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OLee O'Hara

Ultimate General Focus Tester
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Posts posted by OLee O'Hara

  1. Many good improvements! :)


    I played a few battles and noticed the following issues:

    What I think is still missing is a 'random generated battle' (also for multiplayer), with a random map, random victory conditions, random units, random arrivals etc...

  2. The developers have always listened to the customers and always appreciated even heavy critique. There were many suggestions posted by players which directly found their way into the next patch. And if one claims the opposite it's just not true. They always tried to improve the game as much as possible and even offered help when a certain player had problems and couldn't login on his steam account anymore. So I can really understand that the developers are angry and disappointed...

    The freedom of speech always ends where the freedom of the other person starts... at least in europe ...and even more when one gets insulted in his own house (forum). And the posts by David Fair were insulting and the posts by Randall C.Reed were even worse....


    @Randall C.Reed & David Fair:   if you successfully managed it to delay the next patch by distracting and annoying the developers I'll never forgive you


    @the developers:  just forgive them after some time and just finish work a bit earlier tomorrow, postpone the patch to next week and have some quality time this weekend.

    And after having read this thread I've decided to buy the next game anyway whatever it will be about...

    • Like 1
  3. Sometimes the brigades are bugged and lose all condition. I've watched it on mp "Battle of McPherson ridge" several times but it might happen on other maps too.


    Wilcox brigade lost all condition, there's just been a short fight with vindettes (which he had successfully killed):


    The brigade didn't recover and the remaining morale even decreased:


    After another routing the morale went up a bit... I remember to have seen this other times too. Sometimes brigades gain morale by routing:


    ...but loses it again soon:


    I got him on a good position but Wilcox brigade didn't reload anymore. It was always stuck on 14%.


    I finally just sent the brigade to a calm position, but it still didn't recover and reloaded neither.


    And Wrights brigade had lost all its condition too. I can't say for sure but I think it also happened too fast and I guess it was caused by the same kind of bug. But at least Wrights brigade was still shooting and hold its position.

    Compared to this the one star brigade Davis which even has been under fire all the time had no problem at all and did pretty well.



    And on mp "The armies approach Gettysburg" the battle suddenly ended although the time wasnt up yet. My opponent said he hadn't left the battle either.

  4. I just lost two mp battles cause of some stupid decisions by me but also cause of the following bugs:


    • In the first battle a routing brigade lost around 400 men in just a few seconds as if it was in melee. But there's been no or only very little contact to the enemy brigades. I guess a single soldier might have had contact to the enemy but from what I could watch the heavy casualties didn't make much sense. Unfortunately i've got no screenshot. It happened between the two houses of McPhersons farm. I remember a similar situation where a skirmisher unit on a wooden hill slightly touched the flank of an enemy brigade and lost about two hundred men in just a moment.
    • In the next battle I did more screenshots. Biddles brigade had just routed and his flag had disappeared and the brigade was still losing morale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6nb54tyqqu4b7e/2014-12-03_00001.jpg?dl=0. Ofc it didn't take long and the brigade routed again. I tried to turn the brigade and the 'unit shadow' appeared far away from the highlighted unit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xb5cnwyuhmdx197/2014-12-03_00002.jpg?dl=0. A few minutes later the flag reappeared and Biddles brigade even joined the fight again. But since the brigade was absolutely exhausted Biddle routed another time: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4nc3lxubbyci6j5/2014-12-03_00003.jpg?dl=0 and got totally wiped out in just a few seconds without any enemy impact. In the moment I took the screenshot the brigade had 496 soldiers. One moment later it was gone: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hp48ad2bxvz76xg/2014-12-03_00004.jpg?dl=0
    • I also noticed that I had lost the 3000VP victory position although some of my troops were still holding it and were at least closer than the enemy brigade. And it also didn't stay white neutral and already changed to red before my last troops were driven away from the hill (as to see in the last two screenshots). It might be explainable since the fight was actually lost, the confederates were much stronger and in fact had already conquered the position.
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  5. I found a bug:

    • The brigade (Baxter) is 'losing' morale and condition and there is no enemy close to it. The brigade has been in melee some time before and it seemed that it somehow got kinda stucked in this melee fight. It's still possible to give the brigade new orders but two soldiers don't stop to swing their rifles :  https://www.dropbox.com/s/m8i8uu775stftj6/2014-12-01_00001.jpg?dl=0

    and a suggestion:

    • Is it possible to create a random map/scenario option for multiplayer? There is already a random function but it just selects one scenario of the list. It would be nice to have a real random scenario option like "small/medium/big random battle". It could choose a random position on the map, and set some random victory points and  two balanced armies with random arrival times of reinforcements... Dependant on the random scenario/map settings the player would have rather to attack or to defend. The battle situation wouldn't be so predictable anymore, and it would be always a new battle map for the players with some potential of surprises.
    • Like 1
  6. I also didn't get any freezes anymore. But sometimes the game stops for some milliseconds as if it would freeze in the next moment. But it seems to work fine now. Yea, good work!

