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Double Or Triple Exp For Nations That Do There Job

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I am putting this subject up because the grind is not that great and doesn't show much reward for doing your job. So, here is an idea to make you be tempted as a Captain.

Pirates-Naval Boarding: When a pirate boards a vessel he gets double or triples his exp for boarding a Player or AI why because that is exactly what they did in the past. They try to avoid naval combat from other nations just for the plunder, supplies, and a ship. But, if desperate they will take the risk for naval combat. They target, observed, warning shots and scare tactics, board, take care of the crew and the prize! That's the life of a Pirate!!


All other Nations is up to you, but I saying sinking any vessel


I know this is a good idea and also stops those bunglers that think pirates are over powered! Why because we want you to stop moving and board you!!

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