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Player Automated Trading Vessels/ Cargo Insurance/ Sailing Contract

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Firstly I think as it stands this game is great already, I have owned it since January and it has only been improving since then. I do think thought that this game does have the potential to be one of the best I have ever played so help with some brainstorming ideas I have put forward a three here all relating to trading just to help aid with the future creativity of the game:

Player Automated Trade Vessels:

If like me you find it quite dull and well don't usually have the time to sail 30 minutes in one direction from one port to the next selling goods then instead of having only AI trading vessels those should be owned by players who can pick a route and determine what the vessel should buy and sell at certain ports. These vessels however are still controlled by AI just player owned, can still be raided etc, so as a player you could "patrol" your trade routes with your own warship, or fleet. 


Cargo Insurance


Obviously it might be quite expensive and frustrating owning your own trading vessels if they are always being raided, therefore maybe cargo insurance could be involved either AI or player owned. It would work by paying a % fee of the Hold cargo you want to insure and in the event it is taken you get a payout. This % payment could be modified based on the risk of a particular route (does it pass by enemy ports, regular raided route) and each player could have a 'rating' for example start at a rating of C and if you have many successful deliveries slowly move up to AAA for example making insurance cheaper. 


Sailing Contract


Relating to the first idea, similarly, It would be good if I could give my cargo to someone else to carry and they receive a cut of the profits. Especially for new players this would be a good way to make money just delivering players Goods to ports in return for cuts of the profit. However there would need to be a contract in place so prevent them just running off with the goods. This way a large trading network of players could be established, whereby a company would employ captain to trade their goods for them.



Thanks and I hope some of the ideas help with future development 

Edited by WengDipper
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