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Lytse Pier

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Posts posted by Lytse Pier

  1. That's a coincidence.


    We just sold some technology to the pirates so they could build dykes around your ports and pump out the water. Seems like we have some grand out-of-the-box strategy to watch out for the coming weeks.


    On a sidenote. We have a great amount of cartwheels on sale and for a cheap price they can be mounted on your ships!  ;)

    • Like 2
  2. In the grim darkness of South American shade there is only war.


    There is no peace among the palm trees, only the eternity of carnage and laughter of thirsting captains.


    Jenever for the Jenever god, coconuts for the coconut throne!


    ... and so it will be our faith, forsaken with anger, with grim faces still smiling, and filled with glorious hope of victory.


    ** taps twice on the table with his full glass, before going bottums up with it. **



    • Like 2
  3. ... to all those captains that sailed under the French and Dutch flag this evening (22nd of February 2016). Thank you for the great fun!


    In all honesty France, we are not afraid of your superior numbers on the seas! We have genever enough to even double your numbers ourselves if we find the odds too close to 1:2 on your bad nights.  ;)



    • Like 10
  4. What noises for nothing... I think Dutch and French are bravely fighting on south to exapend their own territories. So far, we don't know how is organised the dutch nation and if there is someone responsible on the diplomacy in. There is no point to start a PNA when you can't know who to speak with neither when your Spanish allies are beaten bewtenn english and Dutch. We know that stopping the war now would conduct the destruction of the spanish and they don't need more harassement neither from usa than from dutch.

    Atm, show us a dutch unified nation and you will be able to make diplomacy with CSNF. Waiting for that we are waiting the US players if they want to travel the all map to make OS pvp. It will lead to others nation ot involve in war and decreasethe player base as some will be wiped.

    Anyway, atm i just read trolls and bad advice.

    One more time if dutch want to speak about any pna, they have to organise and speak for one. Then they can present their offer to CSNF that will consider it. Without that, we will continue playing.

    I'm not the CSNF and i can only speak for myself. I don't have any anger with any dutch. They are fighting for their survive as we are fighting for ours. We are not fighting far away form our capitals and we both need to etablish strong frontier to renforce our nation.

    Now maybe would it be time to speak


    We, the Dutch, are a very disorganized Nation as a whole. People leaving left and right for other nations or going pirate due to a total political meltdown of civil conversation in our senate with strongly opinionated Republicans and disorderly Orangist screaming at each other. They main issue, after the pricing of Batavian Spices, was the disagreement to either battle against the French fleet or to fight them. Luckily our nation is famous for its political compromises, so sooner or later we will reach a pragmatic recognition of pluriformity and cooperate despite differences. It will most likely end up between shooting you after we had a good diplomatic conversation with you or shooting you after having a lovely meal together.


    In the meantime I suggest to you to take full advantage of the situation!

    • Like 1
  5. I found the Dutch most welcoming. They sent ships out to greet me, shared ammunition, and even offered me dinner once I was brought.. err, was allowed.. aboard their ships to visit. They were very pleasant hosts!


    Yes, most of our ships are very pleasant to stay on. Once we modernized the latrines, gouvernailles, sharpened the quille and refit the etai de mât de flèche, they are very comfortable and feel like proper Dutch ships; and we do love to share your wine with you.  ;)


    Your company is always nice to have! Dinner soon?

    • Like 1
  6. Very nice Harkonenov! The age would be a bit early for Lenin and the CCCP, but I like the look of it nevertheless! Keep up the good work, and if you could be giving out a translation in English with it at all times I'd appreciate that greatly!

  7. It looks there is no Franko - British alliance. It looks to me that we have in the game a still hidden US-French alliance that will be finally directed against the British after the Dutch and the Swedish are destroyed by the French. The Danes have reasons to fear the British then. That Scandinavian war is especially serving the US- French agenda, and it looks that the Swedish are expecting to maintain themselves as a French protectorate. I think it is much more likely that Sweden shall be stabbed by the French after the Dutch fraction is destroyed. That will happen relative soon now the French took control of the line La Orchilla - Paritu to take as soon as possible all Dutch ports east of the line La Orchilla - Caracas. Finally in reaction of IronClaw, blaming the Pruisians to run away.. the nearby Dutch ships were run away (showing their Dutch courage) when I (sailing in a snow) was attacted by 12 French players in front of freetown Cano Macareo.. luckly for me four Pruisian ships sailed out to help me with much succes. Again, thanks for that support!


    Battles are the uteri where heroes come from:


  8. Saying "The Swedes start a major offensive" is like saying "The House of Representatives is in agreement", you can always find a Democrat or Republican that keeps ventilating his "negatives/own opinions".  ;)


    National unity in this game is an illusion under the current game mechanics and probably remains that even with revised ones. I doubt also if you want to change that. This game is a clan-based MMO which means one has to work hard to reach a concensus gentium between the kindred and aligned clans of the nations.


    So, one who "speaks for the nation" with terms like "We, the Dutch", "The Swedes start ...." or "Our British fleet....", is most likely speaking for a majority of their aligned players within the clan or collaborating clans.


    If the interpreting is the responsibility of the sender or the receiver of the message can be a fun spectacle on these forums and, many trolls and flamers have a field day about it. Most of the times realizing who sent the message and to whom it is adressed can help in understanding the impact it can have on you and your clans gameplay.  ;)


    We will see how the Swedish Unity will hold, but I am sure it will be as challenging as in any other Nation.

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