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Posts posted by Swieb

  1. Didn't you guys buy a flag to attack El Toco?

    And doesn't the treaty specifically precises that the area east of Galdonas is for pvp?

    Or have I missed something?


    To mister Louis Marie Dragases,


    Yes sir, you have missed something. As far I know the Prince of Orange did not gave the permission, or the order, to stop privatering against the enemies of our nation. The behaviour of the Dutch privateers that have signed the 'treaty' can be seen as a coup d'etat against Stadtholder William V of Orange. A lot of revolutionair scum from the Batavian Republic, serving the horrors of the French revolution, has arrived here in the Caribbean to finally destroy the last bastions of the old proud United Provinces. That is terrible!

  2. its the second time you guys attacked the French.. (and failed) and now when you get hunted down you complain about it??? and you want DAS/BOAT to help you??

    so far i know most French are following the Treaty with the Dutch so DAS/BOAT has no reason to help you tbh.. 



    you guys wanted PvP and you got it.... we never said that the French are weak... 

    I consider the way how DAS/BOAT allows the come back of the French and Swedish trouble makers as very dangerous for us. DAS/BOAT prevents in fact that in the east a strong defence against the expected British blow towards the east can be build up.   

  3.  <..>


    I won't reiterate my entire other post, but yes, we are here to test. That is our purpose in this game at this time. And yes, we need to see how broken a system is in order to properly fix it. <..> The fact that you paid to play this doesn't change the fact that we're still playing it to test it.


    Honestly, I'm so very tired of "sweet Jesus, won't somebody think of our PORTS?! We can't lose ALL of them or ALL of the players will quit FOREVER OH MY GOD" Speaking in hyperbole like this does nothing to support one's argument. It merely makes you appear unrealistic.


    I don't have a problem with relative frequent map wipes to start game testing again. There is for me much unclear in what direction the game developers are thinking while they are observing the game play at the different servers. 
    There are i.m.o. regarding this game, developed so far, different paths possible do develope the game into several (softer and harder) game versions. Soft almost endless during game play for players who like to keep every nation in the game, but also a bone hard survival of the fittest game version. A temporary, relative short during, game (not more then maximal some months) with an end of the game timer. A type of game in were whole nations can and shall be destroyed and other objectives needs to be reached to score points before the end of the current game round is reached. After that the next game round will start, again from its begin point as the next survival game with for every nation new chances to win or to lose.   
    As I mentioned before, I like also to play it hard, with no mercy.. with the in war and love is everything fair mentallity. Including, on the role play forum, a lively iron hard role play and psychological warfare too being directed to your game enemies (but never directed to the real person behind the game character) including spreading disinformation, deception, allegation and misleading as allowed game tactics. Thus on one of the PvP servers (especial developed for mature players) a bone hard version of Naval Action diplomacy and war gaming. 
    A version of the game being a MMO wargame with some unique elements seen in the relative unknown board game Diplomacy. Info regarding Diplomay see:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomacy_(game) and hahaha, :D also 


  4. Would it not be more appropriate for the PFK to join the pirate nation now? They certainly do not seem to be aligned politically with the majority of the Dutch nation and would undoubtedly get much more PVP that way... In fact I think politically aligned is too soft a word - the Dutch captains I know would even readily sail with Frenchman against these rogues.


    'PFK angry that financial investiture in the east against the French now worthless after treaty' > They waste millions on a doomed-to-fail attack on Puerto de Espagne and St Louis

    'PFK wants more PVP'  = Tries to fool the French into sailing north so they can attempt to take Puerto de Espagne unopposed


    To Mister Martin Tyler and the (other) so named Patriots.


    The PFK joining the pirate nation? of course not! They are not the traitors of the United Provinces. The Polish privateers are very loyal to the Prince of Orange. That can't be said regarding the so named Dutch Patriot Party, since short clearly proven to be pro French, lead by Joan van der Capellen tot den Dol and other revolutionair scum. Let the brave Polish privateers with the other still loyal privateers prevents in the Caribbean what has been recently happen in our European homeland, now as the Batavian Republic in fact a French puppetstate. For God, Orange and our loyal Polish friends.. hooray, hooray, hooray!

    • Like 3
  5. Yes - it would be much better to totally wipe them out. It's just unfortunate that they get to keep their capitals :( Otherwise you could force every single Swedish and French player away from the game for good leaving yourselves a huge PvE area in the east and 500 or so less players to fight for slots when you want to connect to the game.


    Before someone plays the "But we need to let the devs see that it's not working right at the moment and see this through to the bitter end!" card, a short and sweet version of the game you would create for yourselves if nobody was prepared to talk:


    1. Wipe nation

    2. Wiped nation players leave

    3. No players to fight against

    4. But you won your virtual internet war I suppose! \o/


    Don't make the mistake of assuming the devs are fools - anyone can see that the mechanics are not working.


