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OMG Lord Lucifer

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Posts posted by OMG Lord Lucifer

  1. The British on this thread have all been "you're just upset cause you lost Fred" when our real complaint has been that we want to at least fight when we lose (yes we should have lost Fred, no Frenchman has ever said otherwise) but the BR mechanic in port battles doesn't allow for that.  Switch to a few days later, France is back in the fray again, but one thing is missing .... the enemy.  Apparently after losing one day of port battles (perhaps the first time this has happened for Britain) several British clans have jumped ship to the other server.   Makes me think all this "France need to just stop complaining about losing" was just them projecting their own feelings.  I guess they were assuming that losing would make us rage and quit, but turn the tables and look who is nowhere to be found.  Maybe the US will put up a worthy fight that lasts longer than a couple days.  


    Didn't you hear? Roberts and the rest of SOB ran away to PVP 1

  2. I agree also but sadly because of the BR difference one ship sunk was all we needed to win that battle =/ Though we brought all those ships cause we thought you guys were going to do the same, we heard reports of a victory and 2 pavels sailing around that area, why I sailed my Victory from PR xD

    ... our Victory player went AFK right before the flag was launched.  Saltiness was abound in the following hours.

  3. I know it was a 25 vs 25 but in all honesty there was no winning that battle as the french, we just had too large of ships for you guys to defend the towers, even if you used the right tactics.

    Yeah, we knew we were going to lose the battle, we just wished for more ship to ship fighting.

    • Like 1
  4. I have video.

    Alas, it is rather painful for me to watch... as I eat an astonishing number of cannon balls from what felt like the entire French line.

    Guess it's dangerous to be the lead ship. 


    Having seen the joy with which certain individuals love to use selective pictures to spin their stories, i prefer to keep it to myself, though ill be happy to provide any factual observation i can from my footage. 

    If you have a specific question that i might be able to answer then let me know.


    I can tell you that I only got a direct view of the stats of a relatively small proportion of the French ships thru the hail of iron. I noticed no monkey business crew wise, and did see a significant number of folks using 'Extra Hammocks', which i thought was interesting.


    Bear in mind that it's  also only from my ships perspective (plus tab key views etc)... i rarely have time to detach the camera and zoom around shooting grand sweeping panoramas unless there is so little action that i'm not busy (or i already sank, which is thankfully not quite the case here). I therefor don't know much in the way of detail regarding action on the other side of the battle.


    If anything, being lead ship is glorious, you have bragging rights, and the balls to show for it, to your entire nation.


    Our major issue was not continuing to the 5th tower like we started doing, instead we turned around to go back to the 1st tower... which was against the wind.

    We like our Extra Hammocks and Crew space enhancements, especially when in a fully crewed ship, it significantly increases performance.

  5. Are you wanting a picture of the players in that port battle?



    Yes, that helps, but there were also things among the French tactically wise that I would like to review.


    Well, unless Lucifer has been using Slamz as a sock puppet, I don't think he's the one who made the accusation. ;)


    Naw, someone had mentioned there was video.  We'd like to watch the video for learning purposes, among other things.

    Yes, a video was mentioned, I would appreciate reviewing it, if you have voice communications recorded on it, you can easily strip the audio, it would help us show show newer French players what went wrong, and how to prevent it in the future.

    • Like 1
  6. Is a Post Captain moving a ship around in OW  relevant to an unsubstantiated (and refuted) accusation of Brits stacking BR in a port battle? 


    It's twice as effective for a defender to do this... but you don't see us accusing you of it, even though you could well be since we cant see your ranks easily.

    You sneaky French men ;)


    I am not accusing you of stacking undercrewed anything in a port battle, a month ago that would have been a valid tactic, but now I'm quite sure Britain has plenty of players high level enough to fully crew 25 third rates or higher for a port battle. Again, I would like to request a link for the Fredericksted port battle, for our own internal purposes, pretty sure a France player left the battle right after joining, and other things we would like to address within France. Thank you.


    I appreciate the level of maturity all Nations have kept in this topic. (At least recently)

    • Like 1
  7. Was the 3rd rate undercrewed?


    Yes, sorry I forgot to put that he has 350 crew, and long 9s on each deck.

