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Posts posted by Slamz

  1. 2/23 Pedernales Defense Report




    23 pirates (plus 2 NPC pets).


    22 French (plus 3 towers)




    18 pirates sunk outright (plus 2 pets also sunk)

    2 pirates captured in boarding action, then executed, ships confiscated.

    1 pirate surrendered, tried for piracy, then executed and sunk.

    2 pirates successfully escaped



    3 towers destroyed

    4 French sunk

    1 French successfully escaped



    Decisive French victory.



    • Like 4
  2. Just come up to camp du roy and see how long you last.


    Du Roy? Who's inconsequential now? The only thing at Du Roy is XP farming, which anyone could do anywhere. Unless you are having trouble winning a mighty war against the Swedes, I would guess you are doing nothing up there of any consequence except pretending you are on a PvE server.


    I agree with Bach that it would make a lot more sense if you played as Spain. Not even trolling. Your play style would actually be perfect for the old empire nations, and Spain could actually use a powerhouse leveling guild. It's the disconnect between your words as a wanna-be pirate as your deeds as a champion PvE XP grinder that gives off the nails-on-chalkboard effect. Trying to maintain both images just makes you come across as very fake.



    Be a proud, nation-building, XP-farming national, or be a proud, rough-and-tumble, narry-a-care pirate. Don't try to be both. It makes you look silly, like a white rapper from West Virginia trying to claim street cred while gangsta rapping with a banjo.


    We will see. Frenchies are a non factor, not enough to do more than murder new guys down south.


    The interesting thing is how France, a nation of roughly 30 people online, if that, has created so much buzz.


    I have to imagine that if I was doing all this smack talk as some Swede living in a corner of the map, I would just get ignored.


    The reality is the pirates have to deal with complaints every day because they keep getting sunk. By the French. It pressures the big clans into dealing with it, makes them look weak if they don't or can't. They have tried just about everything to dig us out of there, including wasting a ton of cash taking over ports that nobody bothered to show up to defend.


    Well, we did warn them. Those dopes picked the wrong corner and then quadrupled-down on it.

  3. The only thing I don't like is how reinforcements can be used to result in a battle where an underpowered defender ends up with more BR than the attacker has.


    It leads to a lot of metagaming, like trying to figure out "when all enemies are in" before pushing the button and making sure your allies "wait to join", until after you've pushed the button, for maximum BR, and "wait for him to call reinforcement" when joining an ally in a fight.... meh.


    I'm not 100% convinced reinforcements are necessary. With a speedy ship and maybe a little defensive tackling, getting outright ganked is not that common.




    But maybe it should just be that reinforcements are not available until the battle has closed.

  4. Hey I'm perfectly fine with no pvp in my pve hunting grounds. Safety allows for more risk. Which yields greater rewards.

    4k till Demon and my 3rd rate!


    Well there's our difference in a nutshell.


    We are bragging about our excellent PvP battles.

    You are bragging about your game rank and how nice of a virtual ship you get to look at on your screen as you sail through low risk PvE hunting grounds. If this was an MMORPG, you would be the guy that only ever leaves the instanced dungeon content to stand in town so everyone can see his giant hat and spiky pauldrons. ("Okay guys, I grinded my way to max level everything! Now I'm finally ready for PvP!")


    That's why the only real pirates here are French.


    We have enough peeps to wipe all your cities in the area within 2 hours if we wanted to.


    The problem is you think that matters. (And it would, if France was a large nation. Being a lean nation means you also don't need much.)


    If anything is going to kill the pirate team, it's their own strategy. I wonder how many players the pirates have already lost because they came here looking for piracy and PvP and found a bunch of XP farmers grinding for their 1st rates.


    I'm sure France has lost players too. But if we lost anyone, it was the people who lacked the patience, initiative or energy to learn PvP. I'd have preferred they stayed and learned but if anyone doesn't like PvP, well, the pirate team is right over there.


