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Everything posted by oleski

  1. Pleas say somthink about this http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6612-trafalgars-pavel-repair-modules-and-crew/
  2. Hi, i have proposal to make battle timer to 90 min when BR its Higher then 15000 or 20000. Becouse now in Trafalgars we have not to many time to fight(all going very slowly) Next proposal its to make pavel a little bit biger cannons, becouse now he its exactly like bellona just with smaler guns and more crew(and i think a little bit slower and agility). Now a lot of people preffer playing with bellona then ii pavel. Its easly win in bellona vs pavel. Its useless. And whats else: I think we need to make surgery and repair modules like repair armor and repair sail (like in 1 battle you can use 1 surgery or 1 repair modules) Becouse when you in smaller ship(bell vs vici) you need to shotting at sail or/and back armor to destroy his ruder, crew(to make him slower) then keep shoting when he is out or keep shoting at the back to kill crew and boarding. Now when we have unlimited repair for crew and modules its unenforceable... Waiting for answer Ragnar
  3. 3 Vici, but realy its not a lot of xp...?Count of boarding sucks.
  4. Someone make video first battle USA vs GB ?
  5. Hello everyone. Yesterday i attended in big battle in Plymout (GB vs USA). I'm in my bellona boarding 2 vici and 1 bellona (successfully) and leaving my bellona becouse my its preety destroyed (but not sinking) and taking to play further another bellona(players), when im dead and when time its 00:00 (battle end) I'm leaving the battle end see this : For first: My basic bellona(this one that im starting to play in this battle) Its not sink in battle (this other bellona sink what i captured) and I'm not losing my durability but too im not getting Xp and Gold for this battle(look details battle) I think it is not correct. Second: Im win boarding with this 2 victory becouse they heave 0 morale, and I'm killing just half creew, and too i have just XP for killing this half creew. Why it is not counted Xp for successfully Win in boarding like 1 killed Vici or just Full creew killed(not only half, becouse I have only half Xp for boarding, then better its just sink ship then board him) Ragnar Lodrok 2
  6. Yeah its true, I'm join to the battle, and saying them(i know them) here its a safe zone for trafalgar but they dont know it, and not taken over. PS: Its not my problem, just remember im not atacking Rekab PS2: Need to fix my micro, and disable sound in trafflagar, just i hear a shoting at me xD
  7. Pleas check the log Where and when I'm saying this?! Pleas people what happend? Its simply lie! Please chceck the log. Its unacceptable to lie like this.
  8. I'm sorry my fault. I'm waiting for respond. I think we need to do something with this. Good night
  9. Sure, becouse I cant good English ban me (racist). You are Supernova i think
  10. New post: Player :"dropkickjxy1" atacking one whem we on one side of the battle (look scr) New: They say i can die of cancer (verbal insult_
  11. Hello, i want report : "Supernova" "VpChicken" and "dropkickjxy1" This affairs begins when im taking "their" ship in battle (traider snow) I'm sailng with brig to a battle, in battle is 4 ship (3linxy and my Brig) and enemy traider ship, im boarding this ship and taking. When im board this ship they say dont take it its ouers, but its to late becouse im already in board and i cant do anything, Im apologized this three players (6 time) and say i can help them take another ship (becouse i have brig for me that is no problem to help) And when we in battle in one team they atacking me and destroy my brig ( I wanted only help them) (see Annex, soory but i havent another one screen) I believe when we are in on one side of the battle They should not attack me. Im lost my brig( nation:pirat) becouse they are assholes, they cant play fair (shoting one of them team) I think that we should draw consequences for this player Soory for my language I am waiting for a response
  12. oleski


    Sooory mate, me english not realy good, and i dont know where can i write this.
  13. oleski


    Hi, i have Santisma like a 5 month, how can i get a tester status and play in open world?
  14. I have realy problem to find any Topic where is describe about : healthy ships{armor etc}, time of reload diffrent guns or durability to penetration, where need to aim to do max dmg, something about using grape, chain, how works boarding(atack,deff,fire) etc. Some Tips Sory for this temat, but i dont know where can i make this topic. Someone can help me? Im just a little bit green in Naval battles, and need more infos becouse i need to learn this game.
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