    I will talk to Jackalope later and see if he got a screenshot, that way you can bring him to trial.  ;)

  8. They were not, no one is stupid enough to undercrew a 3rd rate, at least on the british side.


    Jackalope and I captured a 3rd rate 3 days ago near La Mona, unfortunately I did not get a screen cap.  I do not remember his name, only that he was a [WIP] member, and put up quite a fight.

    And having just reviewed the video, i can state categorically that none of the Brit 3rd Rates/Bellonas were under-crewed.

    In fact three of them were even sailed by Commodores.


    I cant speak for the French 3rd rates, since three were sailed by 'Capitaine de (something cut off by the screen)', which could be anything from 'Master & Commander' thru 'Flag Captain'.


    You have a video of this fight? I would like a link so we could review the fight internally. (As long as your voice comms were not recorded as well)

  9. When you start a peace deal by asking first what the other players want then giving it to them typically makes things go much smoother.


    Handing someone a turd sandwich then making them take a bite never does anyone any good. It harms the game and it harms the environment we want to play in.


    That's exactly what we did, we talked to the Swedes and Danes separately about their goals, and this is the product of our discussions.

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  10. Hopefully this is good for those teams. They can participate in port battles against teams their size without having to worry about larger nations zerging them. They can pvp and hold ports and actually get to play the game as a real nation as no ones ho.


    The Swede and Dane conflict can continue on their own terms. This should be fun for both sides and hopefully draw in some new players. This should make the Dane and Swede teams way more viable to play.


    Exactly, and if one or both of those nations grow, I am sure we can "allot" additional ports to the area as needed, but for now this will give those two nations plenty to do.

    • Like 1
  11. If my memory serves me correctly the french helped in the coalition against the pirates and after the aves stuff some of the pirates went French and then suddenly the french had a new goal and that was the same as the pirates, whether or not it was only 12 OMG members, those 12 did a lot for France and France is now where it is at because of OMG. 


    Our main contribution to France as a nation was to engage pirates in PVP as much as possible, and break their wills.  That let the already established French clans the opportunity to take back their ports, we never like to see a nation die off, and do our best to prevent it. (although we did go a bit overkill while hunting pirates)

  12. I actually do look forward to the french pushing up to Hispaniola, it should allow for some better PVP as all clans in Great Britain will be faster to react to port battles :)


    I am also looking forward to this, I can't wait to be in the fray! I hope to see massive showings on both sides of the conflict.  :)

    To be fair to the rest of my French brethren, your statememt on the French character becoming "largely pirate" is grossly inaccurate. OMG brought over twelve formerly pirate players. We no more changed the French landscape, attitude, and tone then you yourself did. We have, if anything, stayed in line and contributed strategic guidance where asked. We've assisted our allies as we saw fit, and we've fought with the rest of the French nation to first secure French interests and protect our allies. I personally have fought you and yours on a number of occassions and when we've had stand up engagements I'd go so far as to say that beyond the occassional tongue in cheek barb, that we have been relatively cordial. That all said- I have not seen a shift in attitude of those who were French before we came over- except to meet fire with fire. Call that what you will, but the French are no more pirates than you.


    Well said Blackknight64, cordial, respectful, honest.

    • Like 2
  13. This post is to be used a reference to the Declaration agreed upon by French clans ([LBORK][LMN][OMG][PURGE]) in PVP2 involving the Sverige, Danmark-Norge, and France Nations. We talked to the Sverige and Danmark-Norges separately about their goals, and this is the product of our discussions.


    The French Nation (herein referred to as "we"), will not take any additional ports in the region spanning between the Freetown of Vieques, and Plymouth.

    We shall not interfere with Sverige or Danmark-Norge players while either of the aforementioned nations have an active conquest flag.

    We can, and will engage in PVP around the area if we so choose, but not to the extent of harassment.

    Any French-held ports marked in YELLOW (See Figure 1) can be attacked by either the Danmark-Norge or Sverige Nations, without interference from [LBORK], [LMN], [OMG], and [PURGE].

    Declaration is void if Sverige or Danmark-Norge attack Frederiksted or Fajardo, respectively.  (Each contains Stone and Silver, which are essential to each nation's shipbuilding efforts).

