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What ship and nationality is the "Cerubim" Frigate actually based on?

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Does anybody know the real ship the Frigate/Pirate Frigate is based on?


The name "Cherubim" on the counter is in cyrillic, but there was no Russian Frigate by that name - at least not according to the book "Russian Warships in the Age of Sail".


I find that a little curious. :huh:

By the general outfit, she looks British, although the steering wheel is behind the mizzen mast.


Are her plans available anywhere?


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She's a mix of designs, created by the developers. As I understand it, she's part Russian and part Chapman (Swedish).  

Only the Cyrillic on the stern is Russian. She's a Chapman frigate that some model company tried to dress up as British.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I got confused because of the 24 pounder armament...

The Russian Ship is actually a 60-gun Fourth Rate, not a 64-gun Third Rate. There's actually a rather big difference between the two in the disposition of the armament (26 Guns on the gun-deck in a 64 and only 24 in a 60) and in the scantlings.


By the way, the Ingermanland carrying 32pdrs is rather exaggerated... The Russians quickly realised she couldn't bear them without being slowly torn apart, so they swiftly exchanged them for 24pdrs...


A 74 would always have carried 32pdrs (or 36pdrs in French ships)...   :rolleyes:

So the 3rd rate seems to be a placeholder for a 64-Gun-Ship. Those were the ones with 24 pounders on the gun-deck...


To the developers: What about an Agamemnon, eh?  ;)

"Nelson's Favourite" would be really nice...

Edited by daHeld
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