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Enraged Ewok

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Posts posted by Enraged Ewok

  1. It's like action and big fun battles is terrible in your eyes. But don't worry. You will probably win and the empty sea will be yours... 


    "Battle is closed"


    I have no issue with this, because 90% of my battles start when a timer above myself or my target hits 0, and starts and stays as a 1v1 or 2v2. As I've said, and others have said. We don't all want big battles every time all the time. A lot of us like smaller engagements. Currently we can have both big and small battles, yet you would change OW ROE to ensure to the best of your ability that every battle spirals into a giant clusterfuck and deny the ability to ever have a small battle outside rare occurences far from port, and in the duel room. Why should the ROE cater to you and solely to you? 

    • Like 2
  2. Ask yourself how to make fun gameplay with a lot of battles. That meaning when a player has like 1-2 hours of gaming time at night...


    Now it is not like that. And it is killing this game. 


    I have been ganked by 25 players as a lonely cpt. 2 min timer sucks.


    We need to have battle zones or similar. The PB system us too heavy for this small player base. Sry to say. Only TS fanatics have an option to join in big battles. And this is not in everyone's taste. 


    I completely disagree. I've dropped from playing 5-6 hours a day in winter/spring to 1-2 hours every couple days over the summer to now. I honestly got bored of the port battle scene, as it was either empty ports or a onesided stomp one way or the other (once population dropped, advantage started going to who had the most people join over the 40 minute join timer). I had a handful of fun battles reaching the ports, but honestly 1v1/2v2 frigate actions have been far more fulfilling combat for me. They are easy to find, easy to start, and I don't have to deal with every ship in the British navy dropping in to punish the evil lone raider.


    Seeing as we already have large combat in the form of port battles, port battle screening, and large battle rooms assuming you can get a crowd together, I see no reason to alter OW ROE to fit what YOU believe the game should be entirely about. To do so flies in the face of what you and the rest of these 5 minute timer campaigners, what a <air quotes, sarcasm etc.> "majority" want and anything else is killing the game. </air quotes, sarcasm etc.>

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  3. Simple math:  If a ship joins 5 minute late, he will spawn 2.5 KM away from the battle.  If he is sailing 10 knots, it will take him 8 minutes to get to the point where the battle started.  Assuming he is sailing down wind and the player getting ganked is sailing upwind at 5 knots to get to his friends who are tying to get their to help, this would cut the time down to ~6 minutes.  So in total, it will take your reinforcements a minimum of 11 minutes to come to your aid, including the open world travel of 5 minutes.


    Assuming battles never close, at some point, people will join battles and realize that they are just way too far away from the action to make any significant difference.  Sure, they could join, but if you are joining a battle that has been going on for 30 minutes, good luck getting there to make any meaningful impact, you will be 15 km out at sea in the battle realm.


    This would be great if not for ships being able to float along for as much as 10 minutes with no side structure, if they've set their perks and modules right. With as long as it takes to bring structure down, and then how long ships can float, this kills any chance of an even fight within 5 minutes of a free port or more populated national areas.


    And assuming battles never close, take a look at the never closing green zone battles. I participated in one in MT's green zone. When I joined, the sole enemy was so far away he and the Renommee who tagged him could barely be seen. It still ended up with around 15 people catching up after sailing 20-30 minutes against the wind to get to the "fight", and then the luckless American was swamped in a battle he would have won, or at least not sunk, otherwise (he was tagged by a Reno after all). This is not "fun, massive battles." This is the return of onesided ganks that are even more impossible to avoid since the gank fleets have no game mechanic forcing them to sail close together or risk defeat in detail. This is the return of the free port gank shenanigans, and I want none of it. If a person is not in visual range of the battle, they should have no idea the battle is happening and should not be able to join, because when the battle started they were not in a position to join. Whether this happens by two minute timers or admin's double circle, I don't care. I want to fight what I can see, not the entire Royal Navy from Tumbado to Bombay localized in what was a 1v1 when I started.

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  4. Yes it should be a sliding scale but ATM it is NOT! Now, it's either sale with a fleet or face annihilation if spotted. No "scale" in this scenario. The scale is ALL DOWN on gankers side! 


    I sail off Jamaica constantly hunting traders and 5th rates. I do this alone. I've been caught and sunk twice in 3 months. I've never come close to being "annihilated" by a superior fleet. The ships I lost were in 2v1s where I gave a good accounting of myself. Not the 20v1s I would have had to deal with if longer timers were in. 



    But if we added 1-2-3 mins to timer then IT BEGINS to be a sliding scale as now you have a chance of a nearby friendly ship to assist you but not a whole nation to join your side!


