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Ultimate General: Civil War Mods


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Are there UG:CW mods that turn off the battle scripting. I love so much about this game but absolutely hate the way the battles are set up to where you just move to, idk, another story point and what happened before that doesn’t really matter.

Looking for something that makes the battles more straightforward.

Edited by rickharso59
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There are mods that let you adjust the timers to some extent but that's as close as it gets. I've played around a bit with skipping phases and just giving the player more time with the map completely open, but the problem becomes that the AI tends to not adapt very well. It's probably possible to get something working in some cases, but it's not a simple task.

Phase resets that move your units around can be turned off, but they tend to be used in places for good reason. Specifically that the map resizes, or new units spawn in which means that it would be very easy for the player to lose access to units or get spawned on top of unless they know exactly where not to be.

In most battles you actually have quite a bit more time than it might seem. There are some pretty comprehensive guides available here:



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