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Posts posted by Absolon

  1. Now, as then, there are some worthy of the status of gentleman, and others are just brigands


    2 things that have been annoying me, and do not really benefit the alpha test.


    1) "This aint fun for me"

    The latest round of players introduced don't even give a  battle a chance (my trin + brig vs const ) and say something like "this is no fun for me" and drop. Even when the big ship players on both sides are encouraging them to stay, and make it a learning experience for them, or put another way to help ALPHA TEST NA!. There should be some penalty for early exit from a  battle with other players to discourage the behavior.


    2) Rage boarders/ early game ram.

    ok. this is NOT Potbs (NA is already much better in so many ways) there is no magical debuff you can apply. Rage boarding with your crew of 100 vs my crew of 250 does not mean I'll keep the extra guys below and release them in waves while you drink potions. No, they're all coming out and overwhelming you. All it does is mess with some really good large pvp matches. Alright, maybe they should get one pass at trying it, but to see the same action game after game from the same players was really frustrating the other night.


    Overall, this is a good community, and I think it will continue to strengthen and grow. But to make it the best game possible, those of us in the alpha test should sometimes engage in  testing the game to help make it better.

  2. No problems yet (still installing) but as a side note.. Noticed the VC redistributable. I'm a 20 year veteran coder/project manager, Most projects these days are C#, however, cut my teeth on ANSI C and C++, including some work on DX8/9 based projects. If you ever need help with the debug of something..  I'm an very experienced spare set of eyes.

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