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Posts posted by tatannn

  1. Shame on you :P  .

    I think we all know that all nation have english speaking chat expect france and spain.

    In my opinion it's more about how to promote english people to play in France, how to get them coordinate with others.


    But i'm sure that you are very appel to change to french nation. So i will be glad to store your stuff and asset to recreate your caracter  :rolleyes:

  2. C'est un jeu et comme dans tout les jeu la communauté FR ne brille pas,

    Trop de guildes, trop de chef, trop de gens qui se pensent plus fort que les autres. De chefs auto-proclamé sans charisme

    Impossibilité de faire travailler les gens ensembles.

    Toujours a regarder chez le voisin, a critiquer etc.

    Donc au final un discours qui invite a l unité qui de mon avis ne serviras a pas grand chose.

    Une strategie de combat douteuse et qui a montrer a de multiples reprises sont ineficacité et sont maintient qui conduit a la perte du territoire FR.

    On peut dire que la france sur le PVP1 peut resembler a l'etat de la france irl, guerre de pouvoir, inreformable, manque de competivité.

    Je souligne ton effort mais j ai peur qu il ne reste vain tant que de serieuses discusion et remise a plat ne sont pas entrepris

    • Like 1
  3. Logically if their ships are in port they don't even have to sail anywhere. They fight right in the harbor. But lets see

    I can understand IRL physic but here it's a game


    I just imagine a possible exploit.

    With unlimited teleport and send to outpost mecanics.


    1) sail in basic cutter to the attacked port.

    2) create outpost

    3) teleport to an other outpost with 1 of your ship in

    4) attack a smuggler teamates or a IA Trader, 

    5) send to outpost the combat ship.

    6) teleport back to your port.

    7) enter PB ..


    you can do it in 15/20 mins. enought to join the PB.


    So , keep all your ships in your capital, just get empty outpost everywhere and teleport whole fleet where you need it at the right moment.

    In my opinion this is not good for gameplay at all



    1) keep 120s invul before enter in PB ( able to being attack by screen fleet ) ( more players = more chance to win )

    2) Make Impossible to teleport to a port if under attack ( flag created )

    • Like 1
  4. The wind changes idea is very great, i was thinking about a similar idea.

    The wind strenght change will allow lot more tatics in battle. if the wind speed decrease, the battlefied will be like frozen, ships will be stuck with no/low wind, and SOL won't be able to do lot of maneuvers. overwise , light ships will keep a decent speed and maneuvrability and be able to stern camp heavy ships.


    Critical damages and ship HP spread reduce will make player skills be more important and that's great!!


    about chasers, something have to be done to make all ships usefull on PvP (tag system being rework or chasers on ships)

  5. To few english people used to play french nation and with the turnover, the SLMFr is quiet dead at the moment. The remaining SMLFr players merge with an other french clan, FRL ( Flotte Royal de Louissiane)

    They are very nice and kind people, the french player in the clan can speak english.

    They used to be on the french Teamspeak, you can find here : ts3.navalaction-france.com

    You may speak with Horail or Desmoines

    • Like 1
  6. Effectivement, le jeu au début est parfois déroutant, on se réveil dans la taverne d'une des Capitale de se nouveaux continent et notre second viens nous chercher pour appareiller , " what dat fuck, j'ai foutu quoi hier soir"  nous voila désormais en haute mer et on nous charge de patrouiller les eaux côtière est de couler au passage quelque navires pirates a proximité ( les missions) sauf que le Rhum a fait tellement son effet que l'on ne sais ni naviguer, ni charger un canon et encore moins manié le sabre en abordage. On cherche donc a se rapprocher d'anciens capitaine ou des loups de mer a qui le bruit des canons les aide a dormir.

    Il t'enseignerons tout ce que tu dois savoir sur l'art de la navigation ou de la bataille, sur le commerce ou la fabrication de nouvelles coques.

    l'adresse de la taverne ou tu trouveras un grand nombres de ses Capitaines se trouve ici : ts3.navalaction-france.com

    • Like 1
  7. Camp-du-Roy was set as a neutral town to not make double freetown with plymouth.


    you can sails from one to the other in less than 10 mins.


    Moreover delivries from plymouth or carriacou are not increasing that's much.


    Camp-du-Roy and other freetown ( + vieques + island harbor + others ) are just game breaking


    It's allow a full player fleet to get hide in, repair, respawn, teleport , have outpost, send ships there in the ennemy water, gank fest withot being warm by scout and so one.

    Enabling the idea of border. spwan in the midle of the ennemy waters.


