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Posts posted by BlueEagleGER

  1. 14 hours ago, Brujo said:

    - There is no DLC Trader ship yet. Yes, so?

    - There is not a large enough trader ship so everyone uses a fleet of smaller ships. People use a fleet as it enables them to take more cargo in one journey than using a single ship. That does not mean the game needs a ship with twice the cargo capacity of existing traders.

    - Fleet ships do not benefit from perks, repairs, upgrades or books; thus making it unfair against attackers which are always players using those benefits. That is the price you pay for putting the traders (or any ship for that matter) in your fleet tab.If you want upgrades and perks, sail the trader directly. This won't change that designated warships of similar or even bigger size will have large combat advantages however. That is why they are warships.

    - Using a single ship will give players a better chance of defending against attackers. Then use a single Indiamen if you think so? I don't see a single trader being better than a 3rd rate and 2 fleet-AI traders, tho...

    - Making it DLC will make it accesible to everyone regardless of her seemingly high wood cost.

    - Madre de Deus was a 7-deck trader ship from Portugal, a formidable opponent but also a great prize. 

    -Perfect ship for the role.

    Madre de Deus (1589) is out of the game's timeframe for ships by more than 100 years. She will be slower and weaker compared to the Indiamen we have, and also less armed and with less cargo capacity. A quick google search lists her capacity at 900tons, while the Amsterdam, on which the Indiamen is based, is listed at 1150 tons. If put into the game, Madre de Deus will NOT be larger than the traders we have ingame, nor will she be better at sailing or combat.


  2. Yes, I am aware of what you wrote. I just wanted to point out that you draw from your dinghy knowlegde and -as you know and wrote- will transfer this to much larger and heavier ships. This is not the same to people, who Admin apparently knows, that have actual experience regarding "big ship" behaviour.

    I also sailed Optimist and 420 for 10 years, with some H-, and Folkboat regatta experience as well. What exactly do you want to express with that enhanced polyester PS?

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Henry Long Castle said:

    I was doing competitive sailing for around 8 years, Optimist, then 420 class then 470 class. When we would enter the "shit" as we called it, of an other boat we definitely felt it. Sudden loss of power and change in wind direction. The boat would get destabilized, loss of power in the sails meant we had to quickly rush leeward to prevent the boat from healing on the windward side ( that was when sailing upwind for example).

    @Admin keep in mind, you cannot possibly compare modern bermuda rigged racing dinghies designed for gliding such as the 420 or 470, where the crew has often around or more than twice the mass of the whole boat, to frigates or ships of the line of this game's time period regarding inertia and wind shadow behaviour.

    Talking to dinghy racers such as Henry is fine, but please value the input of  those "who sailed bigger ships", as you put it.

    • Like 2
  4. Not only Admin is back, but me too.

    I just recently ended my 1.4 year break from Naval Action and once again enjoy it. Having played during the Sea Trials, my honour was at stake during the tutorials and (after 2 trys) completed endurance and then (aka 10+ trys and two videos😁) the Final Exam.

    I just want to leave this short phrase here: I returned, because this game just has too much potential to ignore and I want to support the developing team as this is not an easy task.

    Keep up the work and all the best, lads



    • Like 4
  5. Just seen this, and now there is your post :)

    As I already discussed in the video's comment section, here is an really interesting article on the War of 1812, with the British and the Canadian view at the time together with the US one, written by a British historian for the Smithsonian webside (and thus for US readers, but for the whole world aswell):



  6. I thing craftable is too extreme, maybe a drop chance when crafting the ship it would fit on like:

    Basic             0,5%

    Common       0,67 %

    Fine              0,8 %

    Mastercraft   0,9 %

    Exeptional     1%

    But I don't see the problem with it being event drops only, it's alright for me.

    • Like 1
  7. A employee of Portsmouth Historic Dockyard aboard HMS Victory told that, if all captured ships would have reached a british port in a sellable condition, Britain would have gone bankrupt as of the prize money. Maybe abit overstated (?), but just think about the value a high quality SoL had in the time.

    • Like 1
  8.  any possibility to happen that u let use more (maybe only 2) ships and let them change (with thier home port) at any time?

    So, can you lease tell me what you are trying to say here?

    You want to have more than one ship, your ships change (like a surprise on monday and a frigate on tuesday or what?), and the "home ports" (outpost?) change aswell.

    It might be because English is not my first language but I do not understand what you propose here.

  9. Question: any possibility to happen that u let use more (maybe only 2) ships and let them change (with thier home port) at any time?

    You can have multiple ships at different home ports, each one has to an outpost.

    Then you can use the teleport to get to an other outpost of yours and then sail from there.

    Example: Yor trading outpost is Plymouth and you have a traders cutter there and in Jeremie you have a frigate.

    Monday you do your trading run and when you stop playing you teleport to Jeremie, then on Tuesday you go hunting and right before logoff, you take your cutter and teleport back to Plymouth.

  10. May I ask what recently means? Since last Friday we have a total wipe and everyone has to start again, proably even with a small amnesty, however:

    Thats no ganking, that is friendly fire, a tribunal offence and severe douchbaggery.

    Ganking is, when 2 or more enemy players hunt you on the OW with better andfaster ships and start a massivly onesided battle.


    Cornblower, it did not make the player a pirate instantly, because the described ship joined on Captiva's side first before firing on the ally.

    It does make players that do a crap ton of friendly damage a pirate after the battle. (I obviously never "tested" this)

  11. After I had a disconnect because of my own router, I restarted the game, logged in and when I was on the Open World map, I had my chat window, without any channels open.   So I tried to open nation and help with the + button, nothing happened.

    My next move was to bug-report it, I hit f11 and instead of the report client iI got a small message (at the same location where the f11-bugreport is) telling me "Creating issue. #0", nothing happened.

    After some clicking the chat window disappered completly.


    Then in battle (it only was like 500 OW metres away) I first had a chat window, a Open World type chat window without any channels, and then I closed it, and I could see the battlechat, I could write a response, yet it would not send it.






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