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Liberated Territory


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To begin with, I have to tip my hat to the developers. This game is something else. I have, for a long time, wondered when someone would create an open world game that lives around you and is always a new play through. One with intelligent AI and one that gives you a thrilling experience and prevents save scumming in order to demonstrate "an alive character" atmosphere - well here it is, this game.

Question about liberated territory. When you liberate a territory and have red X's in the camps / forts, can the enemy retake those? Or, once a "county" is secured, it is forever yours?

also, will there be weather effects down the line and snakes? Snakes would be so cool....hard to implement in games for some reason, but cool none-the-less. Thanks


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I've wondered about whether they will retake settlements as well.


The closest I've come to this is "vanishing" a fort and then the next day while I was fleeing a group of settlers I ran past the fort and there were men on the walls shooting at me. I came back to the fort the next day and there was one guy running out of the fort (patrol?) but the place was otherwise abandoned.


I have seen a covered wagon riding around. There is only one guy on it and the road is heavily patrolled. Maybe this will be some future method of restarting a settlement.


I would like the option to burn down a fort or to occupy it myself. At the least it would make them start from scratch. I feel like many of the settlements are stages of development. camp, logging camp, bivouac, fort. Each with more defenses like fences, buildings, walls. If they are going to retake them then it would be nice to make them start with the simple camp first.

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Similar to how we set up camps, maybe they have icons to occupy land. They may not be able to take a fort back but could possibly build something somewhere else in the area to reclaim it. Otherwise, we couldn’t lose the game if we can’t lose territory. 

I noticed today in a new play through an icon with a pick axe on it. I went there and it looks like they are building a fort there. Not sure if that’s what it is, but pretty cool.

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