    As i said in the other topic, my sudgestions:


    Make freetown not military one:


    - Impossible to teleport there , ( you can still have warships there but you have to sails there each time )

    - impossible to dock or store warships, only traders ( keep teleport available )

    - impossible to create outpost there


    freetown are a treat that you can't do anything against it. 

    hide in port, repair, teleport ships in and uncapturable.


    edit: i'm perfecly fine that CDR is still a town like others. and i hope that other freetown are going to change too

  8. I agree with this idea, free ports shouldn't be base for ganiking purpose.

    Currently you can have a full fleet in a freeport in a ennemy waters. you can repair, respawn, gank as you want without being warm by some guys telling that a ennemy fleet is roaming.


    Never you will be able to crush this treat. Teleport + outpost + uncapturable.


    my sudgestion for freetown


    - impossible to teleport there. ( force player to go sailing to get there )

    - impossible to store / dock warships, only traders 

    • Like 1
  9. To OP


    I fully disagree with you


    i think you don't want have any changes in you gameplay. keeping 3rd rates, no 1 and 2 nd or bellona it's seem it was we get pre patch


    Morover you want that NPC store sell good qualites ships that will just kill the crafting system
    - why will i get to 4 harbor, buying ressources , crafting all parts and then crafting the ships ( all process , 2 H ingame at least and 2 days IRL ( for labor hours )

    -or i will just go for PVE , make 2 battles , earning golds , xp and fun and 1h30 to get my mastercraft consti ...


    The new mecanics it's very nice to mee, you can still buy ships in NPC store, (not all available at the same time) or craft ship, that will boost trading and crafting and privating ( traders travels)

    you can still capture ennemy vessels for your own, that lead to an incentive to go PVP.

  10. Sorry i didn't read all of it.

    i just want to warm you  ( if i'm not mistaken) that harbor will get labor hours , and not everyone will be able to extract ressources by building in the same port.


    just take an example.


    One port have 5k labors hours /day

    if i use 500 LH for extracting ressources, just 10 players will be able to do the same. others won't be able to extract ressources and that why Nations will have to spread out if they got a large population.


    this is my vision how the mecanics will works.


    wait for Mods /admin to clarify things

  11. ingame la nation pirate est bien organisé et leurs conseil se targue de réunir 90% de la faction.*


    chose étrange, bien qu'ils puissent s'attaquer entre eux, très peu le font, ils se font blacklister apparemment.

    on va dire donc que les pirates c'est comme la nation US, suèdes, Danemark ou n'importe quel autre , mais avec un drapeau noir trop swag ^^'

    Il y a une alliance de circonstance avec les danois et les espagnols, contre l'ennemie commun, l'anglais.


    * D’après des émissaires pirates 

  12. Les FIA on migrée du serveur pvp3 au 1 

    hélas il semble que le faible nombre de joueur connecté vous oblige tôt ou tard a rejoindre le serveur peuplé =/


    pour vous "sauvé" ne défendais plus aucun port jusqu'a qu'il vous reduise a FR apres vous contre attaqué

    pour le moment vous leurs donné toute les motivations de revenir






    si vous défendais pas si leurs resterons euh rien ^^

    car les victoires sans défenses n'apportent aucune satisfaction

    pas de golds ni d'xp ( les tours sont radines ) et ils paie le flag

    pas de pvp donc du temps perdu ( préparation + action = 1h perdu voir +)

  13. I'm sorry to break a bit your topic, but it seems that you didn't tell all the truth

    You didn't notice the british ports loose of the night

    3 looses by the pirates

    2 from the danish

    1 by the french

    you had loose a entire fleet at new endinburg that includ :

    8 bellonas

    2 victory

    1 pavel

    6 3rd rates 

    • Like 1
  14. i'm very surprise that britsh try to make peace with spain, that go with the french invasion in the south. 

    It's looks like they are in difficulties to have multiple ennemies in the same time.

    the best deal with spain in my own opinion is to take back their ports.

    with all due respect, i think that british diplomats are late. About 1 week late ;)

  15. Tabernac as i said before my previous post was told to engage my own resposabilities (about diminish your actions). Your are just using statements as you want and this is something that i particulary hate.


    As i said multiple times, you pay the game like me and i can't tell you what you have to do.


    But as you know the french council group a very large amont of players.

    This lead to have a clear diplomatic relationships bettewen our clan and other contries.

    Currently we have aggrements ( PNA ) with Danes and Dutch

    If you choice to attack one of these, even if it just "pvp" you will weaker agreements.


    That's lead that if you are doing this you will be know as pirates or rogue clan, you can call it as you want. Why ? beacause you try to destroy the game of the majority of your nation.


    So what's solutions:

    - continue attack dutch and danes, and be told as pirate/ rogue

    - attack others nations ( with no PNA aggrements by french councils)


    As you said that you want fight against our ennemies, good, but danes and dutch are not at the moment.


    ps: grim as i said in the with words of my topic , i ( just represent me) ! and if you prefer PVE go head, they are a PVE server or you can do PVE on PVP server it's free from all agrements ;)

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