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Posts posted by Wobbly51

  1. 1 hour ago, Ink said:

    We planned to have the round last 14 days and the marks to be awarded once in 14 days, but for initial testing of the system we have the round time set at 1 week and marks are awarded only if you logged in that week.
    If we move to 14 days rounds we will change the 1 week timer to 14 days

    Hi I didn't get a victory mark despite being logged in, Rear Admiral and participating in 2 port battles last week. My friend didn't get one either although again he was logged in, and is  a commodore.

  2. I would vote for;

    No ship loss

    No rewards

    No leader board


    It would be very useful as a training environment for new players and for new ship load-out/setup/ familairisation.


    In my opinion, It would be good if it could be expanded at some time to allow fleets, similar to the old sea trials 'Trafalgar' to explore fleet tactics/training - using gratis no mod ships randomly allocated and not according to player rank - to mix it up a bit and keep the SOL driver honest!

  3. the talks of a ceasefire were infact started by the dutch!! i was approached by a pfk member who wanted to talk ... it was not a ruse on our part we were willing to talk... but it seemed Das wanted nothing to do with such a deal!!!


    so please do not spread such lies and rumors gentlemen... 


    i find these lies very offensive indeed... especially since it was me who was asked by the pfk member to talk.


    this is a personal attack against my honor!! I am not a liar or cheat!! If you want to attack me then do it with your guns!!! 

    Hear Him, Hear Him

  4. Hi I have similar issue and much moreI can't play at all. I have played over 1200 hrs on this game and this is the fist major issue I have had. I have sent numerous crash reports today the last was ref::NAS-55031. I don't think the problem is local, I am running Windows 7 pro, 64bit and have reinstalled NA twice with no improvement. Please help, I am devastated!  

  5. Hi, said this before in this and other threads so sorry if it's 'banging on'

    1 ability to load decks with different ammo - you can enable/disable gun decks with the F keys so why can't wo adjust load out in the same way? e.g. Weather deck guns with grape main gun deck with double shot, thereby maximising the calibre/ range of your cannon.

    2 A reliable and accurate compass. The small one as is to show wind direction/ sails/ mast setting is fine but rubbish for nav, why can't we have a tape style compass at the top centre screen as in some flight Simms ? This could be much more detailed to enable more precise headings.

    3 purely cosmetic, in OW gun ports closed as opposed to open and empty.

    • Like 2
  6. I doubt you sailed 1500 nautical miles, I very much doubt that.  Considering the route you wanted to take was only 600 some nautical miles in all.  In a Coni (which is faster than Surprise and down), your journey would have taken about 1.5 to 2 hours.  That is 4-6 in game days if you don't get in a battle and you don't change course.  In all the other ships except the Trinc, the journey would take a lot more time.

    Not bragging, just pointing out that with the tools available it is indeed possible to travel long distances out of sight of land, the last land I saw before setting off was Bassterre. I fought battles and tacked against adverse winds so the 11.5 days was deep sea sailing with 'deviations' from a straight line course so the actual track taken was much longer in nm. Just trying to give people confidence to voyage the OW and see the sights! 

  7. Hi Seaman! I've been doing nothing but travelling & exploring, battling as I go, I sailed from St. Johns in Antigua  to Jamaica in 11.5 days in a Navy Brig and hit landfall bang on the nose! (chuffed).


    I have been logging ports and co-ordinates on an old 1860's map I found and I .pdf'd it so I could add the comments, still doing that but check

    out the link below and read the details on Booyaah's thread in the maps section. lots of people are adding info and it's very useful when navigating long distance on the open seas. You can get a pretty accurate fix on position with all the x & z co-ordinates as reference points. Happy sailing!



  8. Great job everyone, I agree this info should be shared by all, not everyone wants to continually battle in the same areas and discovering other regions without getting hopelessly lost will make it more enjoyable for all. The factionalists  amongst us can still distribute 'intelligence' about trade routes and fleet strengths amongst their own Clans nevertheless. Nearly finished mapping the Bahamas......

    • Like 1
  9. I'm using this map -  1864_Johnson_Map_of_the_West_Indies_and_Caribbean_-_Geographicus_-_WestIndies-johnson-1864  - it shows nations by colour. You can download a hi-res version, I converted mine to .pdf and annotate it with port info (Nation & items available) battles, times & distances traveled. A bit nerdy but very helpful with navigation!

  10. Thanks Game Labs! for the opportunity to 'test' OW.


    I've had some of the issues described but this is only to be expected in this state of the game. I'm F11-ing everything as it happens and hope this helps the development team. Exiting and restarting the game mostly works for me although after every battle if returned to a port the graphics go haywire same after entering any port and setting sail again is a bit of a pain but I'm sure it will get sorted out in time.