    Mister Martin Tyler,


    Wat are you trying to do here? For what nation are you sailing? What war mechanics are not working at the moment? It is good possible that the war mechanics in the game (including the lively role playing warfare you don't seems to see happen) works as intended by the devs.

  6. The shrill voices of certain rabble-rousers who cry for a war of all against the Brits seem to be growing louder


    It's hard to know what we have done to inspire such enmity

    But no matter, we have fought alone before and are quite prepared to fight alone again


    Dear mister Mouse of War.

    You are an assosiation member of the United Society Leaders. What is the (political) agenda of this group, is it entirely British or is it international organized? 
    The growing might of the British in our part of the world is concerning many not British inhabitants, including me. The same as the come back of France and Sweden concerns me. As we all have seen, the French has proven themself from the beginning to be an enemy of the Dutch nation, and later being a untrustworthy protector of the Swedish too. Because of that I see a huge danger in the comeback of the French and Swedish also, allowing them sooner or later to create again troubles against the Dutch and Danish. That would be very good news for the British, sooner or later being able to use that situation to sweep us all from the map.
    With regards,
    privateer Swieb.
  7. SLMFr Agrees fully with this, and to PFK, and DWIC.  Please understand this agreement had everything to do with keeping players playing and enjoying the game. 


    SLMFr Agrees.

    Sure... but that is i.m.o. not a player liability, and for that we have the tame PvE server too. What are the real French intentions, using this given time to bring the beaten French nation back in the game, preparing for the backstab? I have played the board game Diplomacy too, were intriges, allegations, treachery, deception and other dirty tricks are not only as part of the game allowed but frequently used as gaming tactics. Gentlemen, this is a war game, and our nations are officially in war, regardless of what less or more clans agree. A Dutch saying is "in war and love is everything allowed". I love the French ;)

    • Like 1
  8. I must say the same here to you Bart Smith as I said to DAS and BOAT, if a dutch clan should be the reason why this non aggresion pact would fall, you can expect no more help from us against the French. And let us be honest, how did your war against the French go before we intervened? Denmark-Norway do now consider France a friend, but not an ally. However, would France attack the Dutch and not respect the agreement, retaliation from the Danish-Norwegian kingdom would once more be swift and overwhelming, and this time without stopping until we were totally united with our Dutch brothers.

    Please understand the game mechanism. As privateers no player or clan has the authority to speak in name of the whole nation, no one is placed in the position to do this. And, this game is in the Alpha development phase.. what we do in the eyes of the developers is game testing to show were the huge game flaws are. I am somewhat concerned regarding the future of this game. It seems to me that the developers team is very small for the Naval Action project, and they don't participate very much in our forum discussions as far I have seen yet.

  9. Loosing tons of players, giving up the game or find something great for all of us and let this game grow because that is the point right now tons of players will leave if we can't find a win win solution for us and the game

    In fact this is at first a problem for the game developers to solve.. not the players. The developers must find a good solution (including a good solution regarding the constant crisis of vital resources, i.m.o. being a serious problem in the economic game play) to keep enough new players playing the game.

  10. Found this site which i think would help. Here you will find most navy's of the time we are looking for.




    Regarding the Dutch naval ensign showed on the linked webside, that is incorrect. The Dutch don't use specific ensign flags, for that is the national flag in use too. What is shown as the Dutch ensign is the navy jack, waving at the jackstaff (at the bow) of a docked Dutch warship.

  11. Here are some countryflags for the Denmark and Sweden:



    I have seen this one on several paintings as well, mostly on the flagships of the Swedish navy:

    attachicon.gifSweden CoA.png






    It seems to me that this Swedish naval flag belongs to the Bernadotte dynasty, the current Swedish royal family. The centre shield in the flag shows also the colors of the French tricolor. The first Swedish king of the House of Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, was by birth French. He served a long career in the French army and was appointed as a Marshal of France by Napoleon Bonaparte. Later, after a remarkable carriere swith, he was chosen to become king (Charles XIV John) of Sweden. As heir of the Swedish throne he turned in 6th and 7th coalition wars against Napoleon and his former home nation France.  

  12. The Dutch-French agreement is may-be somewhat dull. Why stop all the hostilities? Officially (due the game mechanics) every nation is in war with all the other nations. Why not to agree about some ports in so named contested zones were ports will be captured with the intention to keep it for the nation and enough ports in the core zone of the nations to keep every nation in the game, thus the core towns of a nation being respected as to be "de jure" a part of the specific nation? 