    No, it turns into a dogpile on any lone player or pair who dare sail on the OW. I had enough of that crap at the start of early access, and have no wish to return to it. Fight what you see is the only "fair" ROE, whether it's accomplished by 2 minute timers or by Admin's double circle ROE. If I have friends that  can help me, they are already sailing so close that they'd make it in on a 30 second timer. If they're farther away than that, they're not "sailing with me" in the first place and have no business in the fight that I got myself into.



    And tell me who mentioned "safety"?? NOBODY! But many others mentioned, a chance! 


    Yours and others definition of a "chance" is perfect safety and total risk aversion. After all, somebody could have come and bailed your sorry ass out for a poor decision you made, if ONLY the game mechanics were modified to allow it. No, ajf has it right. You won't be satisfied even if the battle was open for an hour and a half, you'd complain that battles were to short. I think instead you should learn what constitutes poor decisions in this game and either live with the consequences of making them, or learn to avoid them.

    • Like 1
  5. You really believe in that BS?

    Let me break it to you, if for any single action you take in this game you must go through a process of assembling a fleet of other players then it STOPS being a game and begins to

    be a CHORE! Plenty of times there are calls for mission runs in chat that last for half an hour or more for only a few players to assemble and go.

    It's maybe hard to believe it to you but most do not live in Naval Action nor have the time finding a fleet for everything they want/plan to do in the game.


    Not to mention how hypocritical you are. You are unwilling to budge on this issue even for 1 minute yet are happily proposing other players 

    moving through a long, boring and time consuming process...


    It's a sliding scale. If you want to mission run in safety, you will need to take some time to ask other players (or you know, ask friends) to join you. Same for hunting enemy players. If you don't want to wait, nothing stops you from going alone at your own peril. Nothing requires you to build a fleet. I rarely need to wait because I sail alone for the majority of my ingame time. I do so at my own peril, and there have been times where I've bitten off more than I can chew. It's part of the game, and I'm not going to cry over it if I get ganked. If my friends couldn't reach me in two minutes, they aren't going to reach me in 5 or 10. I lost a dura, I learned from a mistake, and I'm that much deadlier or if nothing else harder to catch the next time around.

  6. What about the FUN for me??  I just spent the last hour avoiding Rattlesnakes and Speed Trincs in my Lynx looking for a trader that doesnt have 2 Victories as a stupid "Fleet".  I finally find one that I can pursue and capture.  All of a sudden, because of some magic, a person that was crafting in a port 1000 miles away, mysteriously appears and is able to keep me from the prey I've been trying to find all night.


    You say that's FUN?  How is that FUN for me?


    You're an evil ganker stealing the lifeblood of poor, hardworking merchants. You're not allowed to have fun. Your fun is wrong fun and is not actually fun, but you are misguided and delusional and think it is.



    Sorry, my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek. I've removed it now.

    • Like 3
  7. I have been personally ganked due to both situations more than once.  Probably at least 5 or 6 times when we had 5 min timers and probably more than 5 or 6 times since the 2 min timers were introduced. 


    Actual scenarios that happened to me:

    5 AUS guys pop out of freetown Tumbato as I am sailing into port, 2 Santi's 2 connies, and a 3rd rate vs my bellona, 1 of my buddies hops out of port and joins the battle in a basic constitution and I almost managed to escape because he used his ship to tbone 1 of them.  I was 2 seconds from escaping.


    The second one, I am sailing on my 3rd rate, outside of port Sunbury, 5 ships jump me, my 2 buddies leave port and the swords are right there in front of them, but cannot join to help because of 2 min no join and 2 min battle timers.  I am easily defeated as they board and take my ship.


    Take a wild guess as to which one I preferred more? 


    In every gank situation I have ever been in, I almost always prefer the 5 min timer, because at least in that situation, if my friends can get there in time, I have at least a small chance of surviving the gank. 


    I have never once complained about losing my ship to a gank when 5 min timers were a thing. 


    2 min battle timers suck when you are getting ganked and there is no hope for you when you are stuck in a battle like that.


    The frustration that OP is feeling because of the 2 min battle timer, is the feeling everyone gets when they get ganked and none of their friends can help them.  I dont know anyone personally who thinks the 2 min battle timer was a good idea and I have talked to a lot of people who play this game about it.


