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Posts posted by dagdriver

  1. 17 hours ago, admin said:

    Open world user interface 
    Port user interface
    Economy and upgrade rebalance
    Better boardaing

    3 of which will be deployed within 2 months.

     ranking that list in order of importance (1-most important 5-least important )

    4-Open world user interface 
    3-Port user interface
    2-Economy and upgrade rebalance
    1-Better boarding

  2. 7 hours ago, Juan Navarre said:

    There could be a arena style server where people just match up for combat, then after combat can immediately match up for another round of combat, thus avoiding the hassle of the OW altogether. Presumably the OW exists because someone thought that it would be fun for someone. I would have fun sailing in it if there was any sailing in it. I know others would as well.

    For those who just want immediate combat, and think that travelling in the OW is a waste of time, why mess around with an open world at all?  Why not just go from combat to combat, and leave the OW for people who will appreciate it?

    Yeah, well there were:.... NA: Legends..... unfortunately (and for various reasons) not enough players to convince Devs to keep it going.

  3. 9 hours ago, Glorgir said:

    Might be time to introduce treasure fleets for all nations.

    for example the French pay chests have to be escorted from Esteros to New Orleans, if they arrive safely the escorting Players receive a reward. If the fleet is attacked and captured the attackers receive the booty, could generate a lot of PVP, with different nations trying to get the treasure fleet, do you attack the fleet, or the attackers when the fleet is captured.

    With 11 nations on the map, These fleets could appear at regular  intervals but from and to random ports, and it is up to the Nation to provide an escort, the other nations could get wind of the fleet by capturing OW AI fleets of that Nation and reading the logs.

     Hope this is the sort of Thing you are thinking about.

    Yes, this! 

    And maybe expand on it. Maybe as a requirement to conquer a port, the attacker need to escort a fleet of troop transports to a specific location. Each transport lost underway reducing the chance of invasion success.

  4. well, lots of things that we could have.

    Like, why do we not have proper boarding mechanincs instead of the lame timed simultanous turnbased menu clicking?

    Why do we not have flags and pendants in OW?

    Why does the wind always turn the same stable 360degress circle?

    Why can we magically teleport crew to a ship far at sea?

    Why is Rum a magical reviving potion?


    (no do not bother to answer any of it... )


  5. Yea, well fine. game is 90% geared towards PvE, dont cry over PvP rewards, bla.bla.bla. etc.

    But from THIS casual players point of view, once again content has been locked behind hours of grinding. Grinding I do not have time to do. Getting decent ships from Combat marks was a neat way to quickly replace losses. Now I will have to make do with store bought junk.

    Yes friendly clan mates will help, but there is a limit to how many casuals the few dedicated players can carry.

    I have both a family and a full time job. I do not need NA to become the 2nd job.

    Sure You are the cool ELITE players, and everything is too easy. *clap* *clap* 

    Have fun.


    • Like 1
  6. Reading through all these posts, it seems to me that people want 2 or 3 different games, but we need to accept the fact that this cannot be squeezed into the same game.

    Question is what kind of game is Naval Action supposed to be?
    A PvP game with easy access to balanced PvP fights? - That sounds like "NA Legends" to me
    An RvR OW Game? - then forget about Balanced PvP fights. RvR OW is war, and War is about winning more than you lose - Wars are not won by fighting perfectly balanced gentleman fights.

    The only way you can mix balanced PvP with RvR mechiancs is to place some kind of pseudo "Clan Wars mechanics" on top of the PvP fight system - it cannot be done in Open World. ( I am thinking WoT clan wars here, but I have no idea how successfull that is/was)

    Everybody keeps talking about promoting PvP - but IMO the pure RvR OW game the RvR mechanics should be the reason for PvP
    Get RvR Open world mechanics right, and PvP will come, but rarely in perfectly balanced fights.
    Mechanics includes proper reward systems, so the Player needs to be rewarded for the win in porportion to the risk he takes, and the punishment for a loss may not be so severe that it becomes an obstacle too great to recover from (and the player leaves). 
    If there is a reason to fight, then people will fight. But do not expect it to be easy to find the perfect balanced fight just by hunting some area, and dont expect that anybody will just "pick up the gauntlet" and engage in a perfectly matched battle. But if there was an incentive - like a mission that needed to be accomplished, and a possibility for that mission to be reinforced, then interresting things could happen.

    Not an expert on the subject, but: Did the Red Baron patrol the western front randomly just to find single allied Aces? Probably not - I guess he must have been on patrol missions, or other specific missions, were he met - and defeated - those opponents ?

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, PYR said:

    Hey I am completely blocked half underwatter in open sae...... it is a bit as i had sunk .... if i log out it says that i am in open sea with the warning message... but when i log on back i am still in the same position with no way to interact with the boat (no tow option) and no info ... I AM STUCK!!!! please help :/


    same here.... takes forever to log in, then when it finally happens - this ^

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