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Posts posted by Kelte

  1. I've tried the first scenario, during the battle I've ordered Brockenbrough's and Pettigrew's brigades to charge some enemy skirmishers, they have succesfully dislodged them from their positions but, while Pettigrew's stops after dislodging them, Brockenbrough's didn't and continued to run for others 500-600 meters chasing the skirmishers, by doing so they ran directly into the Iron brigade, don't know if this a bug or if it work as intended.


    For the LOS I don't have seen improvements in terms of more 3D perception, the altimetric differences still looks flat, the hills and ridges don't pronounce enough from the terrain to have a sense of depth and high, Herr's ridge and the others hills are recognizable as hills because they have the name over them, even with the altimeter bars the terrain look flat...

    For the rest I've not seen enemy troops blobs or enemy troops frozen.

  2. Hi all, I've bought the game a month ago but I'm new here, I've briefly tested the new 0.9 version in the first battle at Heer's Ridge as Confederate and I've found difficulties with artilleries (the most difficult weapons to handle in this game).


    In this version artilleries tend not to concentrate fire on real menaces, like enemy brigades or other artilleries, instead they choose to attack Videttes who sneak into my rearguard, then begin a dance between my artilleries shooting Videttes, then my artilleries retreat because they are under fire from Videttes, then they reposition themselves in a new place and the dance begin again, frustrating....


    I've seen that Videttes and Skirmisher can occupy VP locations as before, don't know, but this seem a bit gamey (at least to me).


    As a suggestion, for optimizing artilleries fire, it would be a good idea, instead of darkening the map, to highlight in green or red those enemy units who are effectively in visual range to artilleries, sometimes an enemy brigade seem in visual range but my artilleries don't shoot because they can't see the enemy from where they are placed.


    It would be a cool thing if artilleries could place themselves when I order them to shoot at an enemy target, I choose the target and they place themselves in a point from which they can see the enemy brigade/artillery.

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