    Other suggestions/problems/bugs:

    • Maybe there is an explanation but sometimes it seems a brigade loses all its condition without any reason just by walking a short way through forest or up a hill, from 75% to zero in just a few moments (without enemy impact and without running). And I've watched a brigade that didn't regain condition anymore, I couldn't see any enemy close to it. When I finally moved the unit which was standing next to it the exhausted brigade suddenly started to recover again. I tried to reproduce the condition bugs but it doesn't always happen. And it's always a bit difficult to say what has happened and to exclude any other impacts but this is how it appeared to me.
    • Since skirmishers are always running it's usually not possible to position them without losing all condition before the battle even has started. It should be possible to let them walk or they could change to marching formation.
    • There's no unit info of the 'number of men' on the status bar. Usually that's not a problem cause it always shows the number on the map. But when a unit is fighting at the borders of the map the 'number of men' disappears. I already had the situation when a brigade was fighting close to the border and there was no possiblility to find out if they are strong enough or not. I had to guess by kill rate and it seemed to look fine. But in the end I got surprised that in fact most soldiers were already dead.
    • I think a limber up phase for the artillery is missing. Cannons could move slowly when they pull back or when the player draws them on a near position. And when the player orders them to a far away position they could change to a limbered 'formation', like the marching formation of the brigades. Atm it's in the middle, the moving speed is a bit too fast for being unlimbered and a bit too slow for being limbered.
    • Bucktail Brigade didn't stop shooting at a far away aim (the brigade doesnt aim at Davis, the aim is more far away)  https://www.dropbox.com/s/o1ghgavex9vdwli/2014-11-30_00005.jpg?dl=0
    • A typical AI weakness: the AI sent Archers Brigade to attack Biddle and just ignored the Iron Brigade. The Iron Brigade didn't flank Archer. The Iron Brigade was already positioned and didn't move at all and Archer just walked into the range of fire and showed his flank.    https://www.dropbox.com/s/da7y4lchl53o9yg/2014-11-29_00001.jpg?dl=0
    • It's not possible to use keys like : ; .  in the game chat, would be useful for messages like " :D" " :)" " ;)"
    • It would be interesting to know how the ranks get calculated and what counts. Cause I've been around position 20 in the ranking system. I won a few battles in a row and it didn't change much. Then I won one battle and suddenly I found myself on position 2. Then I lost one battle and fell down on position 75. Then I won a battle again and got to 63, then 50, and after the next battle I am suddenly on position 2 again xD.
    • Like 1
  7. I'm not sure if the victory calculation is already perfect yet. I had a multiplayer battle on "Battle of McPhersons ridge". The battle was absolutely balanced and both armies failed to conquer 'McPhersons rigde'. The battle got delayed but the final result was the confederates held 'Herrs tavern' and the Union controled 'Oak ridge', so each army had the same victory points. 'McPhersons ridge' was still neutral. The casualties were 'almost' equal. Both armies had the same heavy losses. But one army had killed 100 men more than the other army and the calculation ended up in a 'victory' for this army. I dont think a difference of only 100 men should count as victory.. Actually this battle was definetly a 'draw'.

  8. Just a note for Olee O'Hara: historically artillery would limber and run away if they wanted yo, Mich faster than infantry could keep up with. To be historically accurate artillery should actually move faster


    Yes, but they'd find it hard if not impossible to do this if under fire from infantry.  Horses tend not to hang around being harnessed while being hit by minie balls.


    Yes exactly, I think you're both right... I get the point that limbered artillery is faster than running inf... But I rather thought of situations like the artillery is in musket range of my infantry, my infantry shoots and charges the artillery,  the artillery shoots back and runs away afterwards. They literally run away on top speed by pulling their cannons backwards after the shot by using the blowback. At the moment artillery is too fast when unlimbered shooting and too slow when they're limbered moving.

    I could imagine something like a second value: each artillery unit could get a certain number of horses. The horses would get shot more easily than men and the remaining horses would determine the top speed of an artillery unit. A limber/unlimber button could be added or the limbering could just be simulated by a slower acceleration for artillery units before they get on top speed. Could be affected like the marching formation of brigades. If you move artillery to a farway position they could 'change formation' till they reach limbered top speed. Ofc the same the other way round: Always when cannons arrive at a new position after having been on top speed (when limbered) they could slow down by changing formation that would need some extra time before it's possible to do the first shot.



    Edit: Sorry, it seems my suggestions always end up in the wrong thread :/

  9. Release or not.. I'll post my testings :) :

    ver. 0.95


    I could see many improvements and in many situations the AI is doing very well... but there are still some issues:

    Could Union AI hold Cemetary Hill on first day?


