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Posts posted by Hexcaliber

  1. I was not aware of this flaw in the system when one can gain XP by gaming the system but I am still a little confused as to how "damage farming" is accomplished.  Can someone define what it is so we can be sure to not be doing it inadvertently? Does it always take 2 or more players in cahoots or are single players able to use this cheat as well??

    It has already been explained quite clearly, in this very thread no less, there is no way to do this accidentally, and excuses of "I didnt know it was against the rules" do not cut it, it is up to players to seek out and acquaint themselves with the rules.


    It involves attacking a player ship that deliberately does not fight back, instead it sits in place allowing players to do damage. Before the ship sinks the players allow it to leave the instance to repair to full health, before attacking it again and repeating ad nauseum with no intention of sinking or capping it. In response to the question about npc's, you cannot farm damage from npc's in a way that breaks the rules (unforseen bugs in the future notwithstanding). Npc's fight back or make every attempt to escape.

  2. When picking the pirates as my nation i was a bit worried it would be full of opportunistic guys feeding on thier own for easy spoils but instead found a , for the most part , group of sailors with a sense of unity....us against them kind of things.

    Green on green attacks are not allowed except by consent.

  3. please help me out, i deff didnt mean to close that outpost out and lose everything i have worked for in the game, i have been with you guys since July of last year and i love the game, i play it very often and i almost quit playing the game becuase thats a huge setback. can you help me out? also i would like make a suggestion, when a player clicked on "destroy outpost" make a warning prompt pop up saying somehting like "Are you sure you want to destroy this outpost?" that would of helped a lot and i probably would of caught my mistake of miss clicking. thank you


    It is a mistake of your own making, I really do not think your stuff should be reimbursed, it is a harsh lesson, but a mistake you are not likely to repeat. If the devs start down the path of reimbursing property they will be dealing with daily requests asking for stuff back because of "mistakes". However, I do agree a warning might help others not fall into the same trap, but if you are paying as little attention as you seem to have done I suspect you would click and proceed regardless.

  4. Honestly shooting a green is a No Go.


    Even if someone has joined my mission in a small ship id ask them if they needed help to learn or what not.. Not shoot them in the face.


    Rather than tell them point blank to sod off and demast the guy if not worse. Let alone if he is an actual FLEET MEMBER or not. Sorry stuff like that really will drive people away and discourage teamwork which is just about the worse thing that could happen to a team/clan/Nation


    You say the devs need to do something about this but at the same time people should know better than to fire on friendlies and honestly should be punished to the fullest. 




    I do not shoot players of my own nation, I am active in nation and help chat channels giving advice when it is asked for, and will happily group with a new player asking for help. Although for now, I have stoped playing until the current situation is resolved, if it is not, I simply refuse to play again.


    People are using current mechanics to grief others without any recourse, this can never be condoned nor dismissed, it is a situation that should take the highest priority, yet here it is being allowed to drag on. The current situation is unacceptable, and under the games rules, it is only the developers that can change it, and if they dont, they will lose players.

  5. Firing on a green, friendly ship in a battle instance unless he has specifically asked you to do so, is a punishable offense.  DO NOT SHOOT GREENS.

    Then the devs need to do something to stop this stupid situation from arising in the first place. I for one am sick and tired of having ships I intended to board deliberately destroyed while I am expected to sit there like a damn turnip and turn the other cheek.


    Any game that allows this sort of griefing to continue is not one I would have chosen to invest my money in. Having played on another’s accounts for months I decided to buy the game only after the devs said explicitly being able to enter npc instances while not grouped was a bug and would be fixed. Now they appear to be trying to backtrack with their latest poll, pity I cannot now backtrack and get a refund while it is allowed to continue.

  6. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2346-forum-and-sea-trials-rules/



    It's clear more than a few folks need to read them, it is against the rules, and a perfect example of the sort of toxic behaviour, this and other online comminutes can do without. Would it be funny to start making fun of the school children shot in America or those that died on 9-11, acts just as reprehensible and I am sure a little closer to home for many trying to make light of this thread.

    • Like 1
  7. I love how everyone tries to use EVE as some reference point....and yet all of you have stopped playing eve...

    Perhaps choose a game you liked playing and enjoyed rather than one you play for several years and then abandon because you just noticed then how boring it is...