    Declaration is void if Sverige or Danmark-Norge attack "Protected French Ports" (See Figure 1).



    Figure 1:


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  14. At the end of the story the most important thing would be the six unconquerable port with resources, I added the proposal of the other feature since it seems the devs are putting a safe area in the sea of each capital city (so it would have made sense extending it in the area of all "unconquerable" city). But, in my priority list, the "no conquest area" comes first, while the "no PVP area" is just an optional feature.


    I agree with the closest 6 ports to a capital all containing the resources required to make any ship, but they should be conquerable just like the rest of them.  Maybe add an additional 2 port defense towers to them, and the BR difference moved from 2:1 to 3:1 to win the battle (only for the side of the capital they are nearest), and a BR requirement of 1.5:1 instead of 2:1 to take it back, to give the intended owner of that port an advantage.

  15. [PVP2]


    Let me tell you a tale, a tale of two brave Frenchmen and their assault into the waters of Port Royal.  These were not your typical, ordinary, or average men, they were men of stature, men of experience, men that longed for PVP.  They sailed from Île-à-Vache, westwards toward Port Royal.  They had heard of a valuable commodity, of the likes of which they craved: glory, from the sinking of Brit scum near their Capital.  As they approached the inlet to Port Royal, they could see a large group of British sailors, and they knew the Brits were no match for them, so they attacked.


    The battle commenced and sails were unfurled! Quickly diving into the British horde, they showed no fear as they went broadside to broadside against the startled Brits.  "Stop! I can't lose this ship!", they cried.  "We don't have nearly enough ships for an even fight!", shouted another Brit.  But that did not stop the Frenchmen.  Those two brave souls gave them hell, chasing each and every last one of them until the Brits escaped combat.


    Let the day of March 21, the year of our lord 2016 be remembered for all of time, as the day Britain was no longer a threat.



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  16. EVE online - which has such a safe zone called "empire" - seems to be the prototype of the sandbox MMORPG and is still alive and kicking (and there you can find a blazing RvR - in "0.0 sectors" and skirmish pvp all around the low security sectors.


    ... and again: "High-Sec" areas are B.S. "Carebear" zones.  If you are on a PVP server, you should have no safe zones.  (reinforcements should also be removed, or require substantial gold to summon, but I will save that for another thread)

  17. All games introduce at some point an area were new players cannot be steam rolled or ganked doing midships and ensign missions. You should be aware that the higher the Missions the further out they are are so you will not lose your PVP.


    Large established gaming companies like Wargaming for example has introduced methods that will not scare potential new players and profit away letting Experienced Highly skilled players noob bash to increase there own ego and stats.


    Such games that does not offer such a system die very quickly and I like the suggestion the op has made! 

     Yes, you can farm xp in the PVE servers, and then move with your levels to PVP. PVE is already the "safe zone"

  18. From some pirate sources the only reason french came back from the dead was because half of the pirates went to the french side, so I have heard.



    Let me sing you the ballad of OMG.  There were 12 of us in Pirates, sick of the "Pirate coalition" or whatever the hell they called themselves.  They refused to PVP, and spent all their time grinding fleets and talking "diplomacy".  We were sick of the lack of PVP, and realized with their proximity of their base of operations (Camp Du Roy) to the French capital, we could easily get the PVP we so much longed for, while also settling personal grudges with certain pirates.  The pirates named this turn of events the "Pirate Red Wedding".



    Sung to the tune of "Drunken Sailor":


    What will we do with no P-V-P? (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    Gank, sink, and make them cry "Frog!" (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    F*** you and your Diplo-ma-cy! (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    Gank, sink, and make them cry "Frog!" (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    Keep killing them 'til they have no ships (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    Gank, sink, and make them cry "Frog!" (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!




    Take seven pirate ports in the first day (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    Gank, sink, and make them cry "Frog!" (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    Watch them all run back to Mor-tim-er (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    Gank, sink, and make them cry "Frog!" (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!


    That's what we do with a "Care-bear" na-tion (x3)

    Now the Pi-rates fear us!


    Gank, sink, and make them cry "Frog!" (x3)

    Let's go kill some Pi-rates!

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