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NEW UPDATE 9872 - New map, new boss, new weapons and many more!


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Hey, fellow Raiders!
We know you've been eagerly anticipating something fresh and thrilling, so we've packed this Update with a ton of new content and features just for you! And, of course, there are the usual bug fixes and enhancements.
But let's dive into the most exciting parts of this latest update!
First up is the final addition to the Arizona Pine Forest map - Scott's and Co. Iron Mine.
This place is a treasure trove for looters, filled with intricate tunnels, corridors, and distinct mines. But be cautious – every corner could lead to riches or peril. Here are a few sneak peeks to whet your appetite.1.png
If you found other locations challenging, brace yourself for this one – it's really exciting! It's vast and expansive but by no means a walk in the park. You'll definitely want to rally your squad for a fighting chance to survive and encounter... the new 'boss'.
Meet Mr. Marcus 'Digger' Scott, the formidable owner and 'boss' of Scott's and Co. Iron Mine.
Not only is he a 'hard-to-kill' adversary, but also 'hard-to-reach'. You'll require a solid team and a strategic approach just to get to him (and that's before even thinking about defeating him).
However, the rewards match the risk – you can loot some truly unique equipment, making it well worth the challenge!
The Maple Musketoon (a special version of the new weapon - the Musketoon) and the new Marcus 'Digger' Scott clothing set are just a glimpse of what this update brings. And trust me, the style alone is worth it!
Now, onto something you've been requesting repeatedly. Here it is at last – the Double Barrel Shotgun. Double the firepower, double the shots, and less reload!
As always, there will be plenty of modifications to suit your personal tastes and preferences. Additionally, the Pepperbox – a gun many of you adore – now comes with a new build recipe and, of course, new properties.
And of course, we listened to and fixed many bugs and issues reported by you (the complete list of features, updates, and fixes you will find in the list on our Discord server following the link:
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