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Posts posted by Tenet

  1. Requirements:

    1. One of the players in your Battle Group will need to have Sextant Perk (2 points)

    2. All the players in your Clan / Alliance will have to use the same Website/Map that shows coordinates scales on the margins of a map window.

    3. Alternatively - you all share the same PDF of a map with the same coordinate lines.

    Voice Call out:

    Instead of calling out "I'm NW of Santa Domingo, 10 minutes of sailing" you can simply look at that Website or PDF or Printed map, and call out:

    "I'm at 123, 456 - come help!" with everyone doing the same thing the have always done - glancing at the third party resource (website, PDF, printout) and knowing exactly where you are. 

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:

    If you want to ask them to implement that, go ahead, but do not ask them to delete the perk sextant. And then, that each one uses the method he wants.

    And do not come with the realism, when nobody protests the fir bellonas that run more than the frigates.

    I agree with both of your requests, but cannot comply, because this thread is in direct opposition to another suggestion that is diametrically opposed. They want F11 coordinates to be removed, and use "realism" as an argument. 

    I would like to hear your opinion on the idea, besides these two caveats on which we agree. Would it be a good addition to the game in your opinion, and do you have any arguments in favor or against the idea? Cheers!

  3. F11 Coordinates currently feel the most like Navigation - you take information from an Action (reading the Sun, Stars, etc) and you plot that into the Netlify map (which happens to look more like a real map than the in-game one. Instead of abandoning this emergent idea, Embrace it and make it part of the game!

    First of all, every Captain is expected to have access to these tools. If there is a perk, it should be an improvement over default (ex: cooldown reduction, accuracy increase).

    Every Captain could get his officers to give him readings, some would get better readings than others. 

    This is one way it can be implemented and themed:

    You press a button to Take Readings (X) and see a picture of your officers/mids using a Sextant or Reading the Stars. 

    You are then provided with 3 sets of readings from your officers, for example:

    Reading 1: 124, 577

    Reading 2: 132, 565

    Reading 3: 143, 560

    These readings are going to be inaccurate - but could be improved with perks and refits or books. You can pick one of the readings, or enter your own guess, and it will be plotted on the map. The frequency of the readings can be limited to once every 10-20 minutes, with perks or items speeding that up.

    This will show a marked location on the map, which should look like the Netlify one, and you should have the same functionality of being able to plot courses with a time estimate based on average speed. You can also correct the mark manually, based on other observations.

    This will actually FEEL LIKE AGE OF SAIL NAVIGATION! Even a simpler implementation than I describe here will work just as well! Make the new Readings system fuzzy, but keep this concept in the game, it is awesome! 

    • Like 5
  4. Когда будут введены порт-апгрейды для PvE? Если проблема в том что "карта будет застроена", по чему не ввести налоги или зделать инвестиции временными? Или зделать их индивидуальными? Или устроит NPC Атаки на порт, по наростаюшей, как в играх "зашита замка", где в результате всегда проигрываешь и нужно перестроитса? Или всего по немногу?

    Сделайте что-то, эти игроки тоже заплатили за игру, и покупают не мало DLC! 

    • Like 1
  5. For PvE - these ideas/options can be implemented together or separately:

    1. Port Upgrades are Clan-Exclusive by default - no other player and no other clan is affected. They must build their own upgrades/investments. New players must repeat the process from nothing. 

    2. Achievement based Port Upgrades - to access and build or use upgrades, each player must perform a set of difficult achievements / battles / trades, etc.

    3. Port Maintenance Fee - every clan owned port costs them a lot of money to maintain, that cost goes 10x if they decide to open the port for other players, and they can't change status for a week at a time. 

    4. Port Invasions by NPC - every clan owned port gets invaded by increasingly stronger NPC fleets. Each attack requires more players to defend. Eventually, after several weeks, the NPC attack is too strong and the port upgrades get damage or partially removed, requiring new investment. This means that clan ports that don't get defended by many in the community will eventually clear out. 

