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Posts posted by SuperEtendard

  1. First, I am all for adding good features that add depth and immersion into a game, i am however dead against adding thing just to make a game easier, personally i see it as defeating the point of having a challenge in a game.

    Concerning your point i am not sure quite how i (personally) feel either way.  On the one hand it would be nice to be able to send any ship you happened to find in your travels straight to your home port, maybe a 2 day+ delivery crew job, and on the other hand the excitement of hopping into the Lynx to go on a shopping trip to find your next purchase adds an extra dimension to the game. I think your idea has merit but perhaps it leans to far to the make it easier for my own personal tastes, but i am just one player so.......!

    Enjoy your new ship :)

    I'm into more immersive and realistic features as well, I was actually quite surprised about "magically" sending prices to the outpost, I expected that they would depart as AI and you would have to escort them (if you cared about them), or even so you had to tow them if they were severly damaged or didn't have enough crew to man both ships. But again, I completely understand the prize sending mechanic, its gameplay preference.

    I like your 2 day delivery job timer :)  (I guess in-game time)


  2. Only problem this raises is if you are unaware of the fact before hand (which a lot of folk will be)  you cannot store ships in any port without a warehouse, you now know this so it will not need to be an issue again :)  The way around this feature is to go shopping in a basic Lynx, which is a free ship so losing it matters not.

    If your new ship is a good one ditch the privy you can cap another easy enough :)  hope this helps.

    thx, I know that If I had given a bit more of thinking into it I could have realize it. However I expected some sort of option like when you capture a prize after the battle (sent to outpost, etc). I find this a "noob trap" at which I fell in as the noob I am :)  but finding this sort of system issues stuff is what we are for isn't it? ^_^


    So my recommendation is to implement the "send to outpost" option, or to put a message after pressing the "Buy" button, like a confirmation screen saying: "You do not posses any outpost in this port, therefore you won't be able to keep more than 1 ship here, would you like to buy this ship anyway?"

  3. Hi all

    It happened that looking for a Mercury I found it in a port in which I didn't have an outpost. I bought it. But then I soon realized about the problem: I had 2 ships in a port without an outpost... so when I sail away from it I would lose one of my ships.

    So I don't know if this is a bug or if it is intended. I would like an option to send to an outpost my previous ship (Privateer), the one I arrived with. I can sell it, but 450 gold isn't worth a fine Privateer that I had to capture after searching for it. Its either that or lose 20k gold I spent in the Mercury.




    And I don't have enough gold to open an outpost there...  so im stuck now, don't know what to do. Probably with pain in my heart I will leave my dear Privateer... but I just wanted to know if this was an issue, or intended. Or maybe there is a way to solve this which I don't know (so I can keep both my Privateer and the Mercury I just bought).


  4. Just ~30 minutes ago I was in a battle, everything was doing fine... but sudenly the game frezees and after a couple of seconds with the 0 fps the typical (X program doesn't respond) and the game closes. I started the game again, and tried to relog, but then some error pops out saying "User is already connected" and later on after trying again "Authentication error".


    After a couple of minutes, I could return to the battle, but then the ballistics of the cannon ball changed drastically and I reported that using the F11 function. Some time later the game freezes again and CTD. This time I could relog without problems into the battle. And during that battle this happened two more times.


    So this sums up to 4 CTDs in the same battle, also with the ballistic anomaly and it seemed that people in chat couldn't read my messages as they didn't answer what I wrote (apologies for disconnection, asking if anyone has experienced this, etc etc).


    Has this happened to other people? It seems like a nasty bug of some sort.

  5. Intel i5 3450 @ 3.10 GHz

    RAM 12 Gb  DDR3 1333 Hz Kingston

    GPU GT 630 with 2Gb DDR3.

    I am fine with the processor and the RAM, but the GT 630 is underperfomer, and i noticed it in many games. I can play with custom settings at 20~25 fps. This setup leads to very curious results, have to put water on low, and 0 antialising . Other things such as anisotropic filtering and texture quality between low and max there isn't fps differences over 2 or 3 at mostly, so i have full anisotropic and medium textures. Lightning on low aswell.


  6. Just do not mention SH5 or I shall cry. A great example of what happens when you dumb something down and try to give it more 'popular appeal'.

    NA Devs please take note. You potentially have something really special here because it is different and feels real. If you try to broaden the appeal to too wide a market you risk wrecking it.

    Easy, I tried SH5 and didn't liked it either ;) All this mod campaign is the same style as per SH4. I said it was above SH III because it has more theaters, and the more dynamic missions of SH4,  restock in friendly ports, ask for aerial recon, good radio communication with the command and updates of missions, etc.

  7. Welcome to combat under sail. Although I still enjoy a bit of SH4 sneaky sub combat as well  :)

    Thanks ^_^  I think i didn't expres myself very well... I didn't mean I no longer like Silent Hunter, I meant that online fleet vs fleet with a lot of players involved really interest me as something new because before it was only single player offline, that should be better :P

    Nice, sneaking into those convoys hehe. If you dont have it, I recommend you the "Operation Monsun" mega mod for SH4, it brings mostly all german subs used in WW2, with all the theaters in which operated (Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Artic Ocean, everything), it brings the german sub campaign levels above SH III, also you can enjoy the better graphics and better physics (i've been told) and the better features of SH4 in your classic german U-Boote. You can start your campaing in training flotillas and then beign deployed to combat. It takes out the type XVIII and replaces it with the type XXI. You can use the little type XXIII Elektroboot too, and this one unlike its bigger brother, indeed saw combat and sunk ships, without any loses ^^


  8. Hello captains! I'm SuperEtendard and just won a key code for this title ^^

    As you can tell by my username, I am an aviation fan mostly, and I played a couple flight sims. But I like naval stuff too, have been into Silent Hunter III and IV, really enjoyed those two sims.
    I would consider myself a sim player, I like realism and inmersion, to learn how people used these vehicles, the tactics involved, and try to represent them in the sims. Also i'm fan of historical accuracy, that feeling when you are doing something like the people did back in those days, i know there are light years difference between the virtual sims and reality, but still, it's cool to feel the immersion and somewhat "imagine" that i'm there.

    Really looking forward to this title, as I first saw in videos catched up my interest, as it was something at least myself haven't seen before, saling ships from between 300-200 years ago, also the period of history involved... pretty cool, the Modern Era pretty much gave the first steps into molding the world we have today, so why not to like? :)

    I heard the community here is nice, so looking forward to that too... really wanting to sail and combat with other people in team. Had enough solo wolf hunting in my German Type VII U-Boot and in my blue US Gato Class Sub :P , this is about fleets and ships working together ^^ and really cool for this to be aiming to be an open world online game.


    So that's it, I hope to have fun with this game, I think I will :)



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