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Posts posted by gimpygary

  1. Hello everyone, just thought id let you all know that Jingles has finally mentioned Naval Action in his weekly Mingles with Jingles video. So that means he will eventually be uploading video's on Naval Action as he progresses.


    wouldnt it be simpler just to post screenshots and such to 'other forums' you frequent?

    It very well could be simpler however I do not use any other forums frequently.

  2. I think instead of having ships have their historical names we should go with something simpler.


    (This picture is just an example of names, some are completely based on historical ships, others not so much(This is from Voyage Century Online, was a fun game that turned to shit with magic and cowboy dinosaurs))


    When the Devs get that far I think this is a much better option to having every 44 gun ship be the same(and other ships). 

    The Devs should make the ships basic and allow it to essentially to be a shell for the player to add upgrades and change their appearance how they want.

    Save the famous historical ships for premium ships and or add completely new ships you fella's have designed(as long as it is believable.)


    I understand that this is a long time away possibly years so this is just food for thought.

  3. Last week I was on Circon's Livestream when RAMJB went on and asked Jingles to have alook at Naval Action.


    Thats about the best way this promotion could happen and I am waiting for the video in wich he mentions the Naval Action game.


    So... The stone is already rolling. (If thats a good metapher)

    Did Jingle's acknowledge that he will check the game out? I feel like the best way to get his attention is to just email him and give him a test version to make a video with.

    I'm expecting him to open the video with some British Navy music while HMS Victory is sailing, then he starts talking all his navy speak.

  4. I agree. But you have to be careful with some of these guys. Some of them are so far up themselves and happy to give a game a right panning.

    One of my favourite games of all time War of the Roses got this treatment because it was too complex for the half wits who love call of duty.

    I hear what you are saying but if you watch Jingle's videos you will understand why I think he would enjoy the hell out of this game.

  5.  Topic title says it all folks, list ideas to help get Naval Action publicity and hopefully more people interested in buying the game.


    Anyway I have an great Idea for the developers It will cost absolutely no money on their part simply contact this man.


    The Mighty Jingleshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpnjlvS2zxhbNJuGNo_TxkQ


    - over 20 years in the Royal Navy

    - over 300,000 YouTube subscribers

    - Is open to promoting games he is interested in


    I am certain that he would be interested in this game. Not a compelling argument I know but all you need to do is spend 15 minutes tops 

    writing an email to what possibly could lead to great publicity for an excellent game. If he is not interested oh well you lost 15 min of time no big deal.






    If there is already a topic of this type I do apologize, I did not look very hard.

    • Like 1
  6. dont worry no one wants something like that here not even the devs


    there is no healthbars or anything other with numbers. please all stop comparing NA with these other pieces of floral.


    Friendly reminders don't hurt:)


    Maybe they don't have visible health bars/pool but I am sure each component of the ship can only take so many hits before being crippled, same with the hull and sinking. So in a way there is kinda a health bar somewhere.


    "other pieces of floral" Is that a typo or just an expression I have never heard?

  7. Great followup comment on how Premium Tanks in WoT work.  They're generally about average for their Tier.  You can do really well in them (like you can any tank) if you're good and know how to use them, but you'll still generally be outclassed by someone with similar skills to yours in a fully upgraded tank of the same tier.


    Premium vehicles are fine, but not if you get sunk and lose it for good.  Paying for a ship means it either needs to be really cheap and disposable, or something that you can insure or otherwise keep a large portion of the value if it gets sunk to avoid bad feelings amongst your customers, and it also needs to be slightly inferior to the fully in-game earned version that is similar to it.  The micro-transaction model and how it will be designed will depend very heavily on how "durable" ships are throughout usage and battles.



    I like your idea on maybe decrease overall premium ship durability.


    More ideas on premium ships


    Premium ships should be special in some way, maybe specialize in carrying cargo, or have a few extra guns, or maybe its just fast. Or a mix of them.

