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Posts posted by sharky0922

  1. Although units standing in front of  friendly units will prevent the rear brigade from firing. Cannons standing within a Brigade sphere of influence and to the front row will fire. Cannons directly behind a Brigade will NOT fire unless up on a hill a few degrees above the Brigade.


    I have 48 hours into this game and I have not ever seen friendly fire. I have even held my cannons fire until I used Canister Shot. Shot through my own Brigade and into the enemy Brigade. My Brigade took no damage but the enemy ran away afterwards.

    That would explain to me why often my art wont fire at any unit. Was wondering whats going in on, maybe bug? Cause it sure was in range and in Field Of Fire. 


  2. Yeah they are covered in game in very simplistic way. And?


    There's a realistic comparison.  No need to get all uppity about it and refer to a political party that eventually was responsible for genocide, or do you not know what that word "nazi" means? 


    I'm pointing out that you're adding elements that are already covered in the game.  Don't you think the condition bar handles "ammo"? 


    AS PER THE GAME RULES and how it was intended by the developers :


    "Your unit status is calculated dynamically. The summary of these parameters is visualized by their morale, condition (simulating fatigue and ammo replenishment), cover and reload bars in unit info panel. Unit status has an immense impact on a unit's performance and should always be considered when making decisions"


    Voilà!  I don't see a need to separate and micromanage something already covered and factored into the game by those that created it.  Do I think ammo and supply is important in strategy games like this?  Yes.  Do I think having direct sources for supply makes sense in a segmented time period battle game?  I do not.  I'm quite content with having to pull your men off the line once your condition is beat to crap to resupply.  You do feel the need to have the devs develop an entire AI strategy that's based around supply, wagons, and defending the supply sources instead of spending all their time towards the battle AI...and that's fine; we can agree to disagree.  I won't resort to comparing you to a mass murdering and genocidal faction though ;)


     Did anybody said it wasn't? Cant they be more advanced? Or is it forbidden forever?

    That's why Dev started this discussion to check if we want more complex supply system taken into account, or just at all.


    Yeah and I wanna see it in game.

    And I don't want to force it my way of thinking to anybody. So option  is crucial for me.


    Comparison wasn't realistic . But thank you for your sarcasm.

    It was over the top, but since we are from around the world, I used most recognizable and phased out regime

    to describe how ridiculous, in my opinion,  your "my way or highway" way of thinking.

    Or did I misunderstood you ? You wouldn't mind option?  Then I apologise straight away.
    If I used other one some people might not get it, or get offended by it since they are still regimes in power in some countries

    that they dont consider as totalitarian and I do.and whole mess would broke.. ANYWAY.

    Unfortunately to me I know too much about nazis and what they did in my country thank you for concern.



    When troops got a break they'd scour their muskets, and if time permitted pour boiling water down them (which is why units carried kettles into combat).




    :blink:  I would think quite opposite. Since from firing, any gun get hot. So usually you try to cool it ?


    So what was the normal  load Inf man would carry?  I see from you link what they would use on average or  was given on average , or I misunderstood it?

    "In perspective, this is a fairly high ammunition expenditure. 20 rounds per man was the expectation of a typical battle at the time."

    But what would be normal load man carry with him ? 20?

  3. Hi there, I'm a long time player of Darth mods and an happy to be able to finally purchase a title of yours. Also I hope that I can help out with some suggestions as time goes on.

    After just a little time playing a few things occurred to me in terms of possible improvements.

    Firstly, while playing the start of the battle as the confederates it is very difficult to advance your troops without having them overlap and cause friendly fire. I was thinking it would be very useful if there was a hotkey to see the arrangement of the troops at their final destination. Similar to the format in the total war games.

    Secondly is it possible to move units as a division rather then individually? As I said I have only just started in the game and this may already exist but I am not yet aware of it. Apologies if this is the case. What I am envisioning here is moving a division (rather than groups) in unison thereby keeping them correctly spaced and moving in tandem.