    4.5 Only people that participate in Defenses can use the port upgrades (if they show up every other attack at least, and bring a ship of the appropriate rate). 

    5. On PvE exclusively the Line-Ship Elites have a new item reward: Port Resource Pack:

    a) Option 1: Port Resource Pack allows you to set Port Bonus exactly like in invested port for your Next Ship. 

    b) Option 2: Port Resource Pack allows your clan to maintain invested Port for one day. Each clan port starts out with resources for 7 days. This means that inactive clans that do not hunt down Line Ship Elites will eventually have their investments removed. 

    You have many options to do things that will give access to PvE players to mechanics you worked hard to create!

    Do something. PvE players are also paying customers! 

    • Like 2
  6. On 5/27/2019 at 11:00 AM, admin said:

    Hello Captains

    We are undergoing finalization of the last couple of patches and notices and are doing the stress testing of the game infrastructure to support a smooth launch of the game. 

    This means that release day is going to happen in June 2019 within 30 days from today.

    This all will not happen without you. Thank you each and everyone for support, positive feedback and criticism that is making the game better and better every day. 

    More information will follow. 

    PvE Needs Port Mechanics! There are many ways to implement this without hostility/toxicity! 

    For PvE - these ideas/options can be implemented together or separately:

    1. Port Upgrades are Clan-Exclusive by default - no other player and no other clan is affected. They must build their own upgrades/investments. New players must repeat the process from nothing. 

    2. Achievement based Port Upgrades - to access and build or use upgrades, each player must perform a set of difficult achievements / battles / trades, etc.

    3. Port Maintenance Fee - every clan owned port costs them a lot of money to maintain, that cost goes 10x if they decide to open the port for other players, and they can't change status for a week at a time. 

    4. Port Invasions by NPC - every clan owned port gets invaded by increasingly stronger NPC fleets. Each attack requires more players to defend. Eventually, after several weeks, the NPC attack is too strong and the port upgrades get damage or partially removed, requiring new investment. This means that clan ports that don't get defended by many in the community will eventually clear out. 

    4.5 Only people that participate in Defenses can use the port upgrades (if they show up every other attack at least, and bring a ship of the appropriate rate). 

    5. On PvE exclusively the Line-Ship Elites have a new item reward: Port Resource Pack:

    a) Option 1: Port Resource Pack allows you to set Port Bonus exactly like in invested port for your Next Ship. 

    b) Option 2: Port Resource Pack allows your clan to maintain invested Port for one day. Each clan port starts out with resources for 7 days. This means that inactive clans that do not hunt down Line Ship Elites will eventually have their investments removed. 

    You have many options to do things that will give access to PvE players to mechanics you worked hard to create!

    Do something. PvE players are also paying customers! 

    • Like 5
  7. 8 minutes ago, Zlatkowar said:

    remember that we're still pre release. 

    Early Access is heavily abused and breaking promises is false-advertising, which is a punishable offense in Steam's USA and Australian jurisdictions. The idea that Early Access can last for years with semi-frozen development, with DLC being sold before the 1.0 features list is complete, is all approaching the level of a scam. There's a simpler principle - if you can buy a DLC, the game should be considered "released". 

    • Like 2
  8. 8 hours ago, Slim McSauce said:

    Open ocean should be fast travel zones, it's all empty space that will never be used, so make it fast travel, like warp so you can traverse the countries. 

    The result? faster travel long distance, slower travel short distance. Better ROE timers, better scaling of objects like land and cities, ships will look not oversized anymore. Better strategy, more population focused into coastal areas, less afk sailing through open ocean, no more need for tows. ez.

    I don't agree with doubling the world size, but I do agree with the above part of your suggestion.

    I suggested something similar years ago and was largely ignored - speed lanes, or speed away from coasts, should be 10x speed or more. I also suggested something similar to the Deployment idea by the OP - I wanted a "Tow" system that takes as much time to execute as actual sailing. 