    I love how folks get butt hurt at the use of Eve online as a reference, it is a popular MMO, get over it. I used Eve Online as it serves as a perfect example as it is common for folks to maintain multiple accounts due to the skill training system. A game I played from the day it launched in 2003 until the end of 2014, long enough for anyone to get their fill.


    However, I have also had multiple accounts in Swg, Wow, Daoc, Age of conan, Everquest II and others, all for guild purposes, nor am I alone in the use of multiple accounts. The fact is, it happens in most MMO's particularly where players are heavily involved in running or organising player guilds, be they subscription based, buy to play, or free to play.

  8. This game makes numerous changes to history for the sake of playability; and quite rightly. If it were to be truly historic, nations could not target other ports at will, players of a given nation would be limited to specific ships, pirates would be allowed to over gun their ships, the size of a nations presence and the players able to participate on their behalf would be limited, death would be permanent and so on.


    When players start talking about realism in games, generally, they only want as much realism as suits them as an individual. While as a business providing entertainment in a niche market, developers have to cater to a much broader range of tastes, and provide a semblence of balance to those taking part if they are to avoid over population in one area of their game at the expense of others.


    This game uses historic ships in a real world setting; however, players are free to rewrite history with their actions. Who is to say that pirates could not have become organised enough to crew rates? It would only have taken a single character with enough force of will and character to approach disparate pirate groups bringing them together so that they formed a more cohesive whole. In game, Pirates are already one of the biggest groups with more economic clout than many others.


    From a practical standpoint were the game to limit the ships player pirates are able to crew it would have to provide some pretty serious consensions to player pirates in order that they not become simple fodder for nationals. They have after all paid the same as everyone else; folks are here to have fun, not work, recreate history minute by minute, nor to be treated like second class citizens simply for the entertainment of others.

    • Like 1
  9. I am surprised folks are still debating this, the developers have said multiple accounts are fine, so frankly thats the end of it.


    There will always be folks moaning that they are hard done by, or complaining about something. Until such time that the developers allow multiple characters, there will be people buying multiple accounts, most of whom do not have ulterior motives they simply want mules.


    The bottom line is. that its impossible to stop it should the developers not want folks doing so. A cheap vpn, a second box for the second account, a prepaid credit/debit card and its impossible to tie one account to the other. I know folks who went to even greater lengths in Eve Online and they were not even trying to infiltrate other Corporations. They just wanted an account they could escape the tedium of alliance politics with and I have to say I did not blame them, sometimes guildies are a pita.

  10. How did he try to "steal" that? Was he hacking into your computer? Was he breaking into your house to take over your keyboard? 

    He used normal game mechanics. People can join battles that others started and if they then board a ship in that battle, they can keep it. Don't want that to happen? Then hunt prey somewhere further away where not many other players are. There's never a reason for deliberate friendly fire. You should consider yourself fortunate that you get a friendly warning to stop your abusive behaviour, instead of an immediate ban, even after you've admitted that your actions were deliberate.

    Being able to enter an instance when not grouped with the person that instigated the instance is a bug and not intended game play.


    While that is no reason for shooting other players, others are using it to grief, and it is getting a little old. I have had seven attempts at boarding deliberately sabotaged by children in the past 4 days, and I have no recourse unless I resort to breaking the rules. Play by the rules, and complain about it here, and the thread is closed and we are told a fix is coming soon. The devs need to stop telling folks it is is going to be fixed and actually fix it. No player should have to waste their free time traveling all over the map looking for quiet spots or have the first viable upgrade they have seen in an hour sunk, simply because others are intent on behaving like ignorant little children. If these idiots could be openly attacked much of the current behaviour would stop.

  11. So is there anyway at all to not be considered a Pirate anymore... ???

    You did this on purpose, possibly out of curiosity, but now you dont like the consequences. There is no way to mistakenly attack your own nation, you have to click confirm on the popup, the enter key does not select it.

  12. Would I have to? Im not demanding payment for it tho? Ill shoot them an email. Thanks for the heads up.


    Edit: Cant find an email address. If anyone finds it please pass it on to me :)

    2nd Edit: found it.

    It is better to be safe than sorry, any sound files or samples taken from games, films, television are covered by their copyright and using them elsewhere opens you up to prosecution. Generally it doesnt get that far, unless there are contractual agreements covering specific voice actors or pieces of music. More often than not the modder is asked to take them down or face prosecution, often the same companies are happy to grant permission if asked first.


