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New Naval academy missions & Retreats


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These new Naval Academy's missions came from Alpha 4 are...well, very fun. Giving a super BB against an entire fleet, it is indeed engaging. But with some problems. 
That in order to finish them, which need to be deal though some unusual methods. 

Frankly, the Retreats.

When going to build a super-heavy battleship with about 100,000 tons, conventionally, won't consider that they need to go with a speed more than 35 knots. AKA these giants probably won't be designed to serve as vanguards or hunters or any quick-react task force which manoeuvres fast. 

Yet in these new missions, you have to chase an enemy fleet at full withdrawing. Of course it is possible to do so, but, well, their retreat just happens fast. As far as the enemy's BBs lost perhaps more than half-strength at 2 BBs, or lost some strength at 3 BBs, the entire enemy fleet disengage and begin to withdraw. Which makes the chasing inevitable.
And the chasing is...well, truly annoying. Destroy or disable an engaging ship is easy and fast, but chase it and sunk it, needs more time more ammo and it is not fun at all. Kicking enemy's ass for about several minutes at 5x speed is...ah, meh. And sink an already damaged ship would need probably 3-5 times more ammo than defeat it in the engaging. The only advantage is that the enemy's retaliation would reduce heavily.

I would not say that should not allow the retreat, but, the objective of the Naval Academy's missions, is to sink the majority of the enemy, and if it is not be done, it is considered as fail.
If this happens in a campaign, of course it is acceptable. Any enemy would want to save their strength to fight another day, and efforts these have been done, still could be considered as a victory. 

But in the Naval Academy, it just adds more conditions to be accomplished. Which makes more methods must be used, in order to achieve the objective. And these conditions, I could not see and say that they are designed to be a part of the mission's challenge and waiting the player to find some more unconventional builds to beat them.

I just said, but I was noticed that at Alpha 3's modern BB's mission. Of course I could disable the enemy ship and just chase it till the end, but it was 1v1 and the condition was acceptable to be a part of the mission, as the further needs when the firepower seems not enough. And it truly fit the topic about a modern US BB which is similar to the Iowa-class. 
But I would not expect any super-heavy BB to chase down the enemy at 35 or more knots, no matter it's the H class or the Montana class, in the history or even any their designs would do so. Also building 2 smaller fast ship with 18" could also do this job but...should this be considered as the conventional way?

These missions are not difficult, but I just feel, they are not what they were supposed to be.

Perhaps the mechanism of the retreats should be changed or fixed. I did not say or agree that should not allow the enemy to retreat in these missions.

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