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Posts posted by charognard666

  1. 2 minutes ago, AkmaCraft said:

    C'est dur de garder la motivation sur le PvE par manque de contenu mais j'ai un clan sympa, du coup on s'amuse bien. Mais c'est vrai que les devs sont pas vraiment préoccupés par nous, tous les patchs notes c'est pour rectifier le PvP mais ils pensent pas aux répercutions sur le PvE. Mais bon c'est comme ça depuis le début on a l'habitude.

    Oui c'est certain, vous vous ennuieriez sans doute moins sur le PVP, on peut tout a fait jouer pve sur le serveur pvp, suffit d'etre plus prudent pour eviter de se faire chopper :) 

  2. Just now, AkmaCraft said:


    Dieu merci, enfin un capitaine avec de l'humour :) 

    Serieusement, je suis incapable de discuter de ce qui est bien ou pas pour le gameplay sur le serveur PVE, je trouve que le jeu se prete tres mal a un environement 100% pve pour etre interressant en ce qui me concerne. Mais j'espere que cela changera pour vous :) 


  3. 15 minutes ago, KanonDQuartet said:

    Fisher22 de WOT? 

    Sinon pour l'avoir expérimenté par le passé la principale motivation pour s'exiler c'est surtout de pouvoir troll dans l'intimité de la sphère francophone et se frotter aux autres francophones en pvp, c'est bien humain mais malhonnête de prétendre le contraire.


    Dsl j essaye de rester en dehors de cette discution qui ne vole déjà pas très haut mais la on touche le fond...

    Si vous êtes pas capable de comprendre pourquoi un clan loyal en arrive a se barrer, et en arrivez a penser que c edt pour troller, on peut rien faire pour vous. Demerdez vous entre mougeons, et a bientot pour se fritter la gueule en toute courtoisie en ce qui me concerne.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Aramis de Nes said:

    Tried with another PC, it' work. Tried with mine, doesn't work ... Don't know why ... Can"t play a game that i've buyed ... And have not help ...


    Thanks for "support"...

    Personne peut rien faire parce que tu as un probleme software ou hardware, mais sa semble bien etre un probleme software. Si tu ne vois pas d'ou vient le probleme, une belle fresh install de ton windows ne fait jamais de mal de temps en temps et resoud a 99% tous les problemes de ce type. 

  5. Reading you is annoying captain, if it say, you need more space, it's simply because you try to TP with too many ships into your actual dock i think. 

    Can you ask or report bug with some calm plz and clear and usefull informations 

  6. 1 minute ago, JCDC said:

    yes, we can do that. but isn't it sad that the best solution to a bad mechanic is to exploit another one? one that actively avoids PvP play?

    again, the whole mechanic actively encourages the avoidance of PvP battles. how is 'set fake PB's' a good solution? its mad.

    we just want good RvR with fighting and a fair chance. IF we end up in a bad situation due to events or being beaten then fine, we can adapt tactics as you describe above. but being forced into that corner from day 1 by the game mechanics, and having no feasible way out via the point of the game, 'naval action' its just clearly wrong.

    i think agreements and diplomacy is a big part of the RvR, sometimes more important than any Port Battle... You are working for your nation, and PB's and war are just one side of how growing your nation. No ? If you can't gain a battle by strength must'n you try anything else ? You need CM, you can't win them, well find agreements and some allies... 

    • Like 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, Gysendorf said:

    I guess you will find it boring when on your server are less than 100 players over the Caribbean and than you will ask whats was going wrong that by over 100k sold games only less than 100 plays this game. Than it is too late boy!

    Well no i will not asked anything, there thousands of games waiting to be test or played. NA is in EA and it is in my library, if tomorrow there are 100ppl or if i'm bored or if an another game call me, what's the problem ? Are u dying irl with a game lol ? 

  8. We aren't guilty because guys buy a game with slow progression and time consuming, but ppl can't ask forever to change the game to make it fitting to them. Well it's not arrogant, it's obvious, game is hardcore, a simple fact. It's not your taste, i have no problem with this statement, and i respect it.

    Anyway, what i love with NA, Devs make the game they want, we can agree with it or not, but i like this politic and at the end, we'll see if enough ppl are ok with them and make the game living. Actually, we have +1000 online players all nights, it's cool. Even if the game die, there no reasons for drama, we'll simply move on another game with memory of the thousands of hours passed on NA :) 

  9. Just now, AlteSocken said:

    So you want all the casual players - mainly people with real-lives - out of the game? I think the casuals (I'm one of them) are the cash-cow which makes games like this possible.

    Anyway, I've to agree that getting on foot with patch 10 is quite hard. Pre patch I made it to mercury. Right now I have a hard time maintaining my Pickle, since trading and crafting became much more difficult and making mony in the ow is also not easy.

    Of course this is my fault, since I'm only a casual player who only has a few hours to spend weekly. For sure, if I were a student or had no family life at all I could easily invest the time neccessary ... but as you said, maybe this game is not made for me.

    lol, it's funny how ppl who don't want dedicate time for video games can be arrogants, and have assumption on others... You haven't time ? Not my fault, if you have only few hours by week, you'd better to stay stick on console games or solo games. Try NA legend, it'll fit better to your life and time.

    About me, i'm a worker since my 19 and i'm actually 40, with a wife, 2 kids, a full time job taking 9h of my life every days, and for information, i have a real life with friend and a big garden with a big pool and a nice car :) But, unlike you, i know find time to play games i like ;) 

    • Like 1
  10. I'm really hostile with the "ship grind" system. And for now, i'll don't unlock a single slot until all our clan economy was fine and my bank account full, may be after, if Devs haven't remove this system i'll take the time to sail all ships... But really, i'm fine with the ship XP system, the only problem is the need to sail a ship in order to unlock the next... Devs can make ship XP longer to gain, but the actual system is really a pain. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, koltes said:

    Im a pirate and I have sunk countless number of traders and took their cargo and ships to make a pirate living. Instead I would much prefer to simply offer to pay ransom. Take the money, let them go with their cargo and save me my game time towing their goods to town. And I know for a fact that lots of people in BLACK would have done the same. Not all of course but enough to not ignore

    You'll really don't take the mark now ? Well, you re a gentleman captain. :) 

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