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Richard Dryfus

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Posts posted by Richard Dryfus

  1. Third trip and we had a our clan out there and with every one else we talked to no one had any BP's just the paints and the mods.  It's not worth it after sitting there for 5 hours getting into place and than fighting.  I took one french LVG down that had a chest so there is some PvP going on.

    Why didnt you board?! you might have sunk the Aggy BP

  2. Our server has been inflected with an illness, its called 'carebear fever' or CF for short. This forum is full to the brim with players crying about 'real life pirates didn't man the big ships.... real life pirates didn't capture ports'

    , I guess I missed the part of history where the British empire in this time period held hands with the Danes, Dutch, US, French, Swedish, Spain and sang songs around the campfire. entered into gentleman's agreements not to attack each other!




    Sorry, maybe you mean EVERY WAR EVER FOUGHT

  3. Not sure if this is happening to anyone else, but at random intervals im getting kicked from NA, and I am sent back to the log in screen, and no reason is given, doesnt matter if its open world, or in battle. 


    Another issue is I get completely kicked from the game, and when i reload in, I get an "authentication error" until I wait 20 minutes and try again...



    Any help would be great!

  4. Naval Action game is set in 1680-1820

    your early firstrate is commissioned at  1816 (agreed by congress)  in 1821 :) (laid down)  and real launch 1837





    Out of curiosity can you read?



    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Independence_(1814)   90 GunShip of the Line.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Franklin_(1815) 86 Gun Ship of the Line

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Columbus_(1819) 90 gun Ship of the Line



    Now these may not be 1st rates, but they sure as hell were larger than the largest Pirate ship to "Historically sail" aka the 40 gun Queen Annes Revenge


  5. and about my clan history, is the only CLan in the entire server who manage to defeat entire nations by itself :) not losing a single deep port battle in our entire history with our main fleet   , can you recall me another clan who can say same?I not recall even a single usa clan able to field 25 people, let alone do something with that.


    You seams a player who not was there months ago, you should stop listen the bullshit the people tell you and go check here some HISTORY and videos.:


    Rofl. I've been here for months, and months... Hell I was here for the ORIGINAL sea trials. Hell, I remember when your silly little clan was born, and I remember how you wouldn't shut up about every victory that you managed to achieve against a nation that was underpowered and nowhere near as strong as you were. So yeah, I guess if you call bullying those weaker than you a victory then cool man you did a good job.


    Now sit down, shut up. And cry in the corner as the Americans roll over your ports. revenge is a dish best served cold, and the Americans are having their revenge.

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