    Finally while the vision system is fantastic especially in terms of long range artillery fire it can be difficult to correctly place your guns with a good LOS if you can't correctly gauge the height of the destination. What if there were heights placed on the campaign map or possibly an overlay heightmap. I'm not sure how accurate the maps of the region were at the battle but some idea of height could be very useful.

    Anyway those are my ideas, happy to hear replies and other suggestions.

    Its already in the game If I understood you right hehe.

    Online guide, scroll 3/4 down and you find what you looking for :



    Hope that helps.

    • Like 1
  4.  When the map restarts itself as a continuation of the last battle and the units are in the same relative position, will they magically have ammo again?  

    How crazy is that during cease fire units can re-supply right ? And it can be done automatically? Wow , almost unheard off in any game before?

    You seriously asking that kind of questions?




    You said "run for the hills" yet my idea of having them retreat off the map is a bad idea?  What if you're against an edge of the map?

    It is.. cause they can retreat somewhere else on the map? Why they have to retread out of the map?? 

    Sure if unit have very high casualties it can retread out of the map. But that's already in the game.

    Arty and Cav is more likely to experience that. Didn't see that with Inf yet, but I'm guessing it possible.


    If they surrounded? Then sure , either run outside the map, or surrender. All make sense.  And? Where is your problem?


    But your idea is that unit that loses ammo cant go to second line, and HAVE to run out of the map?BUT WHY??? Hows that make any sense?

    They already running to the back if they get in bad shape, so what's wrong with that?


    Following this logic any unit that morale/condition  goes very low, or just panics should run out of the map too right? 

    So during battle  many brigades are in panic mode once or twice at least.. you would want them to run off too right? so you would  loose  majority of your brigades? 

    Cause units didn't flee position just to regroup X meters away...nooo.. 



     Would they just sit there ammo less and get shot at?


    Already answered that. Read my post again.



    You'd turn the game into having a goal of getting behind the enemy lines to block off their supply wagons while trying to somehow still have access to yours


    No..it doesn't. It would be part of it sure, but that's another challenge you have to face it.

    I give you example on other game that have supplies Wargame series. It rely heavily on supply.

    But it didn't change to  "hunt supply truck". People still play objective.

    Sure , getting somebody supply's or destroying trucks helps, and sometimes somebody is after you supplies. 

    But that's not only part of the game!! 

    That's the fun part about you have many angles to play scenario. 


    And it doesn't have to be another unit represented on map. It could be just one more square in unit description. With "Ammo" on it.

    Unit would get re-supply slowly/fast etc just like condition going back or morale. Viola...your problem is solved.  




    You people don't want it. But that's why I want it as a OPTION.

    I didn't said. Its a must, and everybody have to play with this feature.


    You want to have another layer of difficulty? Then you can switch it on. 

    You don't want to? Then switch it off, what is the problem?


    But instead you wanna go "nazi" way.. "nobody will have it cause I don't like it".

    What kind of narrow minded thinking is that? 


    Adding more features doesn't hurt a game. Especially in strategy genre. 

    Of course this all depends what kinda of game Dev wants to create. What's the overall plan?

    Which way he want to go? 


    I'm will use Ruse and Wargame as a example here. Very similar games.

    Both are using same type of play,  general concept, and same graphic engine.

    Of course with changes. But its stil IRISZOOM.


    Ruse very simplistic rts. Basic everything. Your usual point and click game.

    Build units, send them to battle, paper scissor rock strategy. 1 game made. 1 dlc.


    Wargame series, waaay more towards realism, many options, units, supplies.

    3 games in the series. And  6 DLC 's .


    So you tell me, what's more popular? Cause  other people know it already, and they decided.

    Again if it fits Dev. concept, and can be a option, then WHY NOT?

  5. Could Admin make on big sticky thread with changes list?
    And put all suggestions there, from different threads?, and wrote beside  - consider/wont be at all/ will be for sure/maybe if have time.