    I only mention it as several years ago I was contacted by lawyers acting for Jeffrey productions Inc and asked to take down audio I ripped from "Run silent Run deep" for inclusion in a Silent Hunter 4 mod. I was more than a little annoyed when a short time later someone else released a near identical sound mod, he even used the name of the film for its title. There was no way of knowing who reported me or why, his release could well have been a coincidence it was a fairly obvious choice for a sound mod for that game.

  13. While this is going to happen, several times the player Francis on pve 1 was asked to leave my mission instance, I even pointed out he was taking my xp and gold I would otherwise get by doing damage to the target, and that I intended to board and capture. He chose to behave like an idiot despite answering me, he continued, eventually sinking the target deliberatly denying me the ship capture.

  14. I have ticked the "Remember me" box, but it does not remember me.


    Just thought I'd let you know.


    Your security settings are likely stopping the saving of cookies which are nescessary to track your login across multiple sessions.


    according to the email i got about the expectional ships 

    This redeemable bonus is account based and one time use only. 

    If you don't use them they will be available even if you delete the player, and will be available after creation of the new character. 

    Incorrect, the offer is only availible to the character we create during head start. “To receive the exceptional vessels you must login and create a character during head start. Only created characters will receive ships




  15. This is simply green on red which is perfectly acceptable. Having sunk him it is also far less likely that they were simply faming damage.


    When you see everyone leaving an instance then sit around repairing on the OS before going back at it, then is the time to report, but not before. You have to be very careful with accusations such as these; it is much easier to see what you want to see than what is actually going on. It is perfectly possible that with a legitimate fight someone makes an escape, begins to repair and run before being tagged again. You really need solid proof from start to finish in order to make a watertight claim of cheating, players can recive bans as a result of these types of claims.


  16. I found some pretty good sounds for command feedback for voice attack in a sound.pack file from Napoleon Total war, i have selected a couple of them and renamed them


    Download (all) Napoleon Total War Original British sounds: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/73h7lwddsrz67x4/AADjLQN46yDMe5zROU0erf0Sa?dl=0



    Those sound files from Napoleon will be copy protected; if you have not contacted the Creative Assembly you should do. They are decent devs and were very helpful back when I modded their games, I am sure they will give you permission, but you should have asked first.

  17. Smaller ships such as brigs and sloops were often part of fleet actions both as the eyes and ears of a fleet, to haras and break up formations, and for taking prizes.


    Due to their greater maneuvrability and acceleration, they were able to keep out of the arc of larger ships, while hammering the sterns, sails & masts of anything they were directed to engage. Many were too low in the water for line ships to engage at closer ranges, keeping a fleets frigates engaged as they were forced to chase them off. Pirates almost exclusively relied on heavily over gunned smaller vessels for engaging larger merchants, some of which matched the build of smaller line ships, if not their crew, discipline, and training.


    From a game play standpoint, there is no reason smaller ships should not be able to tag and engage larger ships keeping it pinned down. Clearly they are never going to do any real damage to the hull of larger ships, and place themselves at great risk to pin the enemy down, a single mistake can mean their destruction. Given the risk the smaller ship places itself at, it should be perfectly viable as part of a larger group strategy. Take away any ships sails and she becomes a sitting duck regardless of her size.


    Allowing smaller ships to tag larger ships keeps them relevant, and gives them a place in the overall scheme of things, beyond just starter ships. It also helps open up game play and strategy thereby forcing fleets to think about their composition.

  18. With respect op, that is just how you chose to play, and you are able to enjoy the relative safety of the small player population at present. However, the first thing I did on setting sail for the first time was to sail out and away from my ports protected area. Sooner or later, if players like you want to trade and move goods around you will have to move out into the world at large. Otherwise you will be confined to a very small playfield, quickly growing bored.


    If it really does become a problem post launch which I doubt, set a minimum range for higher ranked missions so players have to move out to reach them. Once the game has a larger player population many merchants and smaller fleets will be picked off before reaching the safety of protected player areas, leaving the mice nothing to do but move out.

  19. If the payment was accepted by paypal the sale has already gone through, paypal pay the company for the goods and the customer owes the money to paypal. If the bank or credit card company reject payment after it is accepted by Paypal, his Paypal account will show a negative balance and Paypal will send him an email. Some banks/credit cards will honour the payment when it is presetned by paypal and pass a fine onto the customer for going outside their limit.


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