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Everything posted by BodyBag

  1. Thanks for the reply. With a more realistic movement-speed for the troops, this could become an awesome game, where you actually could use real strategy & tactics. Right now the game is more of a click-fest of constantly moving soldiers all over the map, breaking and recovering at breakneck speed. With all the effort and research that has gone into this game, it would be a real shame if it ended up like just another arcade game, using click-and-rush tactics. The successful mods that you guys developed for the Total War series, was all about making the games more realistic and give a better gaming-experience,- please don't repeat CA's mistakes in this game, trying to cater to the twitch-crowd that won't buy your game anyway... Cheers,
  2. Can we have an answer from the devs,- will there be variable game-speed in the finished game?
  3. Totally agree! If you are selling this game on realism and authenticity, you can NOT have the troops running around like Keystone Cops! I have seen a lot of replays of this game, and the only thing that prevents me from buying this, is the unrealistic fast moving-speed of the troops. That high speed prevents any kind of real tactics and real strategy in the game, so for me it is a deal-breaker. Please make game-speed an variable option in the game,- it would make people like me, that wants more realism, buy the game Cheers,
  4. Hi all! For me, it would be a way to change the speed of the units. They move way to fast to look realistic, especially for troops in formation and during changes of direction. Crossing water or other landscape-features don't seem to have much effect either. Is there any hope of a speed-slider, or maybe console-commands (like Company of Heroes) that can control the movement-speed of the units? Cheers,
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