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Baron Quertier

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Posts posted by Baron Quertier

  1. I agree in the point that we need a diplomacy mechanic.

    Do not forget that we are not playing as "individuals" with own opinions but as naval officers of a national sovereign (besides the Pirates). In that point it is indeed treason to act in another way than you were ordered. And to make sure was His Majesty wants we need a diplomacy mechanic based on player-votes.

    I totally agree, but until that mechanic comes, no one should be dictating anything to other players. They can ask players to toe he line sure, or make it a pre condition of joining their guild that they follow the guilds orders or leave. But demanding that the 'opposition party' players as I think of them should be made pirate for disagreeing with the rest is complete.................

    As I said in the counterpart thread to this one, whose to say that it's not the minority that are the 'kings men' and the majority are the 'bad guys'

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  2. Yeah, but who says they're rogue? At the moment there is no way of the game knowing that it is that group who are the 'bad guys' as far as they're concerned the majority could be the rebels.

    Sound mental I know. But it's simply people wanting to do something different from the main group.

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  3. And that's why Council should be able to put ROGUE CLAN in Pirates or in status that forbid them to do harm to they own nation.

    No they shouldn't, no player or players should be able to dictate how another player or group of players play the game. As long as it's within the rules set by the devs. I know they are acting against the majority within their game nation but still, they all paid the same amount of money for the game.

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  4. Until the mechanic is in place you've got to let individuals and guilds do their own thing, you can't punish someone for going against the wishes of others who paid exactly the same amount of money for the game. It's up to the 'council' of the nation to try to bring them into the fold, but you can't force them.

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  5. I was thinking of the 'training hours' being a separate entity to crafting hours, obvious you wouldn't have as much, a quarter the amount would suffice (in my head). For the degrading thing the length of time I specified was just an example. But skill fade is a real human habit and it would happen. With out practise the crew would become slovenly.

  6. I had an idea for the modules you mentioned. It works similarly to crafting. I know many players have asked for crew provisions to be included into the game. My idea is that using 'provisions' (resources) of various sorts and 'training hours' the same way you use resources and crafting hours you can create the 'human' modules. So you can put your crew at gunnery training which cost certain amounts of provision A and B and takes x amount of training hours but will give you common powder monkeys. On the other hand resource C and D plus y amount of training hours at musketry training will give basic marines. I also had the thought of having to keep up with the training to stop human mods degrading. So if you had fine powder monkeys but did no gunnery training for say 48 (real world) hours then they degrade to common type monkeys. I'm sure you get my drift. I know that in real life crews would be put to gunnery training, putting up sails and de powering etc. Captains would make the watches compete and time them. Just a thought, maybe it's too intricate, due to my complete mongness at anything technical I haven't any idea exactly what our brilliant devs are capable of doing.

  7. Calm down, guys. We all are adults, I suppose?


    So my (danish/norwegian) point of view:

    - Here is much less bragging about their battles than I thought there would.

    - "Drunk" are good in their way of fighting. It's annoying, but that's what they wanted, right? Annoy them back if you can.

    - I was in battles against them, where we won and some where we lost. Nothing to whine about.



    [VIE] Kenesma tom Brok

    You sir, are a gentleman and fine sportsman. o7

  8. I still disagree kuro, A stand up yard arm to yard arm battle is nice, in the right circumstances, but when you have objectives to achieve and won't be achieved using conventional tactics, why would you use it. I wouldn't take a frigate in a test of strength against a third rate.

  9. I'm not calling them trolls for what they do ingame.

    While they do use what can be considered douchebag tactics, it's still valid tactic (sadly, no honor!!!)

    I call them troll for there reaction in the forum, the picture they post sometime just to put oil in the fire. Still some are funny (damn dat 6 cutter vs a fleet. That one made my day and I needed it!)


    I'll fight them if they come to me. But I do not like most of there action.

    Well, that's all your opinion, you're welcome to it and I respect it, as I'm sure the drunk lads do also. I've played with them and spent hours on their teamspeak. They're a joy to play with, so I do disagree with referring to their tactics as 'douchebag' tactics and that they have no honour. As for what is posted on the forums, I think they don't do a lot different than others, by reporting their successes every now and then, but their agenda is different to the mainstream so their going against the grain, and some obviously don't like it.

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  10. Personally I can't see how someone can be called a troll for using the basic strategy of outnumbering the enemy, you trying to say that in a real war, a force that had a 5 ships would decline attacking just because the enemy only had 1 ship, I doubt it. The simple counter would simply be to avoid sailing alone.

    P.S I know this is a game and not a real war, but still very basic strategy

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  11. I'm afraid I don't agree. Not out of any disrespect towards the victims or their families and friends, but because the world has gotten so effed up these days that if we had a ceasefire for one tragedy, we'd have to have to have a ceasefire every time something like this happened, which unfortunately means we'd have to have ceasefires every 6 weeks or so.

    I see your point, but then I think. So bit it... If we have to do 1000 times we should still do it, out of respect to every one ever effected by such acts. A truce for atleast 24 hours sounds like a great idea.

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  12. For any one who might be interested but feel put off by politics or submitting to a forum then fear not. You needn't worry about such things, we are privateers and make our plans to best enjoy the game together without any real hierarchy or strict chain of command. The stories above are my own way of enjoying the game via roleplay on the forums and don't reflect our real attitude towards the events in game. Every player will be in charge of their own gaming experience, because all we wish to do is play the game and get the most out of it.

    Kind regards.

  13. Another thought would be for a nation who captures a port to set their timer, but it only lasts for say 5 days. Then the timer goes and it's open for all to take. I like to think of this game as realistic and having 'Windows' to attack ports is unrealistic in my opinion. That being said, I don't understand that it's a fix for now, and I appreciate all the hard work the devs are doing. I myself can't really think of many alternatives to port timers as a way of stopping instant flipping the moment maintenance is done other than making it extremely difficult to capture a port or for it to be extremely expensive just as a way to make attacking ports a big gamble and a little less frequent.

  14. It's a great suggestion, I like it. Another option in my opinion is to make the port timer completely random and perhaps even to scramble and change after server maintenance, or maybe every 3 days or something like that. at least it's fair and nobody can complain about timers, I think flags need to be a lot more expensive too so that there are more open sea battles rather than everyone fighting for ports.

    Still though Mr Hethwill has a good suggestion here.

  15. I treat each clan within a nation similar to political parties of nations obviously the main difference being that political parties don't own naval squadrons. Still though players can join whatever nation they please. It's up nation they belong to to get along with them and ring them in line, if they don't like them doing their own thing they need to talk and find a way to work together.

    +1 in support of DRUNK

    As for the group I belong, we have had very little contact with the French nation but we're always open to friendly chat, or formal talks whatever is forthcoming

  16. It's good to read that everyone is happy and enjoying themselves whatever the result to their side. Was starting to despair at reading nothing but snidey comments for the last week. Looking forward to reading up more battle reports. Good luck all

    Edit: it's like a breath of fresh air makes the game tens times more enjoyable.

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