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Captain Obido

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. So if I may try to sum up the discussion: Some want harder tracking/navigation, some want it to stay the way it is, some want it to become more or less easier up to the point when you maybe could activate some auto navigator sailing for you. The possibilitys to make navigation easier range from an editable/drawable map, bought ship upgrades, or even hired navigators and more. The opinions on what to do or not are differ for nearly each single player and we can discuss until the end of days. Let's say it's simply a matter of difficulty for sailing in OW and it's up to the devs to set the level they want. And I think they now have a lot of suggestions to vary as wished by them.
  2. 3. There could be something like newspapers in ports... if you read them you can read (some awesome storys about "Captain Olavs Voyage around Cap Horn" suppoorted by the Dutch Antilles Sqad and similar) storys and tales. Plus there might be sometimes informations about rebellions (of slaves), special taxes of nations (maybe because of wars in other parts of their empire), famines, sabotaged factorys, accidents, villages burnt down by an outbreaking fire after dry period, delay of supply ships... all affecting different areas or single ports in different ways. Those events could be rare. But if you checked on them you'd know where to get some goods for a special price or sell them with high profit. Also while writing this, I noticed I'd love to invent some semi-true storys for the newspapers... Also I already saw a great design of a paper somwhere, though won't search at the moment with my phone.
  3. Well it might be challenging to fight a battle with close to zero visibility and the gunflashes might look really great in a pitch black night. BUT I assume that most players simply would be annoyed and to not get a disadvantage and maybe get an advantage over others they would turn up gamma settings (ingame or on clientside) and the final product would be an annoyed player with a "normal" game with bad contrast/colours. Same happened in ARK.
  4. Well in fact I love to use "improvised stuns'l and other similar stuff when sailing cups with my cutter in reallife. (At lake Konstanz, Germany. Mostly no considerable waves and often less then 2 bft or even 0-1). As those sails are no original part of the rigging, it's really risky to try it with more wind, even though it's just a small 2masted 10m Cutter. I actually once saw my bowspriet splinter while experimenting with gennakers and a friend of mine got a loose yard coming down, piercing the boat like a giant spear. He luckily cleared the sails/rest of the riggin and left the yard in the hole to prevent heavy flooding. He manned his pump, trimed the ship to decrease flooding even more and ran for the port at full speed... met him 5min after his arrival in port. He really was a "bit" shocked, but all in all not one crewmember got hurt. They were really lucky! So now what I want to say: I'd love to have Stuns'ls. But assuming I can just scale up my experience to larger dimensions, it should be only usable with light winds, at some risks, usable at special courses, add effects due to shifting trim of the sails (ships starts turning into the wind or leeward) and all in all hard to handle. As a result it would be something difficult to use, maybe hard to handle and with some risks if not used proper. Like that it would be something a skilled Captain would use to gain the upper hand on unskilled. (I have heard of captains sailing sotl before the wipe without being able to use manual sails and can't believe it.)
  5. In my opinion there are already enough tools to navigate and nothing really needs to be added. The only things I would add, or could imagine to be added, would be the ability to set a marker manually, so that for example in case you log out at Sea, you will remember where you have been when coming back later. Also I wouldn't mind to be able to draw a line on the map and get the info on the course like with classical nautic instrument (don't know what they are called in english). Finally, if you really want even more, the only thing else to navigate and fitting the game would be a small sextant simulator, hard to handle (as i've heard it was in reality) due to simulated rolling of the ship and and not perfect equipment.... You could use this/enter that minigame or whatever it will be, only at noon and the weather will be considered. So if you are in a storm, there is no chance to see the sun and get your location. And if a storm is gone you have to deal with the waves... But I firstly doubt that there will be anything the way I imagine it and secondly, and that's the funny point, those complaining about the "lack" of something to get your posotion would try it once, consider it to hard/inaccurate... but those speaking up at the moment for no further tools, will continue sailing without it, while considering the "sextant"app as a nice tool and maybe use it from time to time just for the fun of it. PS: also navigation inclueds a lot of algebra. Like a sextant does only read out the height/angle of the sun... so the navigator has to do the maths. Oh and to get longitude and latitude you would have to constantly measure the time and watch the sun and simply guess again when you think it reached noon at your location. Compare it, do more maths. "Congratulations, Lieutenant. It seems we finally found the origins of the Nile. For if your calculations are correct, we are currently sailing somewhere in central Afrika."
  6. As far as I remember there was a statement of the devs somewhere else in the forum that an ingame tutorial will be added sometime later. And in my opinion this tutorial should not only be made out of text and illustrations, but also contain Quests and rewards... like you have to click through ships/equipment/shop to get money and the quest to buy the first ship And guns with that money. And so on. BUT for games in EA it is kind of common not to have any guides YET. And I think it's not really needed that much, because there is (s.o.) enough information here in the forum or on Youtube and it's not that hard to find. What the game only needs is to give those new players not having been here a small push to drop by. So I suggest an ingame notification to new players like: Currently there is no in-game tutorial yet. Check out our Forum (link) for guides and informations. (Optional refer to Youtube) You would read it, know where to find a tutorial and info, click on ok, start the game, get confused, open a browser, go to the forum and be happy. And if you don't want to read, watch vids. There are already a lot and I'm sure at this moment lots in progress. PS: Keep it short, or else exactly those in need of that simple info-message will just skip it, because they are... ahm, well... to smart to be helped?
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