports in the gulf where taken by me when i was USa, i just take back what i did,  so USa have no credit on such ports.




    SORRY will support the spanish , Usa should stay in their shitty corner, you just have taken some empty ports, and already act coky  Lol you never learn dont you?


    So here is the thing i like most, STARS did take the Ports for US. Then they get in a confrontation with the Council. They went Pirat and take the Ports they Capped bevor.

    Who holds the Ports befor STARS?


    There were Spanish. Oh who was working together with Spani ? SORRY (STARS)


    STARS capped Ports from Spain.

    What was not Confirmed with the old Council. (As i know)

    They went to Pirat and come as SORRY.

    Then they make a Contract with Spain and work with them.


    And Spain is proud of that?

    • Like 1
  3. one word




    In case you didnt notice AUSEZ the ozzy BRIT clan holding gulf of mexico for brits, turned pirates (tag [OOPS]  and now are SORRY brothers, you will meet them soon around sunbury, and will not be a pleasant experience trust me 


    Yeah we have seen there one of [OOPS] in the Blackzone in a LGV, we told him to stop and raf his Sails.

    He decides to Sink him self by ram a 3rd of a Clanmate.


    The SU-SheepUp Clan is looking forward and try to crow +11Man.

    I got respect for that what your clan has made and how they are crowing.

    And i hope there gets a bit more advantage on US side.


    God will HELP US to grow i hope.(Holy.... i dont belive in one God).

  4. Könntet ihr mal bitte aufhören all unsere Häfen an der Ostküste einzunehmen? Das verdirbt uns allen den Spielspaß.

    What he says is : Can you please stop taking all Ports on the East-Coast ? It takes the fun away.

    In my opinion he speaks a true word. I spend the most time to farm resources for crafting by my owne. Today i took part in my first Portbattle with a Basic Consti. and not in a 3rd or Imger.

    Cause i got not the Ressources to Rank up on Crafting.

    So i will stay on small ships and will do nothing untill we can get a few Ports and get ressources.

  5. Hallo zusammen,


    also, ich muß sagen, dafür das es gerade erst EA geworden ist, ist es schon sehr gut spielbar und ich bin überaus positiv überrascht. Ich habe in den letzten Jahren die ein oder andere EA-Enttäuschung erlebt (z.B. DayZ, Lords of the Black Sun), aber da Naval Action jetzt bereits jetzt schon gut anzukommen scheint und auch schon recht gut spielbar ist, befürchte ich hier keine Enttäuschung!


    Ich fahre auf PVP one Euro. Vielleicht sieht man sich ja mal!


    Mast- und Schotbruch,

    Euer Harry Wijnvoord


    Dem kann ich mich nur anschliessen was die EA-Entäuschungen angeht.


    Zu mir, ich bin im bereich USA unterwegs auf PVP1.


    Also alzeit gute fahrt.

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