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Issues while recreating French pre-dreadnought "Massena"

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As it was stated, using the hull of Ironclad Battleship III it's possible to (faithfully) recreate a once existed "Massena", so I gave it a go!

Now, I can ignore accuracy of numbers regarding displacement/measurements/armor, but the goal is to have a visually accurate ship. Barely found any good blueprint of it, so resorted to whatever there was & arrangement of stuff on this model too: https://www.kartonbau.de/forum/thema/24228-gbm004-rf-massena/?postID=388247

So here's what I found:

Ship had 8x100mm deck guns, I placed 4 no probs but other 4 can't be installed. One is overlapping with lifeboat/davit for some reason, another one looks not overlapping but because it's full rotation area is slightly obstructed by a davit, it can be installed only by pre-rotating in some position.



But what's with the overlapping? I looked closely at that paper model, photos, etc & it came to me that the whole hull model is messed up kinda. Real ship had same distance from midship 274mm turret to fore & aft smaller turrets. Here distance between the midship turret & aft turret is shorter. That makes the aft tower part with its lifeboat to occupy the point for 100mm gun. It's odd because the real ship was like 112m long while I'm already using the 120m long hull.


What's in blue rectangle is where another lifeboat/davits should have been if judging by that paper model & photos of real ship. Also missing many air intakes between the funnel. Wish it was possible to pick additional parts like intakes, casings, lifeboats, masts, etc & place where necessary.



Btw, main/secondary towers, funnels, turrets are picked as how they were on real ship & placed in their correct spots.

Edited by Captain Meow
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