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Posts posted by AtomicTiger

  1. Yay! and soon we'll have Eve like lag spikes and TiDi! this game is so cool.

    make it client based...


    I see the point that all these things will cost performance.

    The idea to be able to switch those animations on or off is very good.


    But is it that crappy to have a OW ship model where the gun ports are closed?

    i for my part was only talking about the battle instance, i dont realy care about OW that much.


    What if the ability to show extra crew and guns and such was limited only to your own ship?  Like, make it a client-side only deal, where the only extra guys you see running around on a ship are the ones on your own ship (because who cares about other ships, right?).  That would solve most of the FPS issues I should think, since it's not like anyone's GPU would have to render more than a few hundred crew at a time, and they could be low-res sprites or something at long distance.  I for one would be willing to pay extra money for a DLC to add crew running around on my ship, just cuz it would look cool.  If it tanks my FPS, then that's on me, and I can either choose to live with it or turn it off, but no one else would be affected by it.

    yea what i was pointing on, would also pay for such an DLC ;)

    would love to see any options like on/off buttons and sliders (like in Mount&Blade) where u can adjust how much details you want to have / are able to show


    if players have the rig to perform the details let em do, if they cant, they wont use it, but as soon as they upgrade and are able to use they can go fo it :)

    • Like 2
  2. Would love to being allowed to switch those extras on in options, at small skrimishs like 1v1 and maybe only shown at the own ship in instance and just switch em off in bigger fights maybe atuomatic bound to the FPS, if it goes lower than 30 for a few times it will set the details off


    /E: if they have already been made

    • Like 2
  3. Alliances

    All nations are at war with each other/ Unless you have signed an alliance

    Any nation can have 2 alliances (maybe three) to eventually force all nations into 3 blocks.

    -How much Nations can ONE Nation declare war on? Suddenly Swedes decide to go Beastmode, and they wanna Capture the map, can they Declare War to every Nation on server or will there be a capacity? (like u can declare war only up to 2 Nations or 1 Alliance at one time)


    -How much Nations can Declare war to ONE Nation? Like every Alliance and Nation decides to Punish one Nation, is this possible?

    if there will be a capacity so only 1 Alliance or up to 2-3 Nations can Declare war against one Nation will this capacity grow if you are in an Alliance (you=any Nation)

    • If you don’t have heroic feats you can marry into the Lordship by buying a special item

    -getting Lordship by marriage, do i also get Land / estate? and is this only avaiable if there are not enough Lords?

    LOVE that part, i remind when i asked an admin ingame if they will go for such a thing!

    Ports are controlled by lords. Lord protector can determine entry rights

    -As Lord protector, so i can block any Player of my Nation or Alliance from entering the Port?


    More people means 2 things:

    • Increase labor hours generation for estate owner which could spill to the nation as well

    -can this Labour Hours be traded / transfered to any Player, so i can give them to a Crafter and he will be able to Craft more ships per day?

    and if so, will this trade / transfer will be permanent until you refuse that?


    -Will there be an extra Chat window for Alliances?


    Bonus question, if rebel will come:

    -Rebel thing: If i dont want to be allied with Spain, but my Nation votes for it and will propably win the vote, but my part of the Nation wants to be allied with USA which is hostile to spain (so we wont get an alliance of all 3) can i go now at civil war to get more votes so i can abdone Spain and ellect USA, also if i declare civil war, is the Nation in my Favour able to help me in that war? so there will be 2 Partys: my Nation 1 +Spain  against  Civil War Nation1 +USA ?



    Looking forward for this to get ingame, hopefully it will make Diplomacy way easier :)

  4. Hm, wollen Ja, brauchen Nein...

    Habe mich bei den Holländern recht gut eingelebt und denke das Fukntioniert so bei jeder anderen Nation auch.

    Wenn das Spiel weiter ist so 1-2 Jahre und die Karte entweder weiter ausgebaut wird oder es einen server mit Europa Karte gibt dann gerne aber im EA Status fehlen für sowas einfach die Spieler.

  5. So we again got our forces together, and went to Capture Barranquilla.

    -Deutsche Kaiserliche Flotte

    -Polska Flota Kaperska

    -Lions of Nassau


    -The Sailing Dutchmen  (more like the single dutch man)


    We were able to sink 3x  3rd rates outside the Port of Barranquilla caused by PFK crossing the Port.

    So we only had 3x rd left to defend.


    The Port is now again part of the Republic!


    Also we hit on the East side on Pampatar and Captured it back, with the united forces of DAS, BOAT, DKF, LIONS and again the TDS (the single dutchman)


  6. Hiermit stelle ich den Clan  Deutsche Kaiserliche Flotte kurz DKF vor,



    Wir spielen die Nation Vereinigte Provinzen (Niederlande)

    auf dem Server PVP one

    Unsere Flotte setzt sich aus deutschsprachigen Spielern zusammen,

    das Durchschnittsalter liegt bei 30+, von 18-55 Jahren ist alles dabei.


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