    Or something along those lines  :P

    So people wont have to repeat themselves and will know what to expect?





    1. UNIT BAR -  On right/left/bottom, your choice there should be unit bar. 
    Showing you current units available on the field. Divided properly by corps/division/ etc. 

    When double clicked upon it would moved you to that particular unit.

    Normal rts/strategy stuff.


    Now this  may be good and bad idea, depends what we  want to accomplish and which way this game is going.


    Its good idea, cause it helps you to know what exactly units you have atm. Makes checking them quicker. 
    If you know that you have Brigade X on resting , and you are busy looking after one part of the front,

    you dont need to scroll down to particular point of the map when your unit is placed to check it is it ready?

    You just hover to you unit bar and see their status.


    Bad idea.

    It would take bit of difficulty and realism out of the game.
    Wasting time on checking your units, its kinda realistic since HQ would have to send msg to brigade with question/order and it would take time


    So its two way sword.  Option/show hide button would solve this. Which I'm in favour in almost every aspect in every game.


    2. MINI MAP - I'm sure people already said that.  But here its again. 


    3. EAGLE EYE effect off - meaning switch off instant knowledge of enemy strength. Option. 

    Atm we know exactly how big of a force is facing your unit. For example : you facing Iron Brigade with 1334 trops. 
    That's in my opinion too revealing. It should be 1000-1500. Or something along those lines 

    But when enemy unit is more in your sight, it should slowly be more and more accurate. Still it cant be accurate until last digit!


    4. Supply Units (wagons) -  this part of ongoing thread about ammo/supply.

    But if it will be implemented , there should be  this extra unit. 

    And Inf. that is low on ammo, should go and resupply themselves. Calling for supply unit to move it towards them too.


    5. Contour Colours Change :

    A. Unit Colour Outlines

    B. Spider Web 



    A.  when you select Corp HQ all units under it get green outlines.

    Not sure if other people have this problem but I find it hard somtimes to distinguish which units are lit and which not,

    Especially when there is couple brigades around each other or passing. And with green background it really hard.

    So can we have it changed to other colour? Red? Or something more visible?


    B. Other idea would be , when HQ is selected there would be white circle around flag of the HQ , and  lines coming out of it to flags of his units.

    Animated line would be great. like its constantly moving towards units. Made from  "---...---...---..." I saw it somewhere million times but cant remember now when.

    It would be nice visual.


    6. Elevation Lines Improvement :

    A. Every second line with elevation number,

    B. Every 100 ft/m line is double thick.


    A. Sometimes in the heat of the battle is hard to find which is what and you need it to trace line back a bit to know what is higher or what is lower.

    It would help if we had elevation written on every line, or every second? 50/100/150. or whatever difference between them is.

    B. Every  100 feet , line would be twice as tick as normal one. Would help to estimate how big of ascent or descent, especially on sharp hills, without needing elevation numbers.


    7. Effective Roads

    Units moving faster on roads, losing less condition and so on.

    I'm sure somebody already said that.


    8. Commander Info Description:

    comander ifno

    I find it very intuitive the way its written in this format.

    Would prefer some other font for   "I corps - 2nd Division".than for name.

    Maybe bit bigger too? Separation from name?

     I always find myself to reading name first..no idea why, when i'm trying to assign brigades from one corps together .

    (especially when they are without HQ)


    9. Re-assign brigades from one Corps to another on the battlefield

    Was thinking the other day playing with two Corps, one had like 8 brigades , and other had 3, nearly depleted.

    Would it be good idea? Is historically accurate?

    I would like to see it from gamer point of view. Gives you more flexibility. Of course it ahve to be some limitations to that.

    Corps change cant be done asap, and unit in new corp wouldnt get as much under new general straight away like under the old one.

    If not this maybe another point.


    10. Units Management Before Another Battle.

    With every battle you gain more and more troops.  But can you manage them before battle?