    Yesterday was a highlight for us and a low for [bSO] , which must stand for Battle Surrender Only.  Last night  1 Frigate, 2 Cerbs and a BP all surrendered with only 1 French snow lost in 3 different battles.  The sad thing is that they initiated the last fight and were drubbed severely.  The trash talking has stopped as well.  GG Pirates.


    Awww. I don't like to make fun of BSO. Them and SIN at least put up a fight. FC and CF are the XP grinder guilds. Aves was a big night for them because it was the only PvP they'd had in a month. For the French, every night is PvP night. If you're a pirate looking for PvP, BSO is probably the only guild worth joining right now!


    Honestly I wouldn't mind being able to work in a PvE fleet grinding night once in a while but it's just too hard to resist the PvP when it's right there in front of me literally every time I log in.

    • Like 2
  5. Figures you to be proud of beating the "Beginner Clan". Hope you still have some ports in a few days, i cant bare to know you have to sail for 3-4 hours to reach the west were the remaining french ports await your arrival.


    Why would they send the "beginner clan" to take the only port that actually matters while the presumably "veteran clans" play PvTower and reap rewards of port battles that had no defenders?


    Ohhhh, right. Because pirates. Well, that's what you get for joining the wrong team, I guess: sucker punched by your own leadership. ("We'll take these ports and get a bunch of purple upgrades! While we're doing that, you new guys go distract the French by letting them punch you in the face for like an hour.")


    Incidentally, when the pirates fled from their capital, did they find it was better to move their shipbuilding out, or do they just teleport home? I guess we could figure it out ourselves but it seems a shame to waste the Pirate experience of "How To Flee Across the Map". Perhaps you could write a guide!


    “I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our eastern border, and I will make the Pirates pay for that wall. Mark my words.” 


    The funny thing is I think the pirates probably would pay to get us out of there now. We attacked some exceedingly angry pirates last night.

  6. I'm not sure that we don't have a responsibility of sorts to other players not to make starting areas unplayable for them. I'm not sure what that responsibility may or may not be but something about what we're collectively doing seems like it might not be right.


    That's something I see as worth figuring out now, in the alpha. The current level of trolling by the pirates should not be unexpected and I'm sure it will happen repeatedly in the future. The U.S. could eventually do it to the pirates themselves. I think the devs already had to do some kind of artificial intervention with the Spanish but longer term there needs to be some thinking about these issues.



    Should port battles get NPC defenders to fill slots if no players show up?

    Should there be a limit to how many port defenses a small team can have to face at the same time (or even within a week)?

    Should port battle cost vary based on team size? (And if so, "team size" meaning number of ports, number of people online now or some other figure?)

    (Or maybe flags cost 1,000,000 more for each flag out. If you want to run 4 simultaneous attacks, you can, but the 4th flag costs 3,000,000 more than normal?)



    And it could be that things are actually pretty fine the way they are, but the methods for recovery are not well documented.


    And it's probable that true Alliances would totally fix this. If the British and Dutch could join port battles with us, I think we'd be having a very different discussion.


    I guess the options for a team facing a zerg are:

    1) Retreat, trying to gobble up ports to your rear faster than your enemy can gobble up ports to your front.

    2) Retreat to a prepared space where you have other ports, far away from where the enemy is killing you.

    3) Hold out / guerrilla war.



    Pirates tried #1. Honestly hard to say how that's working out for them overall. I wonder if their team is actually in a better position now or feels stronger for it? On one hand they have gotten out of reach of the U.S. On the other hand, now they have guerillas in their midst, wasted a ton of cash on port attacks for ports they don't really have a use for, alienated their own team and abandoned their own newbies (which, for a team that's already a zerg may be seen as a benefit).


    France could try #2 at any time. It's out there waiting for us. Many of the same problems as what the pirates did, minus the automatic enemies and guerrillas.


    I'm personally interested in seeing how far #3 can go. Pretend the gulf coast isn't there and see if it's viable to play the hold out / guerrilla war game.




