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One-Eyed Willy

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Posts posted by One-Eyed Willy

  1. Or it had to be on pirate ships. There are some references to pirates on trial saying that free access to rum and/or gin was more or less what made them join a pirate crew. source: The Liverpool Privateers by Gomer Williams (1897).



    Depends on the pirate captain as well. Some may have been more loose with the grog while others not so much.

  2. Manual skipper is started when using one of the four yard controls (RheaControl). Then you can switch back to auto-skipper with AutoSkipperSwitch. All those controls are customisable from the first starting menu.

    Yes & I used that very same menu. This was around a month, maybe more ago & was told iirc that customizing keybinds was not yet fully supported & was something they were working on. I've been using Auto since then.


    Some good news: I'm no longer crashing when a match ends. I suspect the crashing was something more on my end, than something the game did. Driver issue or something like that.

  3. A while back I tried binding my Auto/Manual Skipper function to another key as I was accidentally pressing it at the most inopportune times but as I found out setting a custom key binding is not yet supported. Since that time I have been using AutoSkipper only & I would very much like to be able to use ManualSkipper. I have followed the instructions on deleting the key binds in the regedit but that didn't work & I still cannot use Manual Skipper & now my game crashes to desktop after a match completes.  :*(

  4. "Why do Brits insult the American dialect?"


    Hang out with Brits long enough & you will see them diss on not just American accents but other accents as well, including the differing accents within thier own country. They're just busting balls is all. Return the favor. A word of warning tho, Brits can insult you & you won't even realise it until 3 days later & then you will be like "Hey! That wasn't really a compliment at all! What a f****er!" :D

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  5. In the ingame menu you have Graphics Settings: Low, Medium, High, Ultra, Custom.


    Click Custom ---> disable antistrophy. I noticed no visual change but gained around 20(!!!) FPS.


    Thank you so much for this tidbit of info! It has helped me a great deal. This info needs to be stickied, it's that helpful & important.

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  6. Might be time to build her into a glass greenhouse with holes for the masts.

    Although that would be a shame.


    That would be a terrible, terrible shame. Ships are built to sail as aircraft are built to fly & cars built to be driven. While I cringe at the risk of losing/damaging such a important historical(& beautiful) artifact, sailing, if even for a short distance, is what she was meant to do.

  7. I'm not a Steam hater but recently I was considering boycotting Steam(the whole removal of Hatred from Greenlight thing) & it was then I realized just how much of a monopoly Steam has on gaming. If I had boycotted Steam I would've severely limited my game library. Try playing a game without Steam. Sure, sure they are out there, but so many are on Steam that it's gaming suicide to not use Steam, at least for me it is. The actual program & it's features I like, but I don't like the monopoly Steam has. It would be great if NA was released with it's own launcher as well as a Steam release. I like it when game devs give me other options other than just Steam.

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