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Posts posted by Zwerty99

  1. 23 hours ago, Perkon said:

    I cant resist :(.


    /Edit. I could take them out, if I only had more time, 6k casulties is just the first approach, and couple volleys.

    That's some elite troops early on to get 6k kills in a couple volleys xD

    I've seen people buy a cavalry unit before the battle in order to move it up quicker. I only use infantry, however, in order to block the reinforcements. 

  2. I just started reading Footes first volume, and from what I've completed it's been very enjoyable. However, I've been spoiled by Dominic Lievens excellent "Napoleon against Russia" (I am fully aware of the difference in topics) and any other work feels lacking.

    With great hardship, however, I may be able to persevere.  At least Foote had the good grace to triple the quantity of material :D

    Edit: For those left wondering, I await UG Napoleon eagerly (with UG Fredrick a close second)


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  3. AI really needs to be priority when coming to difficulty levels imo but I understand how people might also want control over enemy scaling and such. I'm a BG player because of this, and get happy whenever I see an increase in AI because at the moment I'd rather not face unhistorical numbers just for a challenge. I too enjoy making a pet army, but it usually ends up being an elite but randomly sized collection of brigades :)

  4. Maybe add an attack on fort Wagner? Or represent it with that battle where as union you assault the coastal fort (I totally forget the name but in the Chancellorsville campaign). I think adding them like the iron brigade would definitely be a good idea. 

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  5. I don't know if you changed day 1 chickamauga at all but I now get more brigades near reeds bridge (which is good). However, ai still needs to learn to withdraw when taking bad casualties... this is probably still my main gripe about this game. Thanks for the constant patches though!

  6. 2 minutes ago, The Soldier said:

    Are all the Infantry and Artillery brigades max size, as in 2950 men and 600 men respectively?  If not, you had it so much easier than when I decided to chuck in my rookie officers and brigades to help rank them up - this was before the most recent patch that fixed the uncapped enemy armies in Minor Battles.  And I beat it.  If I can beat it with those kinds of odds, you can too. -_-

    Also; the enemy brigades at Crampton's Gap are supposed to be Vet 3.  Just flank around the left, bring most of your army into the main woods and hook west.  You'll be engaging the enemy in forest, sure, but you've got one of their flanks.

    Was LITERALLY going to post this exact thing when I saw your reply xD. Gg on beating me to it

  7. 9 minutes ago, Jamesk2 said:

    Actually Malvern Hill is the easiest battle when you're on the attacking side. Focus all your firepower to whittle down the Union on their left flank, then when the 2nd corps arrived just go for the flanking through the farthest road and then double envelop them. Easy peazy.

    I dont doubt it is possible, I have won the battle multiple times. However, I sometimes choose to not engage at all because of the casualties and the diminished size of my army from the recent battle at Gaines Mill....

  8. I know this thread is about winning Chancellorsville but I just choose to take a draw... maybe do the flank attack and get some free guns but in NO WAY am I sending my boys into the day 3 meat grinder... that being said, I sometimes choose to not engage at malvern hill as well, so this isn't just Chancellorsville.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Mr. Mercanto said:

    Ok :P, my dog needs me to walk her, so I' going to make this painfully brief lol. I'm always happy to expand later. 

    2. They were a part of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, II Corps, Army of the Potomac. The 1st Minnesota served in the East, though a small number of its compliment ended up fighting the Sioux instead, during the Dakota War (1862-1865) waged in Minnesota during the Civil War. The 1st Minnesota was the only Minnesota infantry regimetn to serve in the Army of the Potomac for the duration of 1861-1864.

    1/3. They performed most notably at Bull Run, Savage Station, Antietam, Gettysburg, and Bristoe Station. At Bull Run, they were one of the few regiments to receive mention in the dispatch for the exceptional coolness under fire. At Gettysburg, the regiment was the last reserves available to Hancock as Cadmus Wilcox's Alabama Regiment charged the gaping hole in the II Corps at Cemetery Ride. Faced with the certain annihilation of his Corps, and the Federal Army, Hancock desperately put in the eight of the ten companies of the 1st Minnesota in a  forlorn charge. 268 men charged over 1600, supported by an additional 1300 Floridians Under Brigadier General Lang. So impressive and ferocious was the charge of the Veteran 1st that, obscured by smoke and battle, Wilcox believed he faced not a regiment, but a division. Wilcox withdrew, as did Lang, and in so doing deprived the Army of Northern Virginia one of the greatest opportunities it ever enjoyed to conquer a peace. Hancock had the time he needed to plug the gap. The army, and perhaps the nation, was saved catastrophic defeat, and the eight companies who made the charge were reduced from 268 men, to barely over 40. Two companies, F and G, missed the charge, and could not believe the rumours of the attack until the next day, when they were horrified to learn that their comrades had been decimated saving the Union in its most desperate hour. Hancock would write of the charge that there was, "No more Gallant a deed can be found in history." As if their previous sacrifice had not been great enough, the next day, when Armistead's brigade broke the lines of the 71st Pennsylvania and captured the gallant battery of Alonzo Cushing, it would be the 1st Minnesota and the 69th Pennsylvania who would stop that final Confederate effort at Gettysburg. 

    The 1st Minnesota was also historically recognised as the first volunteer regiment to enter Federal Service in the Civil War, as, at the time that Secretary of Defense Simon Cameron drafted the call for troops, Minnesota Governor Ramsey was in Washington, and immediately tendered their service personally. However, as Corporal Thomas Presnall wrote, whether or not they were truly the first (he believed they were not), it was honour enough to have his name "written in the ranks of the men of the 1st Minnesota." 

    I'd best walk the dog now,

    Mr. Mercanto

    Thanks for your "short" response xD. Also, convey my sincere apology to the dog...