    It would be nice to "think of the newbies", though. A new player showing up in Fort Royal or Mortimer Town is probably going to be pretty lost and confused. (Moreso than they already would have been.) Lots of potential for "newbie zone griefing" in this game.

  7. I joined pirates for the low sec/null sec non-stop risk and Pvp opportunities, thats not what we have here right now. 


    Yeah I'm pretty curious what, if anything, the devs have in mind for pirates or if situations like PVP2 is giving them any ideas. I feel like the situation right now is:

    • U.S., through sheer brute force of player count, had a lot of people and got a lot of ranks and ships and blueprints really fast.
    • Seeing this, Pirates decided to retreat and level up because you can't defend your deep water ports against fleets of 3rd rates using your Cerberuses.
    • Brits recently attacked the pirates only to come to the exact same conclusion, as the pirates have outleveled them in the same way the U.S. outleveled the pirates.

    The whole game is turning into a "race to the 1st rates with lots of PvE grinding" which is really not what Pirates, at least, should have been about.


    Whatever the pirate players hoped to become, they have turned into nationals, with national strategy and national goals and national thinking: "retreat and grind up some more levels in PvE".


    The "pirate vs pirate" aspect is non-existent except for the ability to hide each other on the open sea. Pirates ended up being a national faction with a built in advantage.


    The bottom line is that what is going on right now does not give France any viability short, medium or long term.


    The only french port we took down south, as far as I know, is the neutral port we clearly said we were going to take and that you ninja'd fully knowing we wanted it while we were attacking Puerto de Espana. You should have been attacking a Brit port, not that one port we said we wanted.


    Long term the map is going to reset. The fact that pirates are thinking "long term" suggests they have not grasped the reality of being in an Early Access alpha.



    The port you are saying we "ninjad" was also our only local source of iron. Once you discovered Peurto de Espania had tons of iron, it served no use for you.


    You're just locked into POTBS mentality. Poke-ports. Gotta catch em all! You have literally no use at all for the majority of ports you own now and you will never visit them. I would bet you have no use for the very ports you started this war with. You could have come to us before ever attacking the first port and said "We really need help with the U.S. zerg but we're short on iron. Can we just get one good iron port around you?" You'd have found us to be a lot more affable. Pirate ego is the problem.


    Too late now. Enjoy your team full of PvE XP grinders. If it's not what you wanted, it's what your strategy created.

    • Like 3
  8. You guys did not hold your end of that deal


    Just for the record, there was never any sort of deal with the pirates. Not sure who talked to who to have that impression. The conclusion of the first meeting was "table this for now" with nothing at all being decided or agreed on by anyone. Internal French discussion was always "Pirates out first, British out second". Our first dealings with the pirates was [CF] taking over our northern islands followed by [FC] invading the south. The time for deals and alliances would have been just before then.

  9. The bottom line as I see it is "this is alpha".


    The problem is Pirates and Purge are playing different games. Pirates are gobbling up ports they have no use for and basically hording cash and materials -- all the things that are going to get wiped in the foreseeable future -- Purge are actually engaging in PvP. I have literally done nothing every day for the last week and a half except log in, PvP and engage in the absolute minimum required activities to support my PvP habits. All of my XP and gold income is from PvP. I wonder how many pirates can say that, versus how many spent the last week and a half shooting towers and NPCs and basically learning nothing?


    I would literally enjoy testing the ability of a suppressed nation to survive, fight and come back. I'd certainly rather find out now than on release. There's a "free port to free port" delivery mechanism in the game that should allow us to supply Cano Macareo forever from anywhere on the map we feel like, so our ability to live there, literally with no French ports anywhere in the world, may actually be unlimited. Is it TOO easy for a nation to survive? Is it too hard? I'm not opposed to finding out. We will keep killing the pirate mission runners and maybe when we've run out of pirates to shoot, we'll try another port attack and see if they've all really gone or not.



