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Posts posted by Justme

  1. it is open for some of the santi owner´s everybody who got the status Tester can get in.

    But i dont know: how would Game Laps match my Forum Accout to my Game-/Steam-Account to know that i own a Santi


    I own a Santissima since Jannuary now and dont get invite some others did.

    From my understanding the few who have got in early have been very active in the forums helping people out, posting suggestions on improvements etc.

  2. Thanks for this! Great to see the game is getting all due credit at a very early stage. Although I question whether the PCGamer rep who played realized you could "Space" to fire a single shot and judge distance.  The way he phrased that paragraph, I suspect not.

    Promoting the game in my own way on the various forums I frequent

  3. From my experience, wired is always the way to go. Wireless is a gimp. Always choose wired mice and keyboards unless you have a specific need for wireless. The same goes for network connection, always choose wired over wireless unless you have a specific need otherwise. Wired is more reliable. Only if you cannot get a cable to reach or it would be in the way would you want to choose wireless over wired.

    Not really sure why we went wireless, knock on wood not had to many issues.

  4. With its release this year, will it have an effect on this game? Also once released will it have an impact on current PC computers and computer parts prices?

  5. Just wondering what kind of connection I need to make sure I can run the game. I've not had to many issues, I play WOT on the 360 using wireless with very occasional hiccup lag using my wireless internet, 15mbps( 1mbps upload speed)

    • Like 1
  6. Again I hope this has not been asked by the admins( or anyone else) before. I did try a search.

    Essentially what the title states. What historical battles would you like to see recreated here? For example possibly the battle of the Nile or Copenhagen could be used. We have Trafalgar, what else can we come up with?

    Thoughts, suggestions?

    Another battle to add


    3rd edit lol.

    Here is a wiki link mentioning to many to list.


    Obviously not all could be included. Maybe a poll can be made asking which ones the community would like to see

    • Like 1
  7. Is there a difference between the X-Box 360 and PC version? I still have the PC version and still play it. (Honestly, it has aged quite well, unlike PotBS)

    Been such a long time since I played a PC version of the game, I honestly could not tell you. I know there is a dancing mini game( governors daughters) that is not there on the PC version. Beyond that not much different. There is Wii versions that is horrid that also has a different way to attack the forts in town.

  8. If they allow customization, should it be able to be copied by other players/ factions?

    I know more than few people if they go to the effort of making their own emblems/designs, probably would not 20-200 people copying it. It would allow for a sense of individuality. Same goes with factions, if you go to the effort of making a succesfull faction you don't want players pretending to be a part of it, possibly ruining your groups reputation.

    On the other hand, being able to run false flag operations so to speak could add an interesting aspect to the game. That, and somtimes you see a great design and would like to be able to use it as well.

  9. Been watching to many vids of this game, fired up Sid Meier's Pirates on my Xbox 360 and it just is not the same.

    Still fun tho, just not as much as it used to be. Makes we want to play this more lol.

    • Like 1
  10. save youg uys some time and get Destroyer Comand it doenst look pretty but thats because its Silent Hunter 2 with Destroyers.

    sadly Jewbisoft take down the servers befor you could play together with Silenthunter 2 players hunting down players in subs with players in destroyers.

    i think gamelabs should do an remake of it we alrleady nailed the ship physics so why not? atleast we prevent the shity developers from geting more money out of under developed arcade games.

    I remember playing Silent hunter on the NES back in the day. Man I miss that game.

  11. https://www.cybertronpc.com/customkititems.asp?kc=gm1293c&group=home&cat=gamers&cc=

    Both me and my father want to move from console( no rock throwing please) to PC. He brought this game to my attention and we both need a new PC to run it as we would like to play the game together.

    Problem is neither of us know anything about gaming PC's and are on a limited budget. Although I'm aware the final specs/requirements are not released, should the PC I linked to be able to run this game?

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