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Shell Dyes and 20in guns


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I was wondering if we are going to see shell dyes? This occurred to me whilst watching a documentary on the Battle off Samar. 

This also asks the question of certain nations having severe disadvantages? Whilst I have seen that each nation will have their own characteristics, will this include (in this case) something like fire control RADAR for the Japanese? 

I also came across HMS Incomparable. Had it been built it would've had 20in guns. Is the game going to stick to historical gun calibers? If not then would we see such other things as the Tillman Battleship (T-III I believe) which would've had 6-gun turrets?

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Shell dyes could be a really nice form of eye candy, but I'm not sure it'd be particularly useful. It might be a nice ancillary for shell tracer for distinguishing HE and AP, though.

Alternatively, use them as an accuracy upgrade. Perhaps slightly increasing mixed battery accuracy through different dye colours, or helping a division tell their shell splashes apart?

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