    For comparison, the only times I got ganked by overwhelming force were with 5 minute timers. Multiple times by the freeport gank bullshit, and several 1v7s on OW, along with multiple 5v30s the handful of times I sailed with friends to an enemy capital. The number of even fights could be counted on one hand. The closest I've been to an actual "gank" since 2 minute timers were implemented was a 4v6 that I lost, but it was a damn good and very even fight despite being "down" two ships. There were several other times I was "ganked" but not caught on the OW thanks to ship choice and smart tagging, and this was when we still had the single circle and positional spawns on OW. The number of "fair" 1v1s and 2v2s I've gotten since 2 minute timers is far higher. I know which ROE I prefer.

    • Like 2
  8. It was an analogy, yes its a video game, but you are still blaming the guy who lost his ship because he decided to sail it.  That is textbook victim blaming. 


    This is not "victim blaming." This is common sense. He sailed his ship in a high risk area, IE an area where there is high player traffic of both friendlies and enemies. Being geographically close to a major port does not make this area "safe." It did not in real life, nor should it in game (outside of the green zone) for as long as the Devs strive to put you in the breeches of an 18th century captain.



    It may be a hobby, but it is a hobby I enjoy, and others log on to play and enjoy.  The ganking in the game right now favors the gankers way too much and is toxic towards new players, and people just get frustrated and leave the game because of it.  Look at the player pop, it continues to dwindle and will keep dwindling until there is no one left to play with anymore.  Your BS love afair with 2 minute battle timers is not healthy for the game.  It is not good for pvp, it is not good to players who do not want to be ganked, thus they stay near capitals, and it is not good for new players who are still learning the game mechanics.  When 5 minute battle timers were around, battles were everywhere and filled with many captains PvPing.  Now, pvp consists of 1v5 in open world.


    Back when timers were 5 minutes long, PVP consisted of 1v10 to 2v48. Port ganking from free ports was rampant. The 2 minute timer is the best thing that ever happened in regards to fair fights, because if your help wasn't there when you were tagged, 9/10 times it wasn't GOING to be there after 5 minutes. The same is true now, except that teleports are limitless with no cooldown and leaving a battle open longer than 2 minutes allows players from all corners of the caribbean to teleport in for a massive countergank. That line of thinking is total bullshit and I don't want it to return via Social perk in another name.



    I am sorry, but you should not be allowed to gank with impunity outside of a nation's capital.


    We can gank with impunity due to player lethargy. A player in port waiting for the call in nation chat is useless for the purpose of protecting people from "ganks" (or more accurately "raiders"). You know what prevents my Rattlesnake, Essex, Cecilia, what have you from capping merchants or other 5th rates off Port Royal? People sailing around outside Port Royal in groups of two or more, ensuring I don't have a lone target or that I'll be outmatched by players within visual range jumping in even if I tagged a "loner." If you want to help prevent people from being ganked, get some buddies and start sailing around. You'll foil the plans of people trying to take lone ships or merchants, and if you set up your patrol group right you have a good chance of catching some as well. Don't expect the game mechanics to feed you your countergank on a silver platter (which it already does to an extent).

  9. A trader's appropriate response would be:


    Dear pirates,


    If you see me, despair. You'll have very little chance to catch me because I'll defensive-tag the sh*t out of you and go make myself a coffee and a sandwich in the battle screen while you'll hang yourself out of boredom. Yes, I'm that good with annoying people.


    I sure hope you're paying more attention to your ship than netflix, otherwise that defensive tag is going to do you about as much good as using your trousers for extra staysails  :D

  10. if newbie offers LH then he can't skill up his own crafting and selling LH is to my opinion a bit complicated for a newbie. I didn't even know about labour hours until I started crafting, and that was at rank 2 when I managed to understand how it all works and how to get mats. And I had no idea they existed, so i couldn't even ask about them. And I ams till discovering new things I had no idea existed.



    I was being used as a labor mule for clan crafters to pump out Cerberus and 6th rates less than a week into the game. I got to crafting level 10 making carriages and other components without ever building a ship of my own. Had I charged gold for this service, I would have been incredibly well off. Nothing is stopping a newbie from doing this today, and it is the easiest and most lucrative way for a newbie to gain money starting out. And everything he makes, he DOES gain crafting experience for.



    And trading is better, they sail, visit ports, get accustomed to goods, prices, shop, contracts, earn good gold (after losing my trader with goods I was down to some 30k, started trading and after 2 days had 900+k, and then spent it on crafting and buildings in Corrientes and Pinar del Rio, just to had them captured the next day  :wacko:  ). LOL, bad luck.



    This sounds all well and good until you realize that without grinding missions or AI traders, the newbie has no money to pay capital or Euro trader prices for the goods he is supposed to be making money off of. If he wants affordable resources, he'll need to travel well outside your "protected zone" unless in a tiny underpopulated nation.



