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Posts posted by sakebito

  1.     d8dc54f6e4-Vaabenskjold.png


    [DANVE] Dansk Norsk Vestindien Eskadre.


    Rekruterer nå flere kapteiner.

    Alle er velkommen til og joine, Nye Kadeter opp til Admiraler.

    Vi kjører små Flåter som gjør Mission, Og Sloss mot svenskene.


    Vi kan tilby folk som kan bygge skip. og hjelpe Deg med Missions

    Vi er på PvP One EU 


    For Inv kan du Kontakte: Kiilerich - Sakebito Eller Naeldebladet







    [DANVE] Danish Norwegian Westindien Patrol.


     Is now Recruiting New Captains.

    Everyone is welcome to Joine under the Danish flag. Kadet up to Admirals

    We mostly focusing on smaller Fleets, To do Missions and Fighting the Swedish.


    We can Offer Ship Builders - And captains to do missions with.

    We are on PvP One EU


     For Inv or questions "contact" : Kiilerich - Sakebito Or Naeldebladet.


    Just a small info: we are mostly danish and norwegian players. But everyone speaks/write English. 


    So you are more then welcome to joine us.

  2. can you guys confirm that this brings +20 fps boost for everyone? 


    I get around 10 extra Fps by turning it off.  Gtx 980 card. means i get a bit over 100 fps.  the biggest problem i have noticed is the huge fps drop in huge battles, with stuff on max. i drop down to around 35-50 fps. but im running the game in 2560x1440 :D But as it's only a alpha. i dont mind it. it's pritty stable so far! but since i run 2 monitors. i minimize the game alot of times. looks like it dont lock the mouse to the fullscreen game.

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