    And, as I see it, what we're really doing is a form of team building.


    The people attracted to the pirate team right now are those who enjoy NPC farming for big ships and generally avoiding the hard fights while running to areas of the map where they are unopposed. I would bet there are those among you who want to "crush" the Danes and Dutch next (who are each smaller than France). They'll pass it off as "for the lolz" or "oh we're so random" but isn't it funny how their lolz and randomness are always away from the real fights?


    France is going to end up as a very small team of people who enjoy guerilla warfare, enjoy open sea PvP regardless of odds, know how to fight a smart fight and can come out ahead despite long odds. Anyone still on the French team 1 week from now is someone I probably want on my team.




    Which team do YOU want to be on after the next reset? The PvE XP farming pirates that mostly just capture empty ports in a circle around the map or the hard fighting French? Sounds like the Spanish are giving it the good fight, too. I think we'll see a lot of softies go Pirate and a lot of hard fighters go France and Spain in the next reset.


    My advice to pirates is you better start accomplishing something real before the reset, or else you are going to get exactly what you are asking for, which is a team of blubberous softies who mostly like to collect big ships but crumble in a real fight.

  10. France --


    Britain: Peace
    Spain: Neutral
    Swedish: Hostile
    US: Neutral
    Pirates: War
    Danish: Peace

    Dutch:  Peace


    Technically we're probably at war with the Swedes but as far as I can tell they have about 5 players. I think they declared war on us but it's honestly hard to tell. They are pirate lapdogs.


    Pirates have finally figured out how to take over French ports, however: attack them 4 at a time with plenty of people at each port battle, knowing we can only possibly show up for one. So we defended Pedernales and absolutely crushed the pirates: 19 sunk, 0 French lost. Pirates captured the other 3 ports in what I understand were Player vs Tower battles. Would have to ask the pirates for screenshots of those, though I expect they would find that to be embarrassing.




    ("Escaped" French were from people clicking out at the end, before we could take a screenshot.)

    • Like 1
  11. Had something very similar happen in PvP2 with a character named "Slamdz". He actually went so far as to make a forum account called "Slamdz", with roughly the same profile image, and then started posting in what would be my name to anyone who didn't look closely.


    It looks like his forum account got banned, though I'm not sure about his in-game account. The oddest thing he did was buy a Conquest flag against the Dutch (who we have a peace treaty with). Of course, nobody showed up, but it does suggest someone is not of a healthy mind about this game.


    I would bet that these are alternate accounts, and I would further bet that a look at some IP logs would reveal who their main account is (and I further bet that nobody would be surprised at who it turns out to be).



    Not real sure if this is Tribunal material, but definitely worth a note in some case files for the people doing this stuff.

  12. Really it doesn't have to be attributed to an individual either. EVE style killboards could cover that (it tells you who did how much damage and not just about the killshot) but it would be interesting enough just to be able to say "this is what WE did today".


    "Lost A ships worth B battle ranking. Sank C ships worth D battle ranking."


    I think it would also be fun to show nation stats.


    U.S. sank X battle ranking of player shipping.

    Pirates sank X battle rank of player shipping.



    Lots of interesting statistic opportunities that I think the community could make good use of.

    • Like 2
  13. Another hopefully small suggestion:

    Give us an automatic log of PvP fights we've been in. Who sailed what and the battle results at the time of our exit.


    I realize I could do this myself but I never remember to screenshot it. It would be nice to have automatic logs to go back over and would help us file these "action reports" that I think are a boon to this game's community.


    Ideally this would mimic the kind of stuff we see in EVE's killboards (automatically logged by the game and viewable by all) but I would honestly settle for a simple local logfile. I don't want it for "internet bragging rights" so much as for writing up "action reports" for my own guild's internal website to help keep generating interest for the game.


    ("Today we had X PvP fights and sank Y ships, suffering Z losses as a result. It was a good day.", is what I would say if I could ever remember the exact details. I fight a lot of people! It's easy to lose track!)



