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Posts posted by charognard666

  1. well guys, I am really surprised by the battle of conil .

    I 've never had problems with English, always nice battles, but the way you have bypassed the game to put the flag is really a shame .

    Go over the earth in this way , bypassing the blockade , although if in the end it's the game fault allowing this kind of exploit, using it shows the shameful mentality of some of your players .

    I hope the next fight will be as intense and enjoyable as this one, even if i'm the first french to sink ^^ and your players will be polite chat , the "Surprise Fucker " from Dreadgnouth was instantaneously reported !

    See you in battle, sail safe.

    • Like 4
  2. Bon courage les gars, ont est vraiment pas mal occupé sur le PvP1, et migrer de facon provisoire, c'est mettre endanger l'equilibre que l'on a instauré sur notre serveur... Je comprends que vous souhaitiez defendre ce que vous avez construit sur le serveur 3, mais meme les devs parlent de fusionner les serveurs... Je vous conseil aussi de nous rejoindre sur le 1...

  3. pas d accord de rentrer dans l anti jeu des timer sous pretexte que les autres le font


    pour le troll je sais pas donc je dirais rien


    par contre je me suis jamais fait autant insulter par des joueurs sur ce jeu que par les anglais ,ces messieurs aiment le fair play mais uniquement quand ils gagnent ou chez les autres ....donc si ils se sont fait troll ben aprés tout.......


    Mentalité digne de la cour d'ecole, et encore... Il fait alors je fait nanana... Faudrait essayer, je dis bien essayer, d'évoluer un minimum... 

  4. Toutce que je sais, c'est que plus tu investis dans des navires avec des CN plus tu as de chances de drop, perso je drop a chaque gold que je fais, et meme moins, en général, 1 BP pour 5 a 6 CN... Dernier en date, j'ai du craft une fregate verte, puis une bleue pour choper le BP de la belle poule... 

    Mercury gold j'ai chopé niagara, surprise et renomé d'un coup...


    Donc un conseil, investis dans la crafting note....

  5. This thread just showing there is no hope. Some players will always claim YOU have no authority, YOU are not my master, I'M playing as i want because i have buy the game like you... Sorry guys. Even if devs give the power to be governor to some players/ clans these kind of ppl will break all the work you'll try to make. Some guys don't want make a lone concession and make what they want at no cost...

    • Like 1
  6. A very good and mature comment.

    I did read it multiple times, actually trying to completely understand and analyze your thoughts and I feel safe to say that I truely understand your points.

    However, I feel the need to say that regardless of the majority vote or not in some kind of council or vote, why would the players who are against have to follow the players who are for?


    One thing that many in this thread has failed to realize is that DRUNK is a privateer clan of Sweden. We are supposed to be "Swedish pirates", because that is what a Swedish privateer is... Govermental pirate.

    And who would they target? Ofcourse they would target the largest threats in a attempt to demoralize, damage and slow down the enemy or/and threat.

    This is exactly what DRUNK is doing, so what is truely the problem? Yes, the Peace treaty.. but again.. this treaty is founded by a false authority, so it's not relevant at all really..?


    I havent spoken to anyone of my fellow captains from DRUNK since the port battle last night so I might be going out of my League now, but I would happily sit down with anyone and discuss politics. We are privateers yes, but we have still done a lot of diplomacy with the ones who have shown us mutual respect, note that I said mutual because I'm tired of people twisting words, and even seized fire upon certain Clans to my understanding.

    Note though, I am not a officer of DRUNK so I cannot make any calls on my own. But I would happily listen and take it up with my leaders. Anyone from americans to privates, from danes to spanish. Whoever wants to speak, I'll listen.


    Edit: I'd also like to thank you. Why? "A very good and mature comment.". And you actually try to move forward in the discussion and perhaps solve something. That was my intentions for this thread.