    Don't take an existing ship in game and slap on a currency booster, make it special, Maybe even make your own ship designs, I would be okay if it never existed.

    World of Tanks uses blueprints and prototypes maybe do that if possible, sure they didn't actually exist but the idea did.


    Make unique ships and add a permanent currency/xp booster to it and I guarantee they will sell even if they are expensive, just look at World of Tanks.

    Sure some people will be upset at the lack of authenticity of the premium ships but adding those would be a million times better than adding pay to win items/P2P



  8. Here are my thoughts

    1)Base game price $30.00 at launch, Pre-order is more because we are getting cool things and helping to bring up the game.

       -Person can obtain anything with in game currency.

       -person does not need to spend real money to experience anything in game.

       -no premium ques and no premium only places.

       -anyone can buy and sell at the auction house. no premium player advantages, no buy/sell limit.


    I honestly hate micro transactions and what they have done to the game industry but I understand that they can help small developers.


    2)Micro transaction items will only include: premium ships, and aesthetic things like clothes or sail color ect.

       -Monthly premium time will only give currency bonus and xp/labor bonus.

       -Premium ships can be used by non premium members and are sold for cash/premium currency.

       -Premium ships will give no unfair advantage over not premium ships/players in combat




    3)Premium ships should be modeled after World of Tanks premium tanks. 

       -Cool unique

       -Give players who use them increased earned currency in combat/trade

       -Premium ships range from small to large(Maybe no bigger than a 4th rate?)

       -Increased or decreased repair cost/time(not really sure which it should be)

       -Premium ships should obviously have their strengths but must also have weaknesses(Just because you paid 55 dollars for a tank in WoT doesn't make you good at the game, in fact most premium tanks are easy to kill and are driven by morons who do not know how to use game mechanics, I expect it to be the same in NA.)

       -I believe premium ships should be expensive to buy possibly upwards of 50$ for larger ships. You are pretty much buying a permanent gold increase and that should be expensive. Also people will buy them even if they are expensive.

       -Premium ships should be able to be defeated normally by non premium ships.


    4)Optional premium time to support the game

       -Maybe 10$

       -Have and EVE online system(PLEX) or ArcheAge system(Apex) both are pretty much the same.



    I maybe late to the party and probably have missed something but these are my thoughts so far, my apologies if I repeated a lot of what was previously said or if this is the wrong topic.


    Thanks for reading.



  9. ?? Im lost ? Do you mean to keep a player from--- a Name that is Racist , Sexually Perverse , or just Plain Wrong ??  Sure Im all for that.....


    Q  ??    Is my in game Name of CAPITAIN DUCKFART  (or DUCKPHART) going to be a Problem   :)


    To keep a player from having to many letters or symbols in his name--- I am also for that...this will keep a players Name Tag from blocking the whole screen.

    I just can't understand why you would want to name your character that.


    Besides the normal conventions of length of name, racist, sexist and foul language it should be left to the Admins to determine on a case by case basis. Getting too specific opens up the never ending battle of loophole management.


    And those sailing under the names like Captain Duckphart will have, by their choice of names, defined themselves and their attitude to the rest of the players. :P


    Its like the guy walking (shuffling?) down the street with his pants hanging so low he can barely walk. Those that will take him seriously  are probably walking around with their pants down too.

    I was talking about the people with dumb unrealistic names for instance like my name GimpyGary, not anything offensive and rule breaking. I hope the Admins ad naming conventions to each nation. Like traditional English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German names ect ect. 

    I do get your point tho. 

    • Like 1
  10. Forgive me if this was asked, but will the world be lively with NPC ships? Will there be trade routes countries use to interact with each other? or will players make up all the ships in the open sea?

    Will character creation be like eve online where you make a character and then you are just a picture for people to look at?

    Will there be naming conventions or will names like XiXSepherothXiX420BLZitXiX be acceptable?

    What will happen when my 20$ pre-order yacht gets destroyed, do I lose it forever?


    Again forgive me if these were asked already.



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