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Tacking times



Surcouf gave French 80-gun ship (Sané design most probably) tacking times for comparison:

  • Speed / head-sails aback / head to wind / full tack to tack
  • 2.5 / 2'30" / 10' / 13'
  • 3 / 1'52" / 9'22" / 12'
  • 3.5 / 1'33" / 8'07" / 11'
  • 4 / 1'30" / 7'30" / 10'
  • 4.5 / 1'30" / 6'50" / 9'10"
  • 5 / 1'20" / 6'15" / 8'30"
  • 6 /  1'15" / 5' / 7'
  • 7 / 1'15" / 5' / 6'30"


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The principle is further detailed in the Fernandez-Gonzalez doc page 48 and 51.


The tacking times come from Surcouf. In addition to the detailed 64-gun Le Réfléchi, the 74-gun Téméraire-class and the 80-gun ship above, there are:

  • La Melpomène (1887)

This ship served as a topman instruction frigate.
Length: 53.3m
Beam: 13.8m
Draught: 6m
Displacement: 2000t

This data is taken from sea trials reports, for a tack in a light breeze, very smooth sea, mainsail+topsail+topgallant
  Speed   - head to wind - un-backed fore yards - full tack

   5kn       -           ?         -              3'15''              -   6'
   5.8kn    -           2'05"   -              3'30"              -   5'50''
   7kn       -           2'         -             3'45"               -   5'
   7.8kn    -           1'05"    -             3'13"              -   4'30''

  • Ship Le Réfléchi

8' - 10'30" - 4'45" - 4'20"

  • Corvette le Tourtereau

7'20" - 9'15"

  • Gabare la Durance


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