    Well done & Thanks

  11. In my humble opinion, navigation would be enhanced if you were able to get a 'fix'  (Lat & Long) of your present position. I think this would be totally in keeping with the spirit of the game in the age of sail as they had the means to calculate this with sextant and chronometer and tabular data of stars and sun.


    I think this should not be too difficult to implement in OW, you would probably have to 'heave to' to get your co-ordinates due to the time compression aspect of the game whilst sailing, not an issue I would think.


    Once you have your Lat & Long you could then use 'real world' tools/maps to ascertain your current position in the world and then plot your onward course, this would be very useful if you have declined battle/run away and are dropped back into OW from the battle arena.


    Currently, when you file a bug report  X & Y co-ordinates are supplied as part of the report so to establish 'real' lat & long co-ordinates within the OW map should I think be possible. Perhaps if it is too much programming to implement the Lat & Long co-ordinates the X & Y co-ordinates already established could be used if the settlements were also provided with these so that once discovered they could be recorded and used to plot relative positions? 

  12. Hi Guys, I've been struggling with my navigation in OW as my knowledge of the Caribbean is sketchy!

    Found a good map here




    If you want a HiRes pdf file you can get it here - won't view in browser without 3rd party app so just download, too big for google to virus scan but I promise it's clean!




    Hope this is helpful!

    Also posted this in other discussions
    • Like 2
  13. 1. A direct and consistent relationship between nav-map weather patterns that affect travel speed and visibility, which in turn decide weather conditions for sea battles. It should not be random, we should be able to decide to stay in port if the weather is very bad.


    2. Improved and varied storms of different strengths, all the way from 'slightly choppy' through to 'we're all gonna die'. A strong storm should be powerful enough to capsize a ship on its own, provided the player doesn't attack the waves properly.


    3. Improved sinking/death mechanic/animation. Right now, the ships sails furl and the ship slowly turns into a submarine. This is highly anti-climactic, and I consider it a weakness of the current combat engine.

    Destruction should be varied, with fires breaking out and spreading, needing the player to go into survival mode to put them out. Magazines could explode, resulting in massive damage and sometimes instant death.

    When a ship sinks, it should not always sink in a perfect vertical line, it should follow the damage to the ship as we can see it. When sinking, crew members would be jumping over board, there should be appropriate and harrowing sound effects as crew members try to survive. As it sinks, persistent flotsam and jetsam - crates, timbers etc should fall off the ship and remain floating. Maybe players, as per PotBS, would have a chance to salvage cargo at the end of the battle.

    And rescue crew members to augment your crew?
  14. 1. A direct and consistent relationship between nav-map weather patterns that affect travel speed and visibility, which in turn decide weather conditions for sea battles. It should not be random, we should be able to decide to stay in port if the weather is very bad.


    2. Improved and varied storms of different strengths, all the way from 'slightly choppy' through to 'we're all gonna die'. A strong storm should be powerful enough to capsize a ship on its own, provided the player doesn't attack the waves properly.


    3. Improved sinking/death mechanic/animation. Right now, the ships sails furl and the ship slowly turns into a submarine. This is highly anti-climactic, and I consider it a weakness of the current combat engine.

    Destruction should be varied, with fires breaking out and spreading, needing the player to go into survival mode to put them out. Magazines could explode, resulting in massive damage and sometimes instant death.

    When a ship sinks, it should not always sink in a perfect vertical line, it should follow the damage to the ship as we can see it. When sinking, crew members would be jumping over board, there should be appropriate and harrowing sound effects as crew members try to survive. As it sinks, persistent flotsam and jetsam - crates, timbers etc should fall off the ship and remain floating. Maybe players, as per PotBS, would have a chance to salvage cargo at the end of the battle.

    • Like 1
  15. As I get more into the game and fight more battles in PVP, usually against much bigger ships, I think a good addition to the idea of repairs would be a method, slider bar perhaps? Whereby you could allocate crew resources to repairs, ongoing not finite. So if you allocate lots of crew ton repairing the ship you become less manouverable, fewer gun crews in effect etc. but you could maintain battle effectiveness as opposed to slowly sinking!

    • Like 3
  16. Great game so far, it is fun to use small ships, cutters etc. in large fleet actions with 1st, and 2nd rates and although there is a high risk of being sunk the nimbleness of the lighter ships allows you to cause plenty of damage to the larger ships and can force them to take evasive action enabling the larger ships on your team to gain superior positions. I think this should be encouraged in PVP battles - perhaps damage bonus when operating against much larger ships?

    I would like to see the addition of a compass rose to the telescope so that relative bearings of other ships can be plotted and headings calculated and speeds estimated. A wind strength gauge would be nice too!

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