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Up to this point, I'm still hooked...(plus list of problems I'm seeing)

Admiral Donuts

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I just want to say it's danged habit forming. A great game no matter what some people say.

Still some problems to work on dot9 R2...

1) Campaign negative political conditions for presence of fleets in certain sea zones are still buggy. I get a lot of angering Italians over presence in Atlantic and Irish Sea, and protecting my own merchants in the Western Med seems to tick just about everybody off. I recently had a condition where my Germans were entirely in the Baltic which angered everyone a lot. It's hard to judge where positioning the task forces will have what effect on whom. It just seems random.

Another example was when I sent the entire fleet out to tick off the French and British and they loved it. I essentially blockaded the British with sea control task forces and ended up having to stop them from becoming my allies. That was a costly period of about 22 years of peace.

I think it just needs a little tweaking. I've had a situation in this campaign that I have been at war, with everybody, in cycles, for 30 years, because I'm forced to deploy task forces to protect merchant fleets into zones that irritate everyone else. I have made peace with the French in my current campaign, and been back at war with them within 4 months due to the heavy negatives of fleet deployment. They had 1 ship. They might have shown more discretion.

2) Task force on high repair priority returning the entire task force to port with 1 ship lightly damaged. --- Another, task force on high repair sending two lightly damaged ships back to repair - when done repairing those ships automatically returned to the task force without my input. But returned on medium priority instead of high converting the whole task force to medium just before a battle. (So lost control of the priority and therefore had ships damaged in the battle that gave the enemy free VPs in the very next fight.) I'm not seeing a consistent repair scheme occurring. I can't judge which is the bug and which isn't.

  2a) Entering a battle with damaged ships should not be awarding the AI or the player victory points...

3) 12 to 14 month repair times on battleships coming out of mothballed status is too much. I can see taking a month on all ships when their only concern is crewing-up.

4) Light cruiser refits take significantly longer than any other ships aside from battleships. Typically, when refitting a whole fleet I find 1 month refit times on DDs and CAs, but 4-6 month refits on light cruisers, with all the ships having the same changes.

5) I still see the odd 'homing torpedo' during battles, changing direction just before hitting one of my ships. Though not as bad as it used to be.

6) While starting a battle, the visual condition of the weather is often not matching the actual weather effects.

7) If my task force is off the coast of Holland, it WILL intercept targets in the Adriatic and Western Med. I'm not sure if that is a design decision or not, but it's another anomaly to me.

There are other minor details I've forgotten. Stupid brain.

If you feel like add some more.




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1 hour ago, Admiral Donuts said:

3) 12 to 14 month repair times on battleships coming out of mothballed status is too much. I can see taking a month on all ships when their only concern is crewing-up.


I agree. But the case of the mothballed status is complicate. If the coming out time is too short, players will abuse of this powerfull budget balancing tool (as I did before), and if this time is too long, players will just ignore this useless option (as I do now). Hard to balance between these 2 I think. 

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