    OK let go, you want a right autority ? 10 devs, take 1 by nation and make them Kings, let them nominate 1 diplomate or governor in player base. Now you have one guy with the authority ! Will you follow him and the politic he'll draw for your nation ? Answer is simply NO, because you aren't playing as national and for a nation, but only as egocentric players unable to accept any authority. Stop hypocrisy mate.

    • Like 6
  7. And ?? they do what every body have done before them, they work in order to have their first rank... Really nothing wrong. And don't assume anybody will sail and can replace a Victory in the hour.... And if you can't expect your ship before some days, you ll must sail an another one... 


    And all others ships have some kind of utility in OW pvp... 


    Are u interesting only in the next ship ??? When you'll get your victory, you'll sail it few days and leave ? Seriously... 

  8. I still fail to grasp how anyone in an online video game thinks they have the right to dictate someone else's actions. I really hope those people are not in my country and voting for what I can and can not do in real life.


    May be because you sign for a Nation vs Nation game, with a player driven diplomacy... Players who can't follow nation diplomacy had make a mistake when they created their Captain as a national captain and not a pirate....

    • Like 4
  9. Well some times ago we had the same problem in the french nation with lmo, but by talking with them we succes to make them à part of our council and make them working with us. Why cant u make the same and working together for your entire nation and stop your ego war ? In fact at the end you ll simply succes to puting your nation in a very bad situation...

    An another solution is simply to display clan tag in OW :)

  10. Les anglais font un poste de remerciements pour le fair play et la guerre qu'on mene contre eux, et qu'est ce qu'on repond ? Par du troll. C'est compliqué de dire, merci, on a bien kiffé aussi ? Meme si certains ont des ressentiments, faites plaisir a tlm et gardez les pour vous.


    On arrete pas de leur repprocher d'user des timers, sincerement, ils ont raison, et on est bien cons de pas faire pareil, non nous on est fair play alors on met des timer a 12h.... On est tellement fair play qu'on est meme pas au courant que le timer est a cette heure ci...


    Bref, c'est pas tres serieux tout ca, je vous suggere de tacher d'aller dans le sens de l'apaisement.

    • Like 3
  11. Well, Drunk and Rnon are 2 abominations, but they re in their rights. It's to your nation council to make them enter in your council politic line. If you can't, you can tackle them and help your allies by giving informations about your rogue clans. 


    In fact all we need to solve this problem is a clan vs clan war option, in order to turn them red.

  12. 3rd is the basic for PB, it give an opportunity to unguilded players to play in Pb. When you can afford Bellona and greater ships, you don't command caped 3rd anymore. Well, again, it s a non problem. In few times we'll see only bello and + in Pb, and some 3rd if there is some free slot in Pbs....


    And when you are commanding your gold 3rd full gold upgrade, it's precious ! 

    • Like 1
  13. I vote - Arranged PVP: Leaderboards, tournaments, pvp events, duels and ow duel flags, balancer improvements (19 votes [8.44%]


    I see the War and Peace mechanics option is dominating early.


    I would warn that I feel this poll overly represents the vocal minority - the subset of players involved enough to post regularly on forums are likely similar to those heavily involved in RvR and other end game type activities.


    My feeling is for the broader, silent majority of the players the real need is for easier access to PvP.  I'm a semi casual, about to hit Post Captain, and I have never once been involved in any RvR (Great Britain on PvP 2).  Not for lack of wanting to, just no idea how to get involved. 


    Focusing on end game content is not optimal at this point IMO.  The player bleed is occurring in the low / middle ranks, the folks dedicated enough to make it to end game RvR stuff are already likely to stick around.  Let's do things to make the game funner in the beginning / middle stages so that we can eventually have enough players for more ambitious end game content


    Well, the end game come really early in NA, in 200hours you are in the endgame... I'm not sure we need loose time and resources for this really little step... 

  14. haha we know it's that easy, but it would be nice to have a merge and be able to keep what we have spent months building up.


    It s true, but if you have the rank, many guilds will give you all you need :) 

    What is the best : poor on a living server or riche in an empty server ? ^^

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