    (Actually you could probably just put a button that shows the final TAB view with a big "SCREENSHOT" button. Then I'd remember.)


    • Like 7
  14. Yeah, I'm real curious how diplomacy will work. Ideally there would be some way to designate actual allies that are seen as "green" and additionally can use your nation's ports and join your port battles as if they were their own. I can think of lots of gotchas in implementing this but it really would go a long way towards helping balance out zerg teams. As it stands now, the game makes it hard for multiple teams to work together, meaning "zerg teams gonna zerg".


    There's still a lot you can do to fight a zerg team as an individual nation, but it's really just cloak and dagger ganking them and ruining their missions. The big stuff like ship building, economy and battles over control of ports is still 1 nation vs 1 nation.

  15. Ships report letters - Kill someone on that list within a week and get xp/gold/recources. letters stay active for a week. that is as far as i would go with a "bounty system" nothing special but atleast make these ships letters less useless.


    It could be interesting if these letters were "issued by the crown" perhaps for high value targets, but it would still have to use the same system described above or it would be easy to exploit.


    Really this thread is less about bounties (which players can just issue and manage themselves) and more about ways to automate bounties in a reasonably exploit-free way by measuring the real value that was lost (if any).

  16. Port capture flags are probably this game's real money sink, and the current system seems to just be arbitrary costs.


    I propose a system something like this.


    Ports have a "morale" value stored, one for every team.


    At maintenance, every friendly outpost in the port raises morale by +1. So a French port with 10 outposts gets +10 morale (there may also be 10 British outposts from a previous owner but since it's not a British port, those are not generating morale).


    Each "unique player" seen per day generates +1 point. So if you visit a port once or 50 times, you give it +1 morale for that day.


    Any ship built in the port generates +1 morale per ship rating (7th rate = +1, 6th rate = +2, etc).


    Every day the port is owned by an enemy is -10 morale.


    Morale caps are +/- 1000.


    So, for example:

    France owns a port with 1000 morale.

    Britain takes it and 20 players visit it and 10 outposts get made. A long time ago it was a British port and it still has 150 British morale from that time, in addition to the 1000 French morale.


    After 1 day, French morale is 990 and Britain's is +20 (for the players)  + 10 (for the outposts) + 150 for the previous total = 180.

    Next day, 10 British visit and a few ships are built. +10 (for the players) + 10 (for the outposts) + 10 (for the ships built) + last night's total of 180 = 220 British morale. French morale is now 980.



    Conquest flag cost is based on your team's morale - enemy team's morale.


    So 980 French Morale - 220 British morale = 760 in France's favor. This gives them a 76% discount on the flag cost.


    After some time goes by, it may be 200 French Morale - 500 British morale. Now the cost is 30% higher than usual for the French.




    The idea is that ports you have never owned or have not owned for a very long time will be the most expensive. If you capture an enemy port and don't use it, it will be cheap for them to retake for a long time. If you capture an enemy port and use it a lot, they will have to hurry to take it back or else costs will swing against them quickly.


    • Like 3
  17. A ) You are joining as a friendly, the purpose of the mechanic is to allow other players to assist.  


    "Assist" is rather loosely defined here, though, which may be the real problem.


    We both spot an NPC trader on the seas. We both want to capture it. We are enemies.

    You tag it first. If I join as an enemy I can't capture the trader because it's "green" now.

    I must join your team and then I can compete for it.

    Technically I "assisted" you in getting rid of the trader, I just did so by capturing it myself.



    For tribunal purposes, I would think that "anything goes" as long as there is no actual green on green damage. If you board it first, I must respect that, and vice-versa.


    The bottom line may be that trying to attack NPCs is not going to be a good idea if there are enemies (or even mean teammates, but especially enemies) in the area.