    I also wanted a Warning Bell whenever the crew sights an enemy ship, so people can actually semi-AFK in PvP (like a Captain would on a real ship). 

    Current sailing is boring for both PvP and PvE servers.

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/19/2017 at 1:27 AM, Doug Maoz said:

    Given the wind direction, the next part of the battle was a series of downwind/westward wears by the pirate fleet as we continued to pace and batter the French fleet. Once the pirates were forced out of their home circle, we became separated into two groups. Both groups were skilled and fortunate enough to stay alive and reunite at the center circle.

    From that point on, it was a brawl in and around the center circle, a full 90-minute fight wherein neither side achieved 1000 points. Pirate light ships engaged French light ships, ensuring the French did not gain points via circles though they had two captured. Through bitter struggle, the pirates gained a slight ship advantage that slowly snowballed into victory.

    French were doing quite well hiding the initial targets of engagements - at least one target managed to almost fully repair and re-engage. French also scored the first kill by isolating one of the ships. Not surprising considering they had the wind advantage for most of the fight. 

    It's surprising that we managed to reverse such significant enemy advantages and win.


    Both sides showed themselves excellently, and a big thank-you to everyone who showed up! I am glad to have taken part. Some of our members were worn out from a port battle just an hour previous; apologies for any frustrations on our side since it was only my second time commanding a port battle. 

    You did incredibly well despite the adrenaline, pressure and adapting to situations. 

    This was the first time I lost a First Rate in a port battle, and I would gladly repeat the experience to have such a glorious battle. I managed to position for some good trades, placed the last few broadsides into the enemy flagship, and went on to capture an enemy ship while sinking. Goodbye Santisima, you served me well. 

    Salute to the French, great fight.


    • Like 3
  10. 8 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Ammo should be counted as cargo, and thus more ammo you carry the more weight in your hold, the slower you will be.  You want to go fast carry less shot but dont expect to shoot a lot. 

    Simple solution.

    Give every type of shot a weight/mass.

    Round should weigh as much as each shot of the correct caliber.  So a 24lb ball should weigh 24lb in game.

    Chain should be 80% as much

    Grape same as chain.

    And to give you some idea how many shots listed above that is.

    That is 75 shots out of the 42lb guns, and 93 out of the 24lb.  We rarely fire that many shots in a running battle now. 


    I like this idea, but how do you know chain shot is 80%? 

    It takes more volume (two balls+chain or bar), but the balls may be hollow, though most of the mass is still at the outer edge (property of spheres). Those balls were made to withstand the explosion of gunpowder, they would be have to be thick. 

  11. You compared the "automation" of not having to stare at the horizon for hours on end for the hope of a player ship to the straw-man argument of automated-fights. 

    This suggestion is the exact opposite.

    The interesting chases IN THE OPEN WORLD MAP and the ship fights AGAINST OTHER PLAYERS are the meat and potatoes of this game. The losing of eye-sight on staring at a boring horizon is not.

    The hours of staring at horizon waiting for a player with raised sails should be Automated as an option on long raids or ambushes. 

    PvP should not require having a Toilet mounted under your seat so you can stay in the same place for hours.

    This game simulates Age of Sail - where Captains stayed in their cabins unless a live chase or course correction was required.

    If you can't see the difference and still think the comparison between action and inaction is fair, there is no hope for you or this game. Building strawman arguments is not an argument.

  12. People who respond to these threads need to indicate whether they are currently trying to play as Hunters or OW PvPers, and if they are active in the game.

    You should particularly have to prove your credentials if you dare use the word "carebear". 

    It's easy to forum warrior when not playing the game as a hunter and realizing it's a huge amount of effort for the low chance of a player interaction. 

    No wonder most of the hunters quit and the remainder are trying to  concentrate between US coast and Mortimer.