    Was waaaay more than I expected!

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  10. 46 minutes ago, Mr. Mercanto said:

    Oh, one last tidbit. You mentioned Minnesota. The 1st Minnesota was, in my biased opinion, the finest regiment fielded by either side of the conflict. Having studied them to a small degree (they remain teh subject of my unfinished Master's Thesis), I can tell you that many were not the yeoman you might think. Minnesota was a new state, and many of its citizens had emigrated from the North East. Some of the toughest soldiers of the Veteran 1st spent their youths amongst the urbanity of Boston and New York, rather then the fields of Red Wing. 

    1. Why do you say that? Any specific battle they performed well in?

    2. What brigade were they part of? Did they move around? West or east?

    3. Were they recognized at the time as being elite?


  11. I know that devs have probably designed the maps already and I KNOW that this isn't going to happen... BUT:

    I would love to see more battles in the latter half of the war. My primary worry is that after Gettysburg, which feels like it should be the halfway point of sorts, there are only 2 battles and then the finale. Where is Atlanta? Vicksburg? Wilderness? I just feel that the beginning of the war is so more well polished and the end of the war happens so quickly... We're also limited to 1 minor battle per grand battle now. Gettysburg shouldn't be considered "late game" in my opinion. 

    I've also seen ideas for this kind of desperation bar, and I think that it would fit in very well with the campaign. At the end everything is totaled up and the war is decided on a total of victories and casualties. This would of course come in conjunction with less casualties and the ability to lose a grand battle but not be devastated (as is the case now) to increase chances of getting to this final stage. However, I have now gone off topic....

    Love the game, just wanted to ramble a bit. 

  12. What these guys said. Managing your army between is the only way to win.... be prepared to take 40% casualties. That said, don't be afraid to retreat back knowing you will counter attack. For example, loosing dunker church in the last stage is fine when trying to draw the union into the open where arty and flanks can devestate them. Union also has a tendency to shift troops from burnsides bridge upwards towards sunken road.... just be aware ;)

  13. 2 hours ago, CSX4451 said:

    I have played Gettysburg in my CSA campaign and twice in the solo mission. I'm playing at the Brigadier General level and in my campaign I had a one day victory and in the solo campaign I had a victory and a draw as I lost too many troops taking Cemetary Hill at the end of the day.

    My question is at what point will the game allow you to continue on to the 2nd and 3rd day? Is it with a failure to secure Cemetary Hill at the end of day one if playing the CSA?


    As CSA, taking any of the core vp's will end up with a victory. So if u take cemetery hill the first day, little round top, cemetery ridge, or culps hill the second, and cemetery hill, ridge, or culps hill the third. That is assuming you meet the other requirements too.

  14. Just played Gettysburg in Brigadier.... Had around 18k of elite troops, and was able to drive the yanks off day one with negligible casualties. 

    Iron Brigade and Cutler being split makes it too easy I'm afraid. I can just focus fire and take each regiment out separately.... I was also able to cheese spawn-kill the entirety of 12th corp which didn't help the union either...

    Obviously this isn't just me. Historical battle can do this as well, and people have been sharing posts. I think if CSA takes cemetery hill we either need a Union attempt to recapture it or some kind of alternative history with USA setting up further south as they were planning to, but that would be immensely complicated and I would prefer the former option. 



  15. 4 hours ago, A. P. Hill said:

    Don't give entirely up .  Try the confederate side ... :)      (We have Chocolate on the dark side!)

    I'm currently in a CSA campaign where I tried to replicate the historical army (veteran style at least) with smaller brigades and elite troops. It's fairly hard to keep usable two star troops-- around 55k by Gettysburg. This is of course winning all major battles except drawing Chancellorsville to conserve manpower. Conclusion: casualties still need to be lowered a bit. Exp seems about right though 

  16. 36 minutes ago, Squadron HQ said:

    I usually find Port Republic really easy - that's a novel approach that would let you capture loads of cannons though, I should try that next time.

    Yeah, I misspoke. I found it frustrating until I used this strategy ;)  Before I just got frustrated about massive union brigades entrenched in the south... this strategy bypasses them almost entirely. 

  17. I find cross keys and port republic the most frustrating out of this set (though they pale in comparison to ambush scenarios). With port republic I don't engage the hill but instead use reinforcements to go to the upper right corner where the USA troops come. They will be slaughrered and their arty captured for less than one thousand casualties. Then I move down towards the vp taking the hill, which should be lightly defended.

  18. From the dev blog page, the battle looks beautiful. Happy to hear adjustments in the fortifications, and even happier to see said fortifications on Culps hill (I hope for both sides). I agree on what another said earlier--Union should be able to bring more than 3 corp. Also, do I see regiment-level troops for archer, cutler, davis, and iron? I assume this is for balance so more than 2 brigades are on in the first part, but I hope they combine later so to match the rest of the army.

  19. 2 hours ago, Hitorishizuka said:

    Hit the Withdraw flag on far right, that orders them off the map. You should do this with empty supply wagons and your own brigades that are very damaged and close to shattering also. Ideally you should manually run them close to the retreating edge first so they don't risk taking a bad route.

    I also withdraw empty supply wagons of my own. They just attract enemy cav to your rear and hold no purpose. I honestly wish they simply disappeared...

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  20. 1 hour ago, jimcarrel said:

    As a general rule I just click on a spot, but when hard pressed for time I may try to route a road path, usually more for supply wagons and cannons (they are slow anyway) especially in a major fall back of entire forces. (can't be losing cannons and wagons just cause I need to get out of the area) 

    Same. I would love it if roads were somewhat magnetic so units stick to them more and so we didn't need to do this.

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