  18. All I'm saying is that anything that has no cost or consequences is bad mechanics.  Everything should have a cost/consequence for using and losing.  An example is if we kill 2 cutters in a fight, they simply respawn and continue by the time we finish the fight creating another fight.  A cooldown or something would fix this problem easy enough.  


    What are you doing that allows cutters to keep finding you and piling in on you?


    I'm guessing the answer is "we are doing missions somewhere near an area where an enemy who really hates us has based a lot of players".


    Option 1) Remove the enemy from the area.

    Option 2) Give up on missions and start farming open sea NPCs. Those battles close in 5 minutes and fewer cutters can get in to annoy you and there are lot more places where you could be doing it that aren't known for being rich mission farming areas. At least they'd have to go spend more time looking for you.

    Option 3) Call your team for help. People could be out there intercepting these cutters man to man.

    Option 4) If nothing above works, you may have to move to another area.

  19. I wasn't part of that meeting and I wish it had been recorded because what we hear from you French and what our leaders told us are two totally different stories.


    If there is one thing we have all learned from this, it's that the pirate leadership's idea of "sooper clevr plan!" is to simply lie to various parties in an effort to achieve desired results. It apparently did not occur to them that at some point we would all talk to each other, compare notes and realize the pirate leadership is almost entirely full of feces. That they are lying to their own team would hardly be surprising.


    When it came to negotiations, they literally did not offer us anything. Not a single pirate port anywhere would be relinquished back to our control, nor would the status be quo. They offered to "let" us capture the British ports which they would generously not take from us, but they wanted 2 more of the ports we already had.


    I will seriously be surprised if at least some of these pirate leaders do not simply quit the game soon ("whatever, this game is stupid, I'm out"). I'm just saying they were pretty invested in this plan, put a lot of weight on some lies, and now it's falling apart on them due to some miscalculations on their part. Pretty sure they just thought France would do what Sweden did, which is cave in, in which case their machinations would have never been discovered.


    But now their reps are going to just be damaged. Their best bet may be to just reroll, join Spain or something, change their name and hope nobody remembers them.


    The US and Brits are in bed together and have been since the start, so don't expect them to tackle each other and turn the heat off until there is nothing left but these two.


    Did these same pirate leaders tell you that?


    Because I don't particularly believe it, unless both the U.S. and British leaders literally do not want PvP. Just ignoring for the moment anything they have told me or any rumors I have heard, a simple look at the situation and numbers shows that Britain + U.S. would be stupidly indomitable and none of us would be able to have fun on either side, even if the pirates and every other nation united 100% against them (which your leaders and the general pirate attitude renders impossible anyway).


    In the end, Britain and the U.S. must fight each other and there is little sense in trying to wipe out the minor teams first, since the only thing that would really accomplish is guaranteeing that we become the enduring enemies of whoever attacks us first, which is exactly what has happened to the pirates.

  20. Why he doesnt loose any money if his friends gives him back his vic after each round. So plain profit.


    That's a good point: we would have to say that bounties are "Wanted: Dead".


    No captures. You only get the bounty if the target of the bounty is sunk.



    Makes sense on the bounty reward.


    I have a hard time finding the real loss on death in this game, after Eve and Darkfall most penalties in this game are not even enough to get the heart pumping.


    In a way, that's something I want this bounty system to highlight.


    Someone gets really angry and puts out a 1,000,000 bounty on me.


    I'm in a basic Cerberus (which vendors for 50,000) so 1 durability = 10,000 gold * 75% bounty payout = 7500 maximum payout.

    During the battle, I do quite a bit of damage to some expensive ships and actually make 7600 gold from the combat itself.

    The bounty ends up paying out 0 because so little value was actually lost in that fight.


    People would start seeing this and perhaps raise a clamor that "I sunk Slamz and he actually made more money than he lost".


    That's how we bring about change!




    Although, to be fair, if that was an Exceptional Cerberus with several high quality permanent upgrades slotted, 1 durability would represent a fair amount of money, not to mention crafting work hours and hauling time to bring it together. This game does do a reasonable job of letting players manage their own risk level. If your current risk level feels dull, you could be PvPing in an exceptional 1st rate stuffed with exceptional permanent upgrades.