    Anyway, safe zones with possibility to get attacked between zones, maybe some nice missions to introduce different aspects of games like deliver goods, craft something, attack a ship, board a ship, make an outpost in another region.


    Most online games have safe beginner areas, don't really see why this game shouldn't.


    As I mentioned earlier and as Hethwill has mentioned, distance between many ports in capital areas is so low that you'd be hard pressed to EVER be engaged while traveling in them. A 30 second break in green zone coverage does not in any practical way still allow PVP.


    Also, a point of naval warfare of this era is that NOWHERE is safe. The Essex hunted British whalers in the Pacific. Multiple privateers and navy ships hunted British convoys and merchants in the English Channel, North Sea, and Irish Sea. Britain blockaded France's coast and major ports, and did the same with the United State's ports in New England. At sea, the only thing you could rely on to avoid danger was your eyes, your ship, and your consorts.



    Not really because you wouldn't have materials needed to craft anything other than a basic ship in that area. You would have to bring materials from other regions for any ship bigger than, let's say brig and better quality than basic (just like you have to do now). if someone brings materials needed to craft bigger better ship to starter zone, then the fact he'll have protection that last 10 minutes of sailing is not such a gamebreaker. And safe zones would work on all players there, not just beginners (so no need for alts), but would create a safer area for beginners.



    For example from Admin's region map, Mortimer, Islet, L. Inagua, Mayaguana, and Salina Point provide all of the resources I would need to build any ship in the game. Applying MT green zone would mean I could sail with near impunity to any of these ports, with almost no fear of being attacked by the gank fleets that currently cruise around MT daily. This KILLs trader raiding and disruption of econ.

  11. Why would he use alts to transport goods? We are talking about safe zones around ports in capital region. he can do it without alts. And if someone survived long trip to capitol region, what difference does it make then if he has 2-3 safe zones he passes through?


    Only way to learn something is to try doing it, but for that you must have some kind of a cushion because in the beginning you will make mistakes. You will buy cannons/carronades which are not good for your ship, you will buy wrong ships, you will lose ships, you will buy goods and when you arrive at port to sell them you will find out about players saturating market with certain goods and you will lose money on it. Also, when someone who doesn't even know basic game mechanics yet comes into game for the first time, it is questionable if he'll even know right questions to ask in help chat.


    And trading is the only way to make enough gold in the beginning to skill up crafting, open an outpost and get some ships. Actually, unless you are high rank crafter, trading is the only way to earn enough money unless you have a high damage ship. And the only way to earn enough gold after rank 2/3/4 or whichever would be to leave safe zones who wouldn't have profitable enough goods to sell.


    And players should have an option to do and start how they feel comfortable, and not pvp or long sailing get shoved down their throats within the first hour of playing. If he wants to move to free ports, he can. If not, he can start slowly.


    If you want an example of why the "safe zone" for all ports in the capital region is bad, as I pirate I would literally never need to leave to region to do all my econ. Someone's chance of intercepting me goes from good if I'm traveling from MT to Islet, Blondel, Lorimers, etc. to very slim. I'd argue that the cushion is a bad thing, because the more you coddle a newbie the harder they get jolted the first time they get killed or captured by another player. 


    Regarding making money, there is no need for a newbie to trade early on. Trading requires money to start with, which they don't have. The best way to make money, as stated above, is offering up their labor hours. This gives them both gold and crafting XP, and is the best return on gold a newbie can get. No safe zone needed for offering labor hours.

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  12. I just heard about this today, and I'm excited for it. Pretty much every time I sail with friends, its a gank or countergank (we hit a lone or pair of ships with less than half our BR because nothing else is around, then a revenge fleet shows up after several occasions of this with triple our BR, so somebody is always at a huge disadvantage). When I sail alone, I either run into friends and end up sailing with them and above occurs, or I find a couple lone targets, tag them, and then either deal with reinforcement fleet jumping in to "save" them from a relatively even fight or take the ship then have the revenge fleet outside. It's gonna be a nice week.

  13. Well the other option is wait, wait, wait while another player and then another player is trying to make their way to the fleet form up point, there is enough waiting around as it is with players hiding in the battle log screen.


    That is the part where the planning comes in. Word goes out 3-4 days before go-time. Ships move to ports near target over those days. When go-time comes, the players are there with their ships to make the trip to the target.

  14. If clans defect to any nation, the nation they left is weaker for it and the vacuum of power will be filled by those with the power to take the now uncontested territory. Such are the fortunes of war. This is not an imbalance in game mechanics, this is the natural result of losing the players who would otherwise be defending the ports lost. I see no problem with this.

