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Posts posted by Wili

  1. How is this any different than Rubli and KOTO working with the Danish Clans?  


    Pirates buy a flag against Jeremie and then an hour later the Danes buy another Flag.


    Pirates are NOT A NATION!  Pirates are like mercenaries and should be on no Nations Side, but always serving their own agenda.


    Pirates nation or not are free to play as they wish and take any side they want, stop being silly ;)

    • Like 1
  2. Something similar happened to me two days ago, I was arriving to Mortimer Town when I saw a US renomee, I thought that was not a big deal as I was close to Mortimer and I pass near the renomee.

    Suddenly 10 of his friends logged in and all of them attacked me at once.


    I think an easy fix could be that after logging in you shouldn't be able to attack anyone for 5 minutes or so, but you will be able to be attacked. 

    That would avoid login off in front of an enemy port waiting for the port battle to open and avoiding the blockade also.

  3. Buenas! Por mas que me moleste coincidir con gaizka. Tiene razón ( Me duele), es solo cuestión de tiempo que los grandes imperios tengan flancos desprotegidos y allí es donde podremos aprovechar. Tener paciencia, todo a su debido tiempo y si no es fácil, a ser cobardes piratas como algunos con la escusa de la jugavilidad.



    PD: Soy miembro de la RAE ( los que comemos gatitos) mi nikname es: Zozobrador.

    Si crees que nos hemos ido a piratas con la escusa de la jugabilidad es que no tienes ni idea.

    Lo que me hubiera gustado es que no hubierais esperado al ultimo momento para juntaros y aun seguiriamos todos jugando en España.



    Los ingleses declararon la guerra a España el mismo día que la RAE les tomo las tres ciudades de marras.


    Esos tres puertos estaban acordados que eran nuestros, por eso fuimos a tomarlos, y los ingleses en vez de intentar renegociar lo primero que hicieron es amenazarnos con que si cojiamos los puertos entrariamos en guerra y que nos darían los puertos cuando pudieramos defenderlos. El tratado que estaba vigente en el momento lo rompieron ellos y de mala manera.

  5. "You attacked first" *No you attacked first*


    Seriously it is getting boring now. Either come to the table without looking at the past and decide a path forward or just get on with shooting at each other already.


    Oh and when you do come to negotiate, don't try and carry out an attack in the middle of the meeting... doesn't really give your "we are united and speak with one voice, we come to discuss peace" speech any credibility.


    Don't try to stop an attack you smelled telling us we needed to negotiate and telling us the meeting had to be in that precise moment....

  6. I think capture flag should be removed from the game.


    I think this system would make much more sense and much less exploitable if exploitable at all:


    If one nation make an attack from La Habana to Mariel for example the defenders would have 30 mins in order to prepare the defense, every player who wants to participate in the battle should check in in the port where the attack starts and move to the battle from there. When the 30 mins ends the port battle would open and only the players who checked in would have access.  There would be no limit to the number of players who can check in.

    That would force every player who wants to participate into the battle port to start the attack from the port where the attack was launched.

    There would be unlimited attacks, so if one player buy the attack from one port that is far away from the port target in order to frustrate/trolling the attack another player could buy another attack from a closer port.

    Every player would need to check in in any port where the attack was bought and start the attack from there.

    That would avoid players logging off near the attacked city, players from the same faction putting the flag in combat on purpose, people purchasing flags in order to frustrate an attack etc, etc

    The further away the attack is launched the more time the defenders would have to prepare the defense, you couln't make an attack that is more than 1 hour traveling.


    I think the flag system is really exploitable, not good and not realistic at all, every attacker should move from the port where the attack is originated to the attacked port as in real life.

  7. I made some kind of graphic, I hope it makes sense:




    I think we would need a minimum of 6 hours capture timers for being able to have a chance conquering ports in our prime time.


    4:00 a.m. Game Time = 5:00 a.m. Spain Time



    Maybe setting a 8 hours safe time for each nation by players vote would help too, so no other nation can attack your ports without timers while your nation is sleeping.

    Spain could have a protection for all his ports from 1:am to 09:am for example, same for all other nations.

    That 8 hours sleeping protection time would prevent timer trolling by enemies with the same time frame also, some enemies with the same time frame are setting defence timers to 4 a.m. in the morning hoping there will be no players online for attacking their ports.

    • Like 2
  8. Hello Captains. 


    It came up in a moderators chat and we would like to discuss the problems of Spain as a nation with you. Solving those problems will help other nations experiencing the same issues in the future. 


    Some of the problems spain is experiencing are not intended as we expected Spain to be one of the most populated nations (like it was in POTBS)


    Current priorities do not allow fixing the problems immediately but in the future we plan to address them. 

    Current ideas.

    • Alliances system allowing port entry for allies and their participation in port battles
    • Limitations on flag purchases to slow down expansions for large nations (harder to address)
    • Spanish language advertising to bring more spanish players into the game - your help is needed here too
    • Hard limits on the number of players in nation (a-la other mmo games). 
    • Underpopulated nation bonuses. 

    Please share your concerns and proposed solutions in this discussion.


    All that would help but the real problem we are facing is not addressed within that list.


    I don't think is a Spanish problem only, any faction fighting other nation with opposite timers will face the same problem.



    We would need to have the ability to recapture ports in EU time, something like 10 a.m to 01 .am. We have enough people to capture ports in that time.

    For that we would need to have a wider timer margin longer than 2 hours, with a 6 to 8 hours timer we would have a chance to capture ports.

  9. Hi I think port capture time on servers should be limited to some reasonable timers.


    For example Europe Pv1 server should be limited something between 11a.m  to 02 a.m. GMT


    It wouldn't be possible to set the capture timer to 5:00 a.m. in the morning or something like that, it wouldn't be possible to capture any port between 2 a.m. to 11 a.m.


    Having to capture a port at 5:00 am in the morning is a game breaker and not fun.


    Some wars are just timer wars rather than real battles.


    Ports without capture timer are captured when the defenders are not available to defend it and timers set so the defenders can't retake the port.



    There are already two servers with opposite times, I think both should have reasonable timers for conquering or defending ports.


    Other possibilities could be expanding capturing time from 2 to 4 or 6 hours, making capture timer available for one month only after capturing or maybe remove the capture protection completely.

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