    ************ Temporarily Sign up with a British Account and Fight the DANES and their lapdogs *************

    ​Help Britain to return your ports! 



    Very remarkable to read that the British king seems to be a supporter of the French revolution? ;)


    Hop Marjanneke stroop in 't kanneke laat de poppetjes dansen... see: http://www.mamalisa.com/?t=es&p=4157

    • Like 1
  14. The situation on the French northern frontier was indeed very grim for the French. With much amazement we have received the news about the very remarkable Danish-Norwegian offensive there. Almost every one speaks with amazement about it in Willemstad and in our taverns nation wide. We are very curious about how the French reaction would be today and in the near future. 

  15. Press "P".   :)

    Hi Henry. In my opening message I wrote "For me the F12, P and F9 ...." Thus also the "P" hotkey does not work for me. Has it may-be also to do with having a 4:3 monitor screen, also not 100% game compatible having information overlap issues in the sea battle screen?

  16. Al'right...


    1st question, full screen or not ?

    I play with the windowed screen. As far I could discover are the temperatures not abnormal, the air I feel from the ventilator is relative cool, not very warm, and I use always the most recent NVIDIA drivers. I think it is impossible to make a screenshot because my whole system is crashed in such situation.

  17. During game sessions I had several times after playing for hours a fatal computer crash. Not to the desktop but worse, a light blue screen windows 10 crash, causing instantly a  computer system reboot. Thus using the F11 bug report feature is in that situation impossible. This system crashes I had only happen during playing Naval Action, not with other application software.

  18. Please, Please... The Jenever was all we were after.  Alas, I fear that prior shipments were had in full!  We now see your plans in full, allowing said goods to be captured on the eve of battle.






    In all seriousness, I fought 3 NPC's for 30 minutes before someone finally told me they weren't players (Thanks Steelsandwich).  I think the Dutch will be OK...

    Dutch jenever.. no thanks. As a peacefull trader I like to go for your superiour cognac :)

    • Like 1
  19. Since all our nations have lost almost their strategical control in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico region, and officially every nation in our theater is at war with all the other nations, and all our navies are far away from us because of some unknown reasons, we, the privateers of our nations are the only forces available here to serve our private business.. and of course our nation less or more too. It is interesting to see how this region is developing during the current extreme chaotic period in our common history. Also the fact that there so many privateers in our game, thinking that they are a part of the navy of their country (in real none of us is serving the navy) is amusing for me. Agreements privateer clans make with foreign privateer clans are always informal.. it does not chance the political situation that all nations are in war against each other. There are no official ambassadors active in our game world to serve their nation.. only clan leaders representing their privateer organisation, our themselves. That gentlemen, are the facts in our gameworld, dictated by the game mechanism. For who like to get a better idea of what a privateer was to understand somewhat better what kind of game Naval Action is, see:


  20. Hi


    ( i wanted to post a pics. here but it was not allowed )


    There should be red privateer flags in the game for the Dutch ships if you want to be accurate ( this means ofcourse that you should be playing as a privateer for your nation to fly it )

    I would love to see my home towns privateers flag ( the flag is my profile pic ). ......let me make my case.


    Hi Johan. I understand your point and it is a nice idea.. but in fact we all are playing as privateers for our nation. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privateer 


    Thus being a privateer is 'de jure' not the same as being a pirate. The problem with so many different versions of nationality flags for individual players being part of the same fraction is i.m.o. confusion. A better idea is i.m.o. is that we get, beside the national flag, the possibility to create a more personal flag (can be used as the clan flag too) waving from the top of the main mast.


    An example (see picture below) of the use of flags on ships is the replica of the US topsail schooner "Pride of Baltimore II" The original was favoured by privateers for its speed and ability to sail close to the wind. United States flag is at the stern or backside of the ship the place were always the national flag belongs. The ship at the far right top of the picture is waving the flag of Portugal above its stern. The US flag is the same as in the game, being the national US flag that was in use between 1795-1818, having 15 starts and (remarkable) also 15 stripes. The idea to use the 13 stripes to represent the 13 colonies having founded the US in 1776 was introduced in 1818. In top of the foremast is the flag of the State of Maryland waving, the flag in top of the mainmast is a private flag, I think the flag of the ship owner.





    Finally it is possible to place pictures after (I believe) your 3rd forum post.

    • Like 1
  21. The flag with fifteen stars and stripes, which would eventually earn the name "Star Spangled Banner," came into being in 1795 when Vermont and Kentucky joined the Union. The current American ensign is entirely appropriate for the setting of this game.


    Indeed.. and regarding the in this game used French tricolore blue (hoist side), white and red. That flag came for the first time into being in 1794. For role playing purpose the most logical currend game year is i.m.o. 1795. 

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