  13. 8 hours ago, Teutonic said:

    While I am not here in the examples, these players have reported multiple times of pirates attacking each other to do the exact same thing that these folks did - to make it more difficult, if not impossible, to sink them.

    Only difference is a pirate v pirate is an outlaw battle.

    Where is the Tribunal case of Pirate vs. Pirate outlaw battle being used to escape OW fight? (the one case was dismissed due to Open battle argument)

    The one case I remember with NAT vs Pirate related to RvR resulted in an account being suspended.

    Are you arguing for precedent or do you want your friends to receive preferential treatment from the judges?

    Pirate vs. Pirate outlaw battle works MUCH differently than NATION vs NATION.

    - Battle remains OPEN for entire 90 minutes, making it a terrible choice near enemy ports. 

    - Single join circle with result of much closer engagement ranges.

    Please stop omitting these critical differences.


    Onto the next accusation of friendly fire, he was demasted eventually by me, but not intentionally.

    Admission of guilt and intentional demasting in Green on Green is bannable unless you can prove that you had no other choice.

    The only exception is in matters of loot where the ally is attempting to steal loot from a ship you sank, and even then you have to provide screenshots with warnings issued and ignored. No loot involved in this case.

    The accused had plenty of options that excluded shooting at their own team - for example they could have captured evidence for their own tribunal report, and left the scene. No one forced the accused to completely demast an ally - removing the bottom masts is particularly suspect in the case of a shoot-through or accidental friendly fire, because in a bigger ship that requires aiming down at the water, at the smaller ally, and not up at the far away opponent. 

    The fact that the accused is offering weak excuses instead of admitting demonstrated guilt should result in a ban to serve as a warning for others.

    p.s. The accused should have the option to admit guilt, apologize to the community for abuse of exploit, and create a precedent of self-enforcement. If they fail to comply with that option and wait for judge's decision I will demand the precedent to be sustained and bans to be issued consistent with previous cases. I heard the argument that removing people from the game at such low population levels is bad - bin that. The game will lose even more people if garbage behavior is allowed and enforcement isn't consistent. 

    p.p.s. I will delete this post if Tribunal rules are maintained by all sides. If misleading statements are made by non-involved parties I will have to counter them particularly since I have a similar case being reviewed. Silence for all or open influence for all. 

  14. When I asked for better Towing on the Suggestions to offset the durability changes, I did not ask for 4th/1st rates. I wanted the main OW ships up to 5th rates, the raiding ships, to be easier to field. 

    One version of that suggestion was for the towing to be in the actual OW - with a bigger ship able to bring extremely undercrewed ships behind it so when you bring your 1st rate out you can also bring a trader and a raider out to the front (even if the towed ships can't fight if you get attacked). 

    Sailing 1st rates is a pain in the ass in the OW but I'm not sure if this change is a step forward or back. Remains to be seen. If it improves the # of battles that happen, perhaps it's for the best. 

  15. While I was critical of some of your actions, I appreciated your service. Community promoted moderators are key to a growing game - with checks and balances.

    I hope the game does bring back the role of the Corsair, while also recovering the role of the Bounty Hunter. I had fun trying to recover lazy lost traders back when I was with the Dutch.  

    Good luck with your projects and hope we get to fight again! Cheers.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Archaos said:

    A raiders speed built surprise is hard to catch especially if they have warning in advance.

    The idea of lookout to give warning of sail spotted sounds nice and realistic, but I think it would not be good overall for the game. I had considered the exact same suggestion myself when I first started playing and we had limited teleports and a lot of long sails to do but I thought it through and felt the downside outweighed the advantages of such an idea.

    I thought about that, but a Surprise is a sufficient investment and can be cornered much easier than a Lynx. 

    People will not be able to afford 3x Speed Upgrade Surprises to serve as scouts - any time it's caught it's a harsher punishment than losing the trader in the first place. 

    If they bring anything slower, it will be chased off or captured. People already have ALT spotters on trade routes, this suggestion gives Raiders an advantage. 

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