  21. Bob and Jim should put their heads together and organize how to do it. BWA's crafters have worked together with the rest of the group to pop out ships for a week now. We just communicate and it all works out, so why shouldn't any other group, or nation for that matter, be able to do that?


    Yes we do that too but this would make it a lot easier and not require either 5 minutes of "okay now build 192 planks" over Teamspeak or the use of a 3rd party website on a second monitor.

  22. I would like to see this put into the game and seems like a simple enough request:


    In the ship crafting list, you can see ALL ship recipes (maybe there's a "Show All" toggle), even those you lack the ability to build. Those you can build work like normal. Those you do not have a blueprint for are visible and work like normal except you cannot actually do the last step of building a ship -- the final build button is grayed out.



    Bob makes ships.

    Jim wants a ship.

    Bob only has so many labor hours to spend so he asks Jim to make all the parts and then Bob will do the final step.

    Jim is a level 2 crafter but he still sees the Surprise he wants as a "ghost" recipe. He follows the recipe for all the parts he needs and then, on the final step, hands it all to Bob who actually assembles it into a ship.


    Currently we do basically this with a 3rd party website to tell us the parts to build but it would sure be easier if this was in the game instead.


    • Like 4
  23. Except The issue with your statement rice is no one wants to join a smaller nation especially americans...... you will find that the other nations are populated by less americans then other countries..... americans go to america.... they feel obligated? we do the same thing in denmark but when you dont have a steady population base coming in.... it doesnt matter


    It's mostly just a novelty to actually be able to play as America. These sailing games are usually just the European powers with no America in them.


    I wanted to play as America too. I would have if I didn't hear in advance that they were overpopulated.


    What about a free move being offered where you can take all your money ships and items in your bank plus a blank set of ports (same number as you already have) or the cash equivalent if you agree to switch nation. 


    I do think they should have an option like this, somehow.


    But at some point there may be an economic and map reset. If that happens, hopefully they will warn us a little in advance and people can make plans. It would be a perfect time to move to a new team because there won't be anything to move. Just delete, recreate, you'll still have all your XP and you'll be just as wiped as everyone else economically.

    • Like 1
  24. I spent most of the night sailing a privateer but actually began to regret it as the basic cutter proved more advantageous.


    Yeah, Basic Cutter is the way to go for this because you can fill it up with free repair kits. You can really extend your open sea time by popping out and burning 2-3 repair kits to get your health topped off (for free) and then get right back to it. That gets expensive in any other ship.


    Of course, hitting a pirate with x6 Surprises is going to be better than x6 Basic Cutters but we did prove the point that a bunch of Cutters can still yield results and there's nothing stopping the whole team from joining in.


    You can jump into any battle or mission with impunity and either interfere with it or, worst case, just sail off upwind because no big square rigger is going to catch you.

  25. You Frenches might want to cut a deal with the Brits thou, they out in the eastern Antilles in force and a couple lil birds mentioned they looking to start a rukus.  And the nearest port they can use is deep in French land, is all I am saying.


    We're not opposed to this, although I would not say they are "in force" at the moment unless there have been some very recent newcomers. We have an unofficial grumbling cease-fire with the ones here at the moment. Originally we were going to fight them to get them out of our backyard but then you-know-who showed up and suddenly the French find themselves liking the Brits more, if only by contrast.


    Maybe there could be a future three-way war that could be interesting enough:

    Team 1) Pirates

    Team 2) U.S.

    Team 3) Literally everyone else, spearheaded by the Brits.


    This is assuming it's true that the U.S. is half the server population, as the rumors say. Really we should be siding with the pirates too in that case but there are too many too-cool-for-school pirates to have any real long term plans with them as a team and I assume a lot of them would rather just be their own force anyway.

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