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Posts posted by Fig

  1. Hello guys,

    I'm seeking a partner to do some mission with, i'm fairly new to this state of the game. I'm part of the verenigde provinciën and i'm in a cutter. I've played this game before long time ago so i know the combat basics. You can add me on steam: fig or my ingame is James Hetfield  or you can drop your steam name below! 

  2. Hello sailors, 

    I'm here to discuss a serious matter. A month ago when i logged on at around 18pm gmt +1 there would be a player base of around 160 people on. Now there's only 50-70 player one,we can conclude that the player base is dwindeling. Naval action needs a new game mode or some new features even though its in beta. 

    Here are some of my suggestion (I'm not very creative when it comes to these kind of stuff but i'll give it a try). The names are by no means serious. 



    Random Ship:

    • You get placed in to a lobby with a random ship (very straight foward) 
    • Add some more stuff in the comment section ? rules etc... 
    • Just a normal pvp game where everyone gets a random vessel. 


    Capture the ship/Escort:

    •  A ship spawns with a treasure, the oppiste team has to capture that ship (can be an type of ship) 
    •  the treasure will be captured as soon as the treasure carrying ship is destroyed by the axis. 
    •  There are a limited amount amounts of every type of ship. 
    •  The treasure ship will be heavily armored but will be not very mobile but will have a good amount of firepower.
    •  The allies must escort the treasure ship to a certain waypoint to win. 


    I realise that Game-labs doesn't have a huge amount of human resource.

    I'm by no mean a game dev or someone who capable of it, i'm just making a suggestion. Don't take it seriously 

    These game modes are obviously place holders for when the whole open world comes out. 

    If you have any other ideas please mention them in a comment. 




  3. Hello fellow maties,

    At random times in cutter, the cannon camera will get stuck in a certain radius. Lets say: Left cannons stuck in a radius between 45-90 degrees. And right cannon stuck between 0-45 degrees. You then can't move the angle out of that radius and you can only shoot in that radius. Its very fustrating. Game-Labs told me in game to double tap ESC wich didn't help. I'm using the cutter for now. Did or has anyone have this problem? And if you did how did you fix it?



    Benjamin Black Beard


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