    Can we split units? move brigades from corp to corps? With points acquired during previous battle we could resupply/replenish chosen units.

    That would be really cool idea. It would add another level of game play

    My poor visual attempt for screen in-between battles  :blink:

    army structure 2


    11.Splitting units in the battlefield.

    Saw somebody already proposed it.



    That's it for now!

    I already posted some of those ideas in separated threads. 

    If I used somebody else Idea, or very similar. Please let me know.

    I will edit this thread and credit you  ;)



    I apologise in advance if some of those features are technically

    very hard to do and require a lot of time or impossible to do.

    This is just ideas that I like to  see in  this game..or maybe other ?


    Sorry for my English. Its not my first language. (auto correction working hard hehe) 


    Now CHARGE!!!!

    • Like 2
  6. What will your units do when out of ammo? Surrender? Only be able to make unrealistic suicide charges? Can you retreat them from the map?


    And what units without ammo usually do? Run for the hills! or if they are surrounded..some fight their way thru, some surrender/or all ? Depending on situation. 

    If ordered hold the line no matter what they would hold it as  long their morale/condition allows it.

    Of course without ammo, morale would drops much faster and they would be easier to panic.

    Why would you want to retreat from the map??


    There should be warning icon if ammo drops to 10%/20%/X. So they wont shoot  that much or much slower rate, or only when attacked upon.

    After dropping to 0 they should retreat themselves (since they are semi-intelligent units), unless they have specific order to hold,  to the back or to supply point - wagons?

  7. Thank you for this explanation. 

    Still it would be nice to help out with this game, assuming there is need for help.


    This game kinda reminds of Unity Of Comand. Turn base but similar soft/cartoony graphics.

    And it was pretty easy to mod it too. But I didn't bother too dig too much. Since its waay to simplistic overall.


    I myself like to play rts/strategy games, and its not that much of them in these days!

    It really pains me to see same game done over and over without any improvements  whatsoever.

    So when I see indy dev. who tries something new I'm all for it!

  8. Oh yeah, but since you placed them so high on list people may think that is more important including me hehe.

    Here is my suggestion:


    Estimated enemy strength, not exact. Option. 
    Atm we know exactly how big of a force is facing your unit. For example : you facing Iron Brigade with 1334 trops. 
    Thats in my opinion too revealing. It should be 1200-1400. 

    But when enemy unit is more in your sight, it should slowly be more and more accurate.


    Of course I would prefer it as a option. So you could switch it on or not ;)

    • Like 1
  9. 2 and 9, 12..completely not need atm or in any near future. Last thing to do in my opinion, unless its 5 minute job?


    10 - what would happened with horses?

    What shorter rifle have to do with bonus? It would actually be quite opposite ..shorter rifle - less range/ less firepower.

    They dont need bonus, since they already have one - Horses, Manoeuvrability.

    I totally agree with the rest.

  10. This new speed is ok with me. I dont mind it at all.

    But then again Option in this matter would please everybody.


    I love this new  Elevation Map.. this explains a lot now, why my arty wasn't firing right.


    Not sure if its good idea but  could we have elevation number on every second line?

    Sometimes in the heat of the battle is hard to find which is what and you need it to trace line back a bit.

    It would help if we had elevation written on every line, or every second? 50/100/150. or whatever difference between them is.

    And every  100 feet , line would be twice as tick as normal one. 


    Still I find arty sometimes not firing at desired targets. I especially try to counter fire enemy batteries but they wont shoot at them.

  11. I think it should be here. Being without ammo and re-supplying ammo would be nice feature!

    How it would look like? New supply units on map? wagons? or automatically re-supply while on rest? 

    I guess it depends on technical side? How hard its to make it?


    But give us option!

    Some people wanna have this feature for bit more realism , some people dont.

    So make it optional! 

    I think it should be here. Being without ammo and re-supplying ammo would be nice feature!


    I like this game, have so much potential! 

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