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Posts posted by Cdr.ODon

  1. Royal Navy rank flags:


    Lord High Admiral:                                                                  Navy Board:                                                


    330px-Flag_of_the_Lord_High_Admiral_of_t      270px-Flag_of_the_Navy_Board.svg.png  


    Customs and Excise flags:      https://flagspot.net/flags/gb~cust.html                              


    Irish (Green) Ensign: 







    Austrian Naval Ensigns:


    (1749-1786)                                                     (1786-1915)                                                       Austrian Commodore and Senior Officer (18thC)

    ah-nven3.gif  ah-nven1.gif ah-com1.gif


      Austrian Commodore and Senior Officer (1786-1915):            Cornish flag:


    ah-com2.gif      338px-Flag_of_Cornwall.svg.png

  2. Some images of different nations' marines, showing the uniforms from the period. May  be useful for when animations are added.


    Great Britain: Royal Marines



    French Marines:


    Napoleonic era:                                                                                                     



    Pre-revolutionary era:



    US Marines:




    Spanish Marines:



    Dutch Marines:



    Of course, marines in game could be portrayed wearing shell jackets as it would be easier to model and the Caribbean is pretty warm!

    • Like 1
  3. Just a little thought/irritation:


    The gun ports on the lower decks of trading vessels (e.g trader's snow) are open when there is no armament on those decks.

    It would be more appropriate, in my opinion, for the ports in question to be closed.


    Also, maybe gun ports should be closed in the open world as well, because men of war of the time would rarely sail around with open gun ports before they had 'beat to quarters'



    • Like 3
  4. With the introduction of the open world battles and particularly the ability to escape a battle instance (run away), I believe the introduction of studding sails would be more relevant.


      Studding sails could be used to significantly increase your speed (although requiring much manpower to operate) when one is trying to escape a battle, or chasing/closing in on an enemy.


     I think studding sails should be implemented as a purchasable module for your vessels. Operating studding sails should also divert any crew from gunnery, survival etc.









    Any thoughts?

    • Like 3
  5. Hello all,


    Does anyone know if the devs have implemented, or intend to implement storm damage in both the open world and battles.

     If not, here are my suggestions on how it could be implemented:


     - Using too much sail in storms can result in damage to the sails (e.g tears and rips) and damage to the rigging (e.g de-masting). This would encourage more careful use of sails and manoeuvres in battles and, perhaps, bring more in-depth sail control to the open world.


    - When vessels are healing over intensely, due to using too much sail, or when you face larger waves at a dodgy angle (e.g side on) they could be flooded, using a mechanic similar to how leaks work in game. 


    - Reckless sailing in storms should, perhaps, result in you losing crew.


    - All this would be more relevant if the weather, sea conditions; time and setting in the battle instances match the conditions in the area of the OW where you have joined the battle.


    -Some kind of damage should be implemented in the OW too, because it would mean having more detailed sailing control and, perhaps, having to stay in port until a storm passes if you feel nervous about entering one.


    What are everyone's views, opinions and ideas on storms and storm damage?




    • Like 6
  6. I am aware that NA is not yet in a stage of development that could use this suggestion, but it is a thought for the future.

    It would be great if vessels had larger crews with dynamic movement. The crew could be doing tasks such as: furling sails, repairing, scrubbing the decks, loading guns and young midshipmen could be learning navigation. There could also be marine contingents that could engage the enemy with musket fire, or go ashore to raid a town or fort. These would enable some amazing animations (i.e: beat to quarters). It would also be good if the crews had authentic uniform. 


    Post pictures of crews in historical uniform for all relevant nations so we can build up a database.


    I had pictures of: British, French, Spanish, U.S, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Ottoman, Venetian and Austrian officers, sailors and marines, but it did not let me upload them. 


    Also post anything relevant.



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