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-PSF- HauptmanToni

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Everything posted by -PSF- HauptmanToni

  1. Hi, 1. The fact that your ship sail faster, if u haven´t got canons onboard, is fine and i think realistic. but id´l like to see, if i install my upgrade "light-carriages" the ship speed get bit higher, in fact of -20% canonmass.(exeptional-upgrade) i cant see difference between no guns on top-deck, and u get faster (example), or all guns mounted and updrade all guns -20% of mass. The ship probably should sail also more fast. why i cant see this? is it a bug, or not implemented yet ? 2. Traders and ship´s with load should also sail not that fast. For example fully loaded Indiaman (with 8000/8000 load) should sail 2-3kn less than his high speed. staggered with cargomass. in my opinion even warships should sail up to -1kn if the fully loaded. think this will be more realistic and a new improvment of this game. like to hear your opinions. have nice day
  2. -PSF- HauptmanToni


  3. ty alot for nice feedback ty. spelling isnt the best of my talent´s ^^ have nice wind... Toni
  4. iam very excited... cant wait for 19th to log in first time ^^ congratulations to the dev´s u made great game ! thank you.
  5. hi we have played Naval Action not for a long time. because we just found the game 2 weeks ago. but we played much time since that: 160h+ (i can only speak about me, mates have bit less hours) but after some gameplay and some investigation we want to support the swedish country. we do this because we want to support the nation, who have the strongest startup, and we have the feeling sweden nee every support they can get and some german community is also here. we are very new clan and we support gladly the bigger ones in swedish community. We are 3-4 guys now, and some will follow after release. Our average age is between 22 and 40. so some younger guys this was our small presentation, hope we have some good trades and fight´s together. have nice day Toni
  6. It were mentioned a couple of times already by the devs that things like that (and also locking-unlocking ports, gun recoil etc.) would overload our PCs and instead of 25 vs 25 instances we would have e.g. 12 vs 12, Just imagine, that there are boats with anchors pulling your ship. To check what devs already said about it, please check ref.1 and 2. ty for answer:
  7. hallo, ich und mein kumpel spielen derzeit briten weil wir historich (bücher etc.) geprägt das gewählt haben. da ich diesen treath hier entnehemen kann, der mich erstmal darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat, das das kein einzelspieler game ist, und hier richtige community against community fights sind (was ich großartig finde) und nicht nur zusammengewürfelte kämpfe zwichen ein paar leuten. so würde ich mich gerne für eine community entscheiden wo ich dann auch verwurzelt bin. was ja auch gut paar vortiele mitbringt und den spielspass/bekanntschaften anhebt. ich spiele relativ viel ( 100+ stunden+ in 7 tagen weis das ist bissl crazy aber wenn man tut was man liebt is das nie falsch) und ich selbständig bin, habe ich viel zeit und lust hier input zeit reinzustecken. ich weiß nur nicht so recht ob ich nun holländer oder schweden nehmen soll, da ja beide die deutsche community beherbergen sollen. ich tendiere aber nach diesen ansprachen hier eher zu schweden. wie gesagt ich habe 1-2 sichere freunde in der hinterhand, die mir folgen würden hätte gerne bisschen feedback holland oder schweden? wo wird die DE community größtenteils sein ? persönlich wäre ich für schweden. freue mich darauf die deutschen zu unterstützen, bring viel zeit und begeisterung mit. lg Toni
  8. thank you for your advice. it looks like we have same opinion, special: i dont have much real life expirience but i was sometimes on my dad´s boat to get basic feeling for that.
  9. hi problem: ships with no mast could turn to fast and still can sail ! why problem: i wanna board a ship and get every mast down, i sail behind him to give him grape for killing crew. but he turned that fast i cant handle and he sunken me !! i can understand that for gameplay, if u have upwind and 0.0kn the turnrate is higher than IRL, because of gameplay. but ship with no sail and mast should not be able to turn that fast and should much less able to drive/sail. and it´s fair against the turnrate of upwind-turn´s because its even a achievement get all his mast down. make boarding annoying hard, on the top its unrealistic. i know that ships could turn even with no sail´s because wind is hiting ships side and turn it so. but it can turn only one direction! ( at zero point sure 2 directions) and with rudder it should only speed up or lower the turn. and it could´nt turn that fast. solution: pls get the turnrate of ships with no mast/sails down. EDIT AFTER LAST BATTLE: see with free cam(wich is stationary) that he also can sail with 2-4 kn !!!! he moves and sail without mast like "dead slow" this cant be true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... sorry for my freak out but this fact dissapointed me so much...he had sunken me 2nd time...sorry for bad language but: thats sucks so much... i know if u are not vise at boarding it´s ok that he can sank u...but iam not that bad after 105 hours gameplay. would be nice if u have to say something or fix. thank you for listening u made great game. have nice day Toni
  10. is there any list of that? so i can check wich ship i want to have next.? ty
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