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Posts posted by Spitfire83

  1. So bearwell after a discussion are you.?. your replies are not in particular diplomatic are they? I'm pretty sure that if you look at my posts in general there is little shit flinging. So how do split servers stop 1 eu nation day flipping another eu nation??? What abhorrent behaviour do you refer? My point in general was to keep as is global server. You say not to antagonize and yet I find your replies full of antagonistic & sarcastic bs.. I actually play quite nice with members of my nation & enemy alike In battles, forum and global chat I'm not so sure I could play nice with you someone who clearly only likes things one sided in your favour..which is pretty much the problem everyone wants to play the game but wants the odds in there own favour....however enough time wasted replying to you as your reply was essentially a waste of my time answered nothing & just a troll reply....GG & why some people don't post on forums get some troll reply like this 

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  2. So great solution split servers kill the game even more to stop night flips.

    So what about work time flips between 1600 & 1900 server time..?..

    Because if I know the "dirty Dane's" they will continue to work flip even when night flips are forced to stop.

    So how is that FAIR first off your isolating a percentage of player base.GG....Also explain to me the difference at night, I decide how much I sleep so if I chose to I could sleep less defend PB, however work flips I have no choice what so ever my boss decides & dictates working hours I can't tell them no sorry I've got a PB to defend I've got bills to pay so nope can't defend it no matter what. 

    So if night flips are a problem that needs to be fixed (even though I can choose to go sleepless & defend) work flips must be more of a problem due to the fact that I have no possible choice but to be at work and miss them. So where is dev solution to this???

    Do the Devs have a Eastern alliance flag on the office? I'm sure one will be in the post once you've banned night flips but continue the allowance of work flips.

    I stick by my original position of global server stop bitchin cause you lose coloured dots on a pixel map & have a good fun fight taking it back in your time if it's important enough for you to bother.

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  3. LOL this topic again. Let's just quote Jeheil.. I hope he doesn't mind " there's no such thing as night flips on a global server" Iam a eu resident who has a full time job so those 4-6pm port flips where im at work yep I miss those, night flips past 1am I miss those as I'm up at 6am for work, between 6pm & 8pm I'm spending time with my toddler so I normally miss those & yet I don't cry on forums about it I can promise you won't find one post where I'm crying about it why??? ITS A GLOBAL SERVER, THE GLOBE IS ROUND & I HAVE A REAL LIFE. Fine take a port when I'm busy if we launch a attack to take it back I will be there if possible & I will try to have FUN while I do it, besides that one problem is that players are rewarded with rare blueprints via these port battles so devs are essentially encouraging it to happen HELL wknds I stay up late to take part in them for that reason alone so I'm sure others do especially of they think it's empty pb cause we'll it's a easy way to get a rare reward ..

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  4. Not been online for a couple of days, I've not seen all of Pb video. First of all unlucky Brit's shame I couldn't be there to help bloody work does get in the way and congrats to the enemy.( we will be back)

    I would like to say as a player who does partake in pb's when possible I have no problems with any of our fleet commanders it's a horrible thankless task I wasn't too sure about LV  joining Brit's at first but TBH as a fleet commander I respect him and happily follow him into battles in game ( not to sure I would follow him in the forum wars) at times.....

    On the subject of fleet commanders hell I've thought about giving it a go but the learning curve is steep and the responsibility of 25 players & there ships is alot to carry especially if they get flamed when it goes wrong and most pb's are important also I feel that if Brit's bring a new fleet commander against a seasoned one the defeat may have effect of killing that persons enthusiasm to lead another...

    There may be some shall we say reluctant leaders waiting in the mist, who will be hiding further in the mist without some encouragement and some support.  Let's not let one defeat divide us let's pick ourselves up and take the fight to the enemy.

    If we win we win as a team of 25 and if we lose its as a team of 25..  not forgetting the screen?

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  5. I'm outraged at this latest announcement no more national news where will I get my salt at work lunchtime??? Chips won't be the same without N-News Salt.............hang on did you mention REWARDS how do I get a them sign me up... 


    Sad day when there's no nation news on here , means I've got to go to 2 sites now not one ...

  6. I suffered disconnect this morning during port battle, ship stopped responding to orders but not sure at what point as had maintained course for set time , then as noticed was trying to see what happening then had message saying battle lost, connection lost then results screen.so not great and I must say I've had more drop outs in 2weeks then in months, hoping this trend doesn't continue...

  7. I did notice one or two big ping spikes yesterday, I've not sent connection test reports will try tonight I say try as not done before. I was watching stream of port battle for awhile last night while running game and that had no issues, lags etc so must be issue with game or steam I guess 

  8. OK I've been online twice this week & for relatively short lengths of time due to real life however when i have been online I've had multiple disconnects to login screen, I've also on two occasions had the game freeze when at sea then after short period game flashes login screens at me like it's auto connecting them shows my ship near Roseau harbour then loads me back to my original position. Any explanation or ideas would fantastic..

  9. Noooooooo! Tiedemann please don't leave I still owe you for sinking my ship last time I fought you in port battle. How can I taste sweet revenge if you leave??

    Tell you what let me sink you and then you can be on your merry way if you wish...lol.

  10. Well I've been stuck on land mostly this week awaiting orders from the Admiralty (The Mrs). So missed all the fun but should be back at sea on Thursday evening until then I will be filling the void with these videos so thanks all who record and put on here and to all the participants of the battles..


    Am unsure of crafting changes regarding class of ships personally I've spent alot of hours playing and crafting and until recently it was gold ships or nothing because it was easy to do so now with the introduction of fine woods it is not so easy (unless you have a alt or two which I don't) end result have been thinking of building blue ships from Mahog and saving live oak etc for pb ships.

    However I do not agree with exclusive ships or blueprints for ships from special events I feel it is unfair to punish players for not being able to take part in a special event which the player has no control over I.e. timezones, real life this is a game and not my job(my time is precious/valuable to me the last events you ran was every sat afternoon the time I spend with my kids so couldn't attend a single one) Brilliant idea!

    Let's use the L'ocean as a example so I don't know anyone who can build me one I doubt the enemy will build me one so I can try and capture a player one or go without however if France want a victory no problem just craft one. If only 1 or 2 players have a bp and they stop playing effectively that ship is no longer in the game. P.S I really like the game and most of the work devs have done however I do feel a real gap is developing making it much harder for a casual gamer to enjoy your game..

  12. Ok Lets try this & Congratulations by the way & please continue to supply me with 20-30 mins entertainment when i should be working...

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=756957441 British line discipline

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=756957392 making a bridge to the enemy in fog.



    http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/478893369655478065/E42FE4E226193FAC86710C7555CBE678E83B85D4/   25 ships in 1 because of boredom

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  13. Hi everyone I've been looking into getting a laptop to play naval action as my Mrs uses the desktop most week nights so I was hoping to get some advice on what specs to look for to achieve a half decent fps in battle/ow.. thanks in advance..

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