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Posts posted by Quarios

  1. This is a perfect example of broken mechanics. I can assure you I'd have the same point whether I be on the offensive side or defensive so do not think I am biased.

    The fact that the swedes, Brits and French were able to each attack at least 2 ports each of a pretty lonely desolated nation is seriously wrong. I find it frustrating being on the defensive and knowing that one of my allies is being roflstomped. I'd also find it pretty precarious being on the offensive with the ability to reduce a nation to one port.



    But then again you tried the same thing a few days ago when you simultaneously attacked french ports with the danes. It was around 8-10 Assault flags if I remeber correctly.

    So I guess its only broken when the others do it?

    • Like 3
  2. This is just an invite to people to gank mission runners, since even infront of your capital your own nation can't help you anymore.


    Can't stress this enough not a day passes by where I see people asking for help in nation while they being ganked in their homelands. This really is a bad design decision.

    The worst part is, the enemy can join with 20 ships while you could maximum bring 5 friends in your group. Also we had atleast 3-4 incidents where a group member could not join our mission even tho he was in time. I think the game failed to register him properly as group member.


    Please roll that change back, next thing the people will cry for are safe zones around their harbours....

  3. What's new:

    • Missions can only be joined by your group members and enemies of your nation. We will continue to update Rules of engagements


    This is just an invite to people to gank mission runners, since even infront of your capital your own nation can't help you anymore.

    • Like 4
  4. Good writeup, I really like how taking San marco is considered treacherous. While the US taking Pensacola, in the middle of french Lousiana ports before that is of course rightful.


    Talking about perception, good propaganda stuff tho :-)

  5. Right now, if you haven't done anything but sail in one direction, you're kicked.



    This is really bad, so you want to force ppl sto stare at the screen while sailing OW for 2 hours? Im glad i passed over to Honduras before that patch!

  6. EvE handles this by jump gates and jump gate queues. You are on one megashard but form the server perspective you are in Amarr server, or Jita server. When you jump through the gate you load into another subserver. 


    I don't know yet how to implement jump gates in the open sea.

    Maybe take one Server only for OW. Battles and even harbors can be run from multiple other servers. This would probably incraese the loading times a little bit but might allow you to add a fe more thousand players to one server.


    But then i dont know your netcode maybe you are already doing it like that.

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