    • Like 2
  15. Yes..what does that mean exactly?

    That's the penalty for logging off in after battle screen, right?

    For me: The most important thing is to prevent that escape bullsh*t

    AND: Loose ALL cargo if logout in BS, because that would be the kill for

    the trader hunt game play and makes all transports safety


    You are dead set on killing any reward for PVPing alone or in small groups. If I cap a Gros Ventre in my rattlesnake and have to log out for whatever reaso (even just to avoid the revenge fleet guaranteed to be there despite the battle ending several OW-time days ago), why should I be forced into OW surrounded by enemies who know exactly where I am and how much firepower I have, while I can't see them and have no chance to escape? I'm happy to sail my rattle and my prize out, and if someone manages to tag and catch me it is what it is. But dropping into the middle of a group of people  I can't even see that had 30 minutes to an hour to get organized and set up to catch me when I drop, it's nearly guaranteed that I'm dead. And that's just as bullshit and PVP stifling the 4th-5th rate gank fleets you complain about.

  16. Yesterday I witnessed a new 'tactic' to avoid a battle. We were hunting 2 Pirates and what did they do? Attack each other so they had a headstart and could easily sail away to the battle screen...


    Right now the advantage lies with the pirates/privateers with fast ships. They can pick an easy target and chose the time and location for the fight. Once enough defence has formed they just have to evade combat once (which is easy in the right ship) and are save in the battle screen. How is that fair?


    This is not a new tactic. It's existed since pirates have been able to tag each other, and is a broken legacy mechanic that needs rework. And that being said, I saw a national in a 2nd rate "defensive tag" an AI brig from another nation to get away from a 6 ship pirate group near MT. No possible way to catch him, since he spawned so far from the "enemy". After escaping he hid in the battle screen or logged. I didn't stay to find out which, I have better things to do with my ingame time than hope for somebody to be stupid enough to pop back out into certain death. I've seen a lot of nationals do this defensive tag on AI to escape me even when I've been alone in a rattle or privateer.


    The issue is not the battlescreen preventing you from engaging the guy a second time. The issue is the tag mechanics preventing you from engaging him in the first place. If I engage a guy and he outsails me, good on him. He earned his escape. If he tags an AI at the edge of tag range to keep me from ever tagging him in the first place and to force me to spawn well outside gun range in the battle itself, that's just broken.

  17. keep in mind, tacking even in a fore and aft rigger today unless done extremely well you still loose a lot of speed, i can just imagine it being way worse with square riggers IRL


    My experience from a battle last night in the Santa Cecilia (note, anecdotal and not in any way, shape, or form scientific): The first several times I attempted it, typically at 5-8 knts turning from beam reach through the wind, I lost a lot of speed and ened up going .8-1.1 knts in reverse before coming out of the wind. Entering of 10 knts, my slowest speed while tacking was about 3.2 knts and I completed the maneuver quickly. The nice part was the enemy constitution and Trinc geting caught inrons due to severely damaged sails, allowing me to get double rakes off as they tacked on 3 occasions.

  18. Most of it sounds awesome.


    The 1 shot = 1 crew loss, I don't know.  A Santi fires at a victory.  The Victory automatically kills 69 crew if they land every shot?  I don't know about that.  Especially since there is no mechanic for lightly wounded.  This means for the most part, as long as a captain lands the shot (no matter where it is also, even if it is in the bottom of the ship?), bigger and the more guns always equals better.


    Also, equip every ship with 4lbers, Powder Monkies, and Improved Magazine access.  Machine gun down the enemy crew.


    Not stated by admin, but I'm hoping this only applies to penetrating hits/hits on crew hitboxes (thinking of hits on the crew exposed on the quarterdeck).



    1) New perks

    A lot of new perks added.  Certain perks (while simple) take lots of man hours. It takes time but it is worth it going forward.

    1 perk we wanted to give an advance warning about. This perk could be controversial so we wanted to give you a heads up. 


    Control. It does not allow exit to YOU and ALL enemy targets within 500 meters of you while you are alive. (meters subject to change - lets start from 500m)

    A lot of you requested distance based exit timers and voila we can get you them as option through perks. 


    to reallocate perks a temporary reset button is added (costs 3 officer levels)


    Looking forward to testing the control perk. For some reason, all of my favorite ships have no bow chasers, so for me this has the potential to be a welcome addition.





    2) Fixes to acceleration



    I am very excited for this.


    EDIT: made less wall of texty

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