    On dynamic:

    Culps hill was totally undefended:


    the counter attack.. done by only one brigade without securing the flank. The Union brigade just ignored the presence of Gordon and tried to attack Doles. This attack didn't last long:


    and this happened at Lutheran Seminary at the same time, the AI attacked but finally failed, the AI should know that the 1000 vicory points of Seminary ridge aren't as important as Cemetery Hill and Culps Hill, At some point the Union troops will have to withdraw from Seminary Ridge anyway.



    On determined:

    Culps hill was defended by only one brigade:


    I'd like to believe the succes was based on my awesome general skill but...  I fear it's different, the AI just did a few mistakes:



    -> I always used Rodes troops to conquer Culps Hill and thus Cemetary Hill got lost for the Union as well, and the next battle was always "Union disaster at Cemetary Hill"



    Typical mistakes of the AI that I watched in my last games (on dynamic):

    The AI orders Biddle to attack the flank of Achers brigade, but opens the flank to Davis at the same time... next moment he got shot to the flank and the men routed:



    The AI orders the Iron Brigade (and cavalry!) repeatedly into suicidal frontal attacks, and to attack McPhersons Hill doesnt make much sense, it's well defended and no victory points there... and Oak Ridge is already taken:



    The artillery isn't positioned very well, Stevens cannons cannot shoot at Pettigrew but Pettigrew can shoot at him:




    Other little issues or maybe just my personal preferences:

    I know it's some kind of arcade strategy game, and I know most of it wont be changed anymore but I just note it down.


    - Artillery units retreat very fast, a charging brigade has to run after them for a very long distance, the cannons are 100m away and the brigade reaches the heavy(!) cannons after 400m..something like this

    - I can never be sure if an artillery is shooting or not. There's often an enemy brigade marked as red aim but is in fact out of range and there's no info about the status of the artillery. Thus I have to watch a (long) moment to see if they shoot or not.

    - Personally I think the game is 5-10% too fast

    - A brigade can only shoot to one direction, that's not so much a problem on the open field cause brigades used concentrated firepower... but a defending unit that's outnumbered by the attackers gets an 'additional' disadvantage, like if only one brigade has to defend a forested hill for example... Ofc a defending brigade that's outnumbered would lose after some time in any case, but it could hold the position a bit longer and reinforcements would get the chance to arrive in time.

    - Brigades cannot entrench, again there's no problem on the open field, no problem at all cause brigades wouldn't entrench while they are in battle anyway... but it's another big additional disadvantage for a defending unit, even more if it's outnumbered! And if forests got a high defend bonus to simulate a heavily fortified unit would also mean that any attacking unit could easily retreat into such a fortified forest, either way it affects the balance and possible strategies.



    However, it's a great game :D

  10. The best way would be to make units surrender or guns to be captured but we don't have such mechanic. We cannot make the units vanish as well.......


    Dont know if it was possible, but maybe it could it be an option that if a unit is surrounded and has taken more than 60% losses and its morale dropped very low it surrenders and the flag changes to a white-flag, the enemies stop shooting and the unit gets ignored (by using the "unit stuck mechanic", finally it's useful xD) and starts to march in column formation out of the map? the unit wouldn't have to 'vanish'

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    To have a clear line of sight to fire with your artillery, you need to place your arty in high elevation that has not too many obstacles, like trees and houses and also expect that your cannons will not desire to fire above the heads of your units unless their position has enough altitude difference.

    I really like the realistic Line of Fire system for artillery, but I'm not sure if it already works properly. Maybe there's a logical explanation but I dont understand the reason for situations like this:



    All 5 artilleries are positioned on the top of Herr's Ridge but are blocked by 'Davis' brigade and can shoot neither at Devin's Skirmishers nor at the upper Gamble's Skirmishers unit on the top of Mc Phersons Ridge. I dont see a reason why these cannons get blocked. The position seems to be high enough to shoot above Davis brigade which is positioned at the foot of the hill. The enemy is in line of sight and even marked as red aim and the attack doesn't get cancled either. Thus I always expect the first shot but it never happens.

    But two artillery units ('Crenshaw' and 'Marye') are still able to shoot at the second Gamble's Skirmishers unit in the south and don't get blocked by Archers brigade although there seems to be the same altitude difference and they are also able to shoot above the roofs of the houses of Herr's Tavern which is even on higher ground than Davis brigade.


    Davis brigade moved away now all 5 artillery units start to shoot...


    Maybe the 'line of fire' could be implemented to the LOS/fog of war system in some way. Areas that are in line of sight but not in line of fire for example behind a brigade should be marked, for example pointed, striped or surrounded by a soft line or maybe the 'line of fire' could get a soft overlay in red. An additional colour system on the map to show the heights would be very useful as well, maybe green/low to red/high.

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