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Baron Quertier

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Posts posted by Baron Quertier

  1. "in return"???


    This said without the slightest ounce of irony from me, if there is any quality I sincerely admire in the British, it is their remarkable talent to tell the most fascinating tales. Dracula, Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, etc... Britain has graced the world with the most inventive, elegant and entertaining fiction ever written.


    Now, would you please entertain us with yours, of a timeline so evidently inverted it could only have happened in a parallel universe? How do we gain access to it? I bet it is through a portal in the Greenwich observatory.

    Sir, I am probably misunderstanding your post, are you saying that there never was a British empire?

  2. And I thought it was the French being known for running away from a fight...

    To be fair, I don't think the French have run away from fights. No more than anyone else.

    But then neither have the British.

    Even though I will not be fighting the British it is historical that Britain (or England before the union) and France were on opposite sides of a front line. For the best part of 800 years, enemies or rivals, and even when they did come to agreements it was normally so that they could stab eachother in the back. Even on the crusades English and French knights didn't see eye to eye.

    • Like 1
  3. At the end of the day, I just feel that we didn't even bother trying to turn the Danes back. We could've done something with the swedes, liberated the lost territory, the British would've sent a squadron to assist, or launched attacks to the west.

    My point is that we didn't try, didn't even consider it as far as I know. And now put all the blame on people playing their own game.

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  4. Ohhh.... sry, the game told me you guys have ports near the Danes. So i thought you were able to attack the Danes from the other side when their entire fleet ws in Sweden and France. But the game must have lied to me then... oh welll...

    Yes the game must of also lied to you about the huge pirate nation attacking British ports too and tying up the British ships.oh well

    By the way I'm with the French nation, I just dont see right blaming others for our own foul ups.

    • Like 1
  5. Hm... France turns against Britain? But why? Britain has been such a good ally to France and us Swedes, they helped us defend against the Danes and...


    Oh wait.....

    Yes it's entirely the fault of the British nation for our loses before, a nation who are approxiamtely an hours sail away from any French or Swedish territory, who weren't already facing their own dramas, who could've stopped us being overrun in a single day, bore off blaming other for our own failings. The Dutch and Danes were simply much better and could actually be bothered.

    • Like 7
  6. Is that a fact?

    What about these battles; Saratoga, Islandlwana, the battle for the danish straits against Bismarck, Singapore, or even at the Gazala line.

    How'd all of these go for the british, hm? Saratoga is an excellent example if I do say so myself.

    Sir if I may, you have certainly proved the gentleman's argument to be part false, 'none of them were British' . As for the second part, I wouldn't say that any of the enemies faced by the British in any of the battles you listed were cowardly.

    No nation has had a clean slate in regards to warfare, although I will admit many British defeats had been caused for some ridiculous reason and could have been easily avoided.

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  7. None of them were british. None of them had so weak and coward enemies.

    Steady sir, although I sail a French ship presently I am no friend of CSNF nor the Dutch. However I wouldn't go so far as to call them cowardly... Conniving yes, ambitious certainly, perhaps lacking in the stoicism of many British captains, but I wouldn't refer to them as cowardly.

  8. Kierrip, the voice of good reasoning as usual. However I wouldn't go so far as to say that people are being racist, no one has said anything against the Russian players in our community as far as I can remember.

    I wasn't surprised as soon as CSNF declared they were 'neutral' to Britain I personally knew you'd give it a week or two then declare war. It made sense to me, with Britain being the central nation, but also fighting on multiple fronts already, France was bound to jump on the band wagon and see what hey can get out of it. I was surprised that France allied with the Dane- Norge though. I was expecting an alliance with the Dutch, I guess if that was on the cards, the Swedish would've derailed that plan with their attacks on the Dutch.

  9. That cracked me up, standing on a busy underground platform at work, saw this and laughed really loudly, got loads of odd looks. Cheers needed that.

    Personally I think blaming the Brits for France's failings is a bit of a poor excuse, interested to see where the French decide to strike

  10. Well I suppose this resolves any possible doubts as to your loyalty, France or Charles Cadwell's pocket? An easy choice for you it would seem.

    Ive been regarded as an enemy of France since the surrender. Why should that change because France has now agreed to openly work for Denmark-Norway.

    It's an interesting turn of events though.

    • Like 3
  11. I salute the stoicism of the spaniards, but I can't help but think that there is a better way out of the mess. Good luck to all.

    My in game (RP) character is wondering if the Spanish have enough hammocks for all he upcoming burials

  12. All captains new and old, crafter or fighter all are welcome to join our ever growing band of pvp players.

    Solo players who don't want to join a guild are also very welcome to sail with us if you enjoy pvp battles and general merriment in game.

    If you're interested PM Grim DeGrim, Francis Tabernac or myself. You will be gratefully received

  13. Thank you Tennessee88 it is along those exact lines you took good time to explain that I was thinking. I'm sure it is possible and will be an interesting part of the game if our very good group of devs could bring such a thing to the game. I know in real life such an operation was extremely risky. So in the game I imagined it as a very difficult mission, or even a massive gamble, the rewards would have to be huge to make the risk worth while

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