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capiqua's Achievements


Landsmen (1/13)



  1. I only ask smaller reduction of the stars to see the portarit and add the small shield corresponding to unit. So I made the pictures, to make it understandable.
  2. 1. Portraits: (1). Now. (2). Would be a smaller stars would leave see the beard and the official portrait. Should be added the shield unit before of name. During the heat of battle is easier to see an identifying shield. 2. Elevation: (1). The mysterious icon that is known to exist only for people who have read the online guide. Should be added as the general ability. This something more serious realm, not a ghost hotkey 3. Rename (1). It should be renamed to: Start new Campaing Gettysburg 4. Icon Time of Day (1). This would make it more beaty. 5. Formation Hidden. The pictures are for the curious. When the destination is far to this formation appears. The hidden Formation is named 'Road' in SidGettysburg. Which is only in Infantry units. No Skirmishers, cava, arty, General. This is a bit strange, seeing only the inf units in formation and others do not. If you reassign new task back to the formation of battle during this fromation. Some new player will pulse on units in the spawn and stacked units, by having 'AUTO'.
  3. Hi All. I love this game. In the future will have a lot of potential. There is an issue I would like to explain, I see lack of information for the basic game and this Basic Report I think can solve many problems. 1. Shows the overall shield and troops assigned to Gral. 2. Shown troops without assigned general. 3. Reinforcements show that add the scenary. 4. Shown own points and bonuses. Seminary +Gral, Oak ride +1Morale, ect. VPs what are neutral and will also show that each grants a bonus or reinforcements. Thanks.
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