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A grateful rant thread


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First off, Love all the DarthMods for Total War. They are my overall favorite mods, with the exception of specific total conversions like TATW and BOTET.

Secondly, Lot of things I love about UGCW. Lots of good features, AI is decent (not quite up to the hype but better than the AI in the Total War series and Starcraft).

Thirdly, I am probably gonna return the game, cuz it loses the fun factor very quickly, and all because of two annoying design choices that I really disagree with and don't understand why they were implemented, which are;

A.) Scaling - this is first thing that annoyed me, but I powered through it at first. Personally, I hate all forms of AI Scaling. Hated it in Skyrim, hated it in Fallout, hate it here. I was the guy that went through and manually deleted the AI Scripts in TATW and BOTET that gave the AI free garrisons, cuz that is just annoying. AI Scaling is the same thing only worse.

Scaling literally punishes the player for doing good and rewards players that exploit this artificial, ahistorical, feature. It also completely destroys my immersion in the game.

However, because I enjoyed the rest of the game, overall, I first tried powering through, then I kinda played around with exploiting it (but not worth my time, honestly), and finally I downloaded the Rebalance Mod and then figured out how to manually adjust the Scaling in the game to something reasonable (0.7 is close to the sweet spot I think - in Minor Battles you can out number the AI but it regains equality or an edge in the Major Battles). In any event I was no longer playing Union and being outnumbered 2.7:1 or more every single battle, even if I completely trounced the AI in previous fights.

So, yay, I can have my 9 - 12 brigades of 2k infantry, 3 - 5 artillery regiments of 12 guns each, and 3 - 5 cavalry regiments of 600+ cavalry without running into a 60k - 100k AI army every minor battle....

But, there is nothing I can do about...

B.) Scripted Defeats - This is unforgivable. If you want me to lose the 1st Day of Shiloh, then just start me off on the 2nd Day.

Like, what a insult. I spend 2 hours of my time playing the battle, only to find out I was better off watching literally anything on youtube. What is the point? I didn't even try to keep Shiloh Church or the Center and Left Flanks (as the Hornet's Nest introduction said not to), but made a gradual fighting withdraw, successfully, to the Hornet's Nest objective.

Lost some good brigades during the AI bum rush against my exhausted and ammo-less frontline, even lost an Artillery Regiment to... dunno, ordered it to move to Hornet's Nest for resupply and something happened to it as I couldn't find it later on.

Totally cool with all that.

What I am not cool is that I lost the Hornet's Nest anyway going into Day Two.

Then I realized that this is what is going to happen in every multi-day battle scenario; I am gonna spend hours winning individual fights only to be scripted completely out of victory. This is intolerable.

The Battleground series (turn-based) PC wargames did it right; it was possible to win multi-day battles on Day One if certain conditions were met. Nevermind if I had actually tried to hold all the objectives and succeeded.

To me this means literally every day of every multi-day battle is a waste of my time. Doesn't matter, any losses I inflict on AI will probably be replenished to some degree anyway, and even if they are not my own troops also took losses, so it should even out.

So what the point?

Anyway, this isn't just a rant. As I said, got alot of respect for the DarthMods and the time and energy that went into those. Only reason why I haven't already returned the game.

So... is there Cheat Codes to auto-win/auto-lose any given day of a multi-day battle so I don't waste 1+ hours of my life playing something that doesn't matter, or a way to just start every multi-day battle on the last day, or perhaps just delete the multi-day battles completely?

Or possible work arounds that aren't too convoluted; like, haven't tried it yet, but was wondering if I can just order all my units to withdraw at the beginning of every multi-day battle, or just forfeit objectives and turtle in a corner?

If answer to all of above is no, then done with this game. Too Bad, most of everything else about it is fun and cool.

Sincere Regards,



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Many, though not all, of the multi-day battles can be won early. Union Shiloh the only way to do it is to wipe out all enemy units before the day ends though. In general, offensive battles can be won early, defensive battles tend to require playing more days. 

The game's battle design roughly tries to lead the player through the historical course of the battle. While this does limit player freedom, it's also the only way something like Jackson's flank at Chancellorsville or Pickett's charge actually happen. 

AI unit's do not replenish between days. The AI can receive new units on later days, but this only happens in some battles and Washington day 2 is the only battle where you face a completely new set of units. This means that losses inflicted on earlier days can have a major affect on the AI. Pickett's Charge is a ghost town if you inflict heavy losses on day 1 and 2. As the CSA you can easily win Gettysburg at Culp's Hill if you inflict enough damage on day 1 because the fortifications are just empty. Or you can just capture Cemetery Hill and win on day 1.

These guides should have most of